Edith Andresen
Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer
- Professional title: Senior Lecturer
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428684
- Email: edith.andresen@miun.se
- Room number: L308
- Location: Sundsvall
- Employed at the subject:
- Business Administration
- Research centers:
- The Centre for Research on Economic relations, CER
Research projects
Regional strategic networks for innovative business models
Business and Innovation Development for Enterprises (BID4E)
Societal Growth in Renewable Energy and Storage Innovation
Sustainable Community Building: From central Norrland to Europe's sparsely populated areas (HåSa)
Articles in journals
Chapters in books
Collections (editor)
Conference papers
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
Articles in journals
Andresen, E. (2021). Orchestrator’s interaction in hub-teams facilitating innovation network co-creation. Journal of business & industrial marketing, vol. 36: 9, pp. 1706-1718.
Lundberg, H. , Andresen, E. & Tornroos, J. (2016). Understanding network emergence after turbulent industrial relocation : A Swedish biorefinery initiative. European Management Journal, vol. 34: 5, pp. 475-483.
Andresen, E. , Lundberg, H. & Wincent, J. (2014). Processes in collaborative entrepreneurship : a longitudinal case study of how multiple actors exploit a radically new opportunity. The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, vol. 10: 4, pp. 713-726.
Roxenhall, T. & Andrésen, E. (2012). Affective, Calculative and Normative Commitment : An Assesment of Relationship. World Review of Business Research, vol. 2: 5, pp. 86-96.
Lundberg, H. & Andresen, E. (2012). Cooperation among companies, universities and local government in a Swedish context. Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 41: 3, pp. 429-437.
Andrésen, E. , Lundberg, H. & Roxenhall, T. (2012). Designing for commitment in regional strategic networks. Management Research Review, vol. 35: 6, pp. 531-552.
Gebert Persson, S. , Lundberg, H. & Andresen, E. (2011). Interpartner legitimacy in Regional Strategic Networks. Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 40: 6, pp. 1024-1031.
Chapters in books
Andresen, E. , Lidén, G. & Nyhlén, S. (2017). Skärningspunkter som grund. In Hållbarhetens många ansikter : samtal, forskning och fantasier. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 12-17.
Andresen, E. & Nyhlén, S. (2017). ”Sveriges största trygghetsboende” : hur hållbart är det.. In Hållbarhetens många ansikten : samtal, forskning och fantasier. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 21-29.
Andresen, E. , Braunerhjelm, L. & Roxenhall, T. (2015). Nära ekonomiska nätverksrelationer. In Trovärdighet och förtroende i ekonomiska relationer. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 201-217.
Andrésen, E. , Roxenhall, T. & Lundberg, H. (2011). Competence Development for Process Leaders in Networks. In Minor Communities and Natural and Cultural Heritage: an Asset or a Liability?. Milano : McGraw-Hill (COST Action C27 Sustainable Development Policies for Minor Deprived Urban Communities).
Andresen, E. , Bergman, A. & Hallén, L. (2011). Email as a Communication Strategy in a Regional Strategic Network. In Network strategies for regional growth. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 100-125.
Andresen, E. (2009). En akademisk samverkansarena och fem regionala strategiska nätverk. In Regionala strategiska nätverk i praktiken. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 123-136.
Collections (editor)
Andresen, E. (ed.) , Lidén, G. (ed.) & Nyhlén, S. (ed.) (2017). Hållbarhetens många ansikten - samtal, forskning och fantasier. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet 13).
Conference papers
Andresen, E. (2019). Orchestrator's interaction in hub-teams facilitating network co-creation : roles, capabilities and tensions. In Proceedings.
Nyhlén, S. , Olofsdotter, G. & Andresen, E. (2018). 70 is the new 20 : Positive ageing discourses in congregate housing. In Proceedings.
Andresen, E. , Björkqvist, O. & Stengard, A. (2018). Business network and corporate sustainability view on value co-creation as part of business model innovation : a case study of district heating companies in Sweden. In Proceedings.
Olofsdotter, G. & Andresen, E. (2018). You become lonely when you grow old – there is no escape from that : Analyzing intersections of ageing, safety and inequalities. In Proceedings.
Lundberg, H. , Andresen, E. & Gerbert Persson, S. (2017). Inter-organizational cooperation for intra-organizational strategic purposes. Paper presented at the GIKA 2017, Lisbon, June 28-30, 2017
Andresen, E. , Lundberg, H. & Öhman, P. (2016). Coopetition in a public/private context : A study of drivers, dynamics and outcomes in value-creation. Paper presented at the 32nd annual IMP conference, Poznan, Polen, 30 augusti-3 september, 2016
Andresen, E. & Lundberg, H. (2016). Networked co-opetitive business model innovation. In Proceedings.
Andresen, E. & Lundberg, H. (2015). Mobilizing private and public actors for network cooperation. Paper presented at the EISAM
Lundberg, H. , Andresen, E. & Gebert Persson, S. (2015). Resources and capabilities in intra and inter-organizational processes. In Proceedings.
Andresen, E. , Lundberg, H. , Medlin, .. & Törnroos, J. (2014). Actor and collective interests in emergent business creation : Two biofuel cases. In Proceedings.
Andresen, E. & Lundberg, H. (2014). Mobilizing private/public actors for intertwined business/societal reasons. In Proceedings.
Andresen, E. , Roxenhall, T. & Eklinder-Frick, J. (2014). Motivation, commitment and innovation : a study of the interpersonal perspective in two Swedish network formation processes. In Proceedings.
Andresen, E. , Roxenhall, T. & Eklinder-Frick, J. (2014). The impact of network structure on innovation ability : a study of network structure in sixteen strategic networks in Sweden. In Proceedings.
Andresen, E. , Gebert Persson, S. & Lundberg, H. (2012). Intra-organizational tensions as drivers for external relationship and network formations. Paper presented at the 28th Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Conference; Goa, India; 9-12 Dec 2012
Lundberg, H. , Gebert Persson, S. & Andresen, E. (2011). Taking charge : To improve the intraorganizational position by means of a regionalstrategic network among competitors. Paper presented at the 27th Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Conference
Lundberg, H. , Andersen, E. & Roxenhall, T. (2009). Commitment in regional strategic networks. Paper presented at the Anzmac 2009
Lundberg, H. & Andresen, E. (2009). Cooperation among Companies, Universities and Local Government : the Case of the Biorefinery of the Future. Paper presented at the IMP Asia 2009
Lundberg, H. & Andresen, E. (2009). The process of collective entrepreneurial action. Paper presented at the International Marketing and Purchasing, Marseilles 2009
Roxenhall, T. , Andrésen, E. & Lundberg, H. (2007). Experiences from two Swedish Policy-Implanted Strategic Networks : Performances, Activities and the Impact of Structural Factors. In ANZMAC 2007.
Andrésen, E. , Lundberg, H. & Roxenhall, T. (2007). Managerial challanges in regional development initiatives - a road to commitment : IMP Asia 2007.
Andrésen, E. & Lundberg, H. (2007). Networking in engineered and emergent Processes. In Proceedings of ANZMAC 2007. Dunedin, New Zeeland :
Lundberg, H. , Andrésen, E. & Boter, H. (2007). Policy-implanted strategic networks: : a potential arena for opportunity recognition and opportunity exploitation.
Lundberg, H. , Andrésen, E. & Boter, H. (2007). Recognizing and Exploiting Opportunities in Policy-Implanted Networks. In ANZMAC Conference 3-5 December 2007 University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Andrésen, E. & Lundberg, H. (2007). Regional development and networking: top-down or bottom-up. In Proceedings of the 23nd IMP Conference, 30.8.-1.9., 2007, Manchester (CD-ROM).
Andrésen, E. & Roxenhall, T. (2006). Designing strategic networks. In The 22nd IMP-conference in Milan, Italy 2006.
Andresen, E. , Bergman, A. & Hallén, L. (2006). The role of email communication in regional strategic networks: : Paper presented at the 22nd IMP conference, Milan, Italy.
Bergman, A. , Andresen, E. & Hallén, L. (2003). Electronic communication in strategic networks. In 19th Annual IMP Conference University of Lugano, Switzerland, 4th–6th September 2003.
Bergman, A. , Andresen, E. , Hallén, L. & Roxenhall, T. (2002). The use of information in strategic business networks.
Doctoral theses
Andresen, E. (2011). Dressed for success : designing and managing regional strategic networks. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2011 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 105)
Andresen, E. , Lundberg, H. & Roxenhall, T. (2014). Design för engagemang i regionala strategiska nätverk. Sundsvall : (Rapport / CER - Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer 3).
Gebert Persson, S. , Lundberg, H. & Andresen, E. (2012). Ömsesidig legitimitet i regionala strategiska nätverk. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet (Rapport / CER - Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer 2012:3).
Thyberg, E. , Andrésen, E. & Roxenhall, T. (2006). Regionalt processutvecklingsprogram och processtöd i Västernorrland. Härnösand : Länsstyrelsen i Västernorrland och Nutek (RTP Rapport 2/06).
Thyberg, E. , Andrésen, E. & Roxenhall, T. (2006). RTP Uppföljning av åtgärdsmål för insatsmorde 3 - Prioriterade Kluster och Innovationssystem. Härnösand : Länsstyrelsen Västernorrland