Data sessions schedule
Seminars on Social Interaction
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSV)
Fall 2021
All seminars will be held via Zoom.
16:00 (Sweden)
15:00 (UK)
18:00 (Turkey)
30 September, 2021
Rizwan-ul Huq, Mid-Sweden University
English-only policy and medium of classroom interaction: Exploring pedagogic practices of English-taught schools in Bangladesh
28 October, 2021
Ali Ghamdi, Newcastle University
Managing trouble in video-mediated English language classes and prioritizing progressivity
25 November, 2021
Suant Jane Sezgin, Sabancı University
English learners' group discussion exam interactions
16 December, 2021
Professor Eda Üstünel, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University
Sixteen years after ‘Why that, in that language, right now?’ (Reading session)
Base reading
1. EFL classroom code-switching - Chapter 2
2.Gafaranga, J., and M.-C. Torras. 2002. “Interactional Otherness: Towards a Redefinition of Codeswitching.” International Journal of Bilingualism 6: 1–22.
Focus reading
Üstünel, E., and P. Seedhouse. 2005. “Why That, in That Language, Right Now? Code-Switching and Pedagogical Focus.” International Journal of Applied Linguistics 15: 302–325.
Learning Objectives
- Identify CS sequences from an organizational perspective
- Describe teacher’s different ways of CS
Key Questions
1. How can the sequential framework be used to analyze bilingual classroom conversations?
2. What kind of prosodic elements can be used as evidence of marking different categories of CS from a CA perspective?
27 January, 2021
On the Shoulders of Interaction: Webinar on Teaching in English, Classroom Practices, and Methods.
First session: Conversation analysis in the wild
Time: 13:00 – 14.45 (UTC+1) [UK (12:00); Turkey (15:00)]
Speaker: Elizabeth Stokoe
Professor of Social Interaction, Loughborough University & Professor II, University of Southeastern Norway
Moderator: Rachel Allan
Second session: Vocabulary work in digital collaborative writing in the English language classroom
Time: 15:00 – 16.45 (UTC+1) [UK (14:00); Turkey (17:00)]
Speaker: Nigel Musk
Associate Professor in English, Department of Culture & Society, Linköping University
Moderator: Terry Walker
Alia Amir, Linköping University (and formerly) Mid Sweden University
CIHAT ATAR, Sakarya University
RIZWAN-UL HUQ, Mid Sweden University
Request for slot, more information
Alia Amir
Assistant Professor in English Linguistics
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSV)