Edith Andresen

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer


Articles in journals

Andresen, E. (2021). Orchestrator’s interaction in hub-teams facilitating innovation network co-creation. Journal of business & industrial marketing, vol. 36: 9, pp. 1706-1718.  

Lundberg, H. , Andresen, E. & Tornroos, J. (2016). Understanding network emergence after turbulent industrial relocation : A Swedish biorefinery initiative. European Management Journal, vol. 34: 5, pp. 475-483.  

Andresen, E. , Lundberg, H. & Wincent, J. (2014). Processes in collaborative entrepreneurship : a longitudinal case study of how multiple actors exploit a radically new opportunity. The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, vol. 10: 4, pp. 713-726.    

Roxenhall, T. & Andrésen, E. (2012). Affective, Calculative and Normative Commitment : An Assesment of Relationship. World Review of Business Research, vol. 2: 5, pp. 86-96.

Lundberg, H. & Andresen, E. (2012). Cooperation among companies, universities and local government in a Swedish context. Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 41: 3, pp. 429-437.  

Andrésen, E. , Lundberg, H. & Roxenhall, T. (2012). Designing for commitment in regional strategic networks. Management Research Review, vol. 35: 6, pp. 531-552.  

Gebert Persson, S. , Lundberg, H. & Andresen, E. (2011). Interpartner legitimacy in Regional Strategic Networks. Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 40: 6, pp. 1024-1031.  

Chapters in books

Andresen, E. , Lidén, G. & Nyhlén, S. (2017). Skärningspunkter som grund. In Hållbarhetens många ansikter : samtal, forskning och fantasier. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 12-17.  

Andresen, E. & Nyhlén, S. (2017). ”Sveriges största trygghetsboende” : hur hållbart är det.. In Hållbarhetens många ansikten : samtal, forskning och fantasier. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 21-29.  

Andresen, E. , Braunerhjelm, L. & Roxenhall, T. (2015). Nära ekonomiska nätverksrelationer. In Trovärdighet och förtroende i ekonomiska relationer. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 201-217.

Andrésen, E. , Roxenhall, T. & Lundberg, H. (2011). Competence Development for Process Leaders in Networks. In Minor Communities and Natural and Cultural Heritage: an Asset or a Liability?. Milano : McGraw-Hill (COST Action C27 Sustainable Development Policies for Minor Deprived Urban Communities).

Andresen, E. , Bergman, A. & Hallén, L. (2011). Email as a Communication Strategy in a Regional Strategic Network. In Network strategies for regional growth. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 100-125.  

Andresen, E. (2009). En akademisk samverkansarena och fem regionala strategiska nätverk. In Regionala strategiska nätverk i praktiken. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 123-136.

Collections (editor)

Andresen, E. (ed.) , Lidén, G. (ed.) & Nyhlén, S. (ed.) (2017). Hållbarhetens många ansikten - samtal, forskning och fantasier. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet 13).  

Conference papers

Andresen, E. (2019). Orchestrator's interaction in hub-teams facilitating network co-creation : roles, capabilities and tensions. In Proceedings.

Nyhlén, S. , Olofsdotter, G. & Andresen, E. (2018). 70 is the new 20 : Positive ageing discourses in congregate housing. In Proceedings.

Andresen, E. , Björkqvist, O. & Stengard, A. (2018). Business network and corporate sustainability view on value co-creation as part of business model innovation : a case study of district heating companies in Sweden. In Proceedings.

Olofsdotter, G. & Andresen, E. (2018). You become lonely when you grow old – there is no escape from that : Analyzing intersections of ageing, safety and inequalities. In Proceedings.

Lundberg, H. , Andresen, E. & Gerbert Persson, S. (2017). Inter-organizational cooperation for intra-organizational strategic purposes. Paper presented at the GIKA 2017, Lisbon, June 28-30, 2017

Andresen, E. , Lundberg, H. & Öhman, P. (2016). Coopetition in a public/private context : A study of drivers, dynamics and outcomes in value-creation. Paper presented at the 32nd annual IMP conference, Poznan, Polen, 30 augusti-3 september, 2016

Andresen, E. & Lundberg, H. (2016). Networked co-opetitive business model innovation. In Proceedings.

Andresen, E. & Lundberg, H. (2015). Mobilizing private and public actors for network cooperation. Paper presented at the EISAM

Lundberg, H. , Andresen, E. & Gebert Persson, S. (2015). Resources and capabilities in intra and inter-organizational processes. In Proceedings.

Andresen, E. , Lundberg, H. , Medlin, .. & Törnroos, J. (2014). Actor and collective interests in emergent business creation : Two biofuel cases. In Proceedings.

Andresen, E. & Lundberg, H. (2014). Mobilizing private/public actors for intertwined business/societal reasons. In Proceedings.

Andresen, E. , Roxenhall, T. & Eklinder-Frick, J. (2014). Motivation, commitment and innovation : a study of the interpersonal perspective in two Swedish network formation processes. In Proceedings.

Andresen, E. , Roxenhall, T. & Eklinder-Frick, J. (2014). The impact of network structure on innovation ability : a study of network structure in sixteen strategic networks in Sweden. In Proceedings.

Andresen, E. , Gebert Persson, S. & Lundberg, H. (2012). Intra-organizational tensions as drivers for external relationship and network formations. Paper presented at the 28th Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Conference; Goa, India; 9-12 Dec 2012

Lundberg, H. , Gebert Persson, S. & Andresen, E. (2011). Taking charge : To improve the intraorganizational position by means of a regionalstrategic network among competitors. Paper presented at the 27th Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Conference

Lundberg, H. , Andersen, E. & Roxenhall, T. (2009). Commitment in regional strategic networks. Paper presented at the Anzmac 2009

Lundberg, H. & Andresen, E. (2009). Cooperation among Companies, Universities and Local Government : the Case of the Biorefinery of the Future. Paper presented at the IMP Asia 2009

Lundberg, H. & Andresen, E. (2009). The process of collective entrepreneurial action. Paper presented at the International Marketing and Purchasing, Marseilles 2009

Roxenhall, T. , Andrésen, E. & Lundberg, H. (2007). Experiences from two Swedish Policy-Implanted Strategic Networks : Performances, Activities and the Impact of Structural Factors. In ANZMAC 2007.

Andrésen, E. , Lundberg, H. & Roxenhall, T. (2007). Managerial challanges in regional development initiatives - a road to commitment : IMP Asia 2007.

Andrésen, E. & Lundberg, H. (2007). Networking in engineered and emergent Processes. In Proceedings of ANZMAC 2007. Dunedin, New Zeeland :

Lundberg, H. , Andrésen, E. & Boter, H. (2007). Policy-implanted strategic networks: : a potential arena for opportunity recognition and opportunity exploitation.

Lundberg, H. , Andrésen, E. & Boter, H. (2007). Recognizing and Exploiting Opportunities in Policy-Implanted Networks. In ANZMAC Conference 3-5 December 2007 University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Andrésen, E. & Lundberg, H. (2007). Regional development and networking: top-down or bottom-up. In Proceedings of the 23nd IMP Conference, 30.8.-1.9., 2007, Manchester (CD-ROM).

Andrésen, E. & Roxenhall, T. (2006). Designing strategic networks. In The 22nd IMP-conference in Milan, Italy 2006.

Andresen, E. , Bergman, A. & Hallén, L. (2006). The role of email communication in regional strategic networks: : Paper presented at the 22nd IMP conference, Milan, Italy.

Bergman, A. , Andresen, E. & Hallén, L. (2003). Electronic communication in strategic networks. In 19th Annual IMP Conference University of Lugano, Switzerland, 4th–6th September 2003.

Bergman, A. , Andresen, E. , Hallén, L. & Roxenhall, T. (2002). The use of information in strategic business networks.

Doctoral theses

Andresen, E. (2011). Dressed for success : designing and managing regional strategic networks. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2011 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 105)  


Andresen, E. , Lundberg, H. & Roxenhall, T. (2014). Design för engagemang i regionala strategiska nätverk. Sundsvall : (Rapport / CER - Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer 3).  

Gebert Persson, S. , Lundberg, H. & Andresen, E. (2012). Ömsesidig legitimitet i regionala strategiska nätverk. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet (Rapport / CER - Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer 2012:3).  

Thyberg, E. , Andrésen, E. & Roxenhall, T. (2006). Regionalt processutvecklingsprogram och processtöd i Västernorrland. Härnösand : Länsstyrelsen i Västernorrland och Nutek (RTP Rapport 2/06).

Thyberg, E. , Andrésen, E. & Roxenhall, T. (2006). RTP Uppföljning av åtgärdsmål för insatsmorde 3 - Prioriterade Kluster och Innovationssystem. Härnösand : Länsstyrelsen Västernorrland

The page was updated 5/7/2021