Dissertation in Health Science with Eric Mulder

Fri 24 May 2024 10.00–13.00
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Welcome to a dissertation in health sciences with Eric Mulder. The title of the thesis is: "Identifying Risk Factors and Safety Strategies in Freediving through Physiological Research and Wearable Technology".

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After the public defence, there will be a mingle with light refreshments. If you want to participate, you must register no later than 19 May.


In my PhD project, I explored the physiological responses that occur during freediving, with a focus on identifying risk factors associated with hypoxia in the brain and loss of consciousness underwater (so-called blackout).

As a first step, a wearable device was developed that records diving depth, dive time, heart rate and oxygen saturation during freediving. Subsequently, studies were conducted, both under real-world diving conditions and in the laboratory, which identified how factors such as dive economy, diving depth and dive frequency interact for the overall risk of blackout.

The results emphasize the importance of tailored safety protocols, where technological innovations can play a central role for diving safety in the future.

Time: Friday 24 May at 10–13

Place: Room O213, Campus Östersund

Opponent: Professor Michael Axelsson

Supervisor: Professor Erika Schagatay

Participate in the dissertation digitally (via Zoom). The link will be open on 24 May from approximately 9.50 a.m.

Download the thesis  


The page was updated 5/3/2024