Christina Grewell



Chapters in books

Grewell, C. (2022). Hur är elever delaktiga i, och har inflytande på, fritidshemmets fysiska lärmiljö?. In Barn i fritidshem. Stockholm : Liber. pp. 61-75.

Grewell, C. & Boström, L. (2020). Fritidshemmet lokaler och materiella resurser i relation till verksamhetens kvalitet. In Betänkande av Utredningen om fritidshem och pedagogisk omsorg : Stärkt kvalitet och likvärdighet i fritidshem och pedagogisk omsorg. Stockholm : Norstedts Juridik AB (SOU 2020:34). pp. 493-516.

Conference papers

Grewell, C. & Haglund, B. (2023). Childrens’ and Staffs perspectives on premises in Swedish school-age educare centres. Paper presented at the Extended Education conference 2023, “Between School and Recreation – Quality in Extended Education”, Bern University of Teacher Education, Bern, Switzerland, September 6th–9th, 2023  

Grewell, C. (2021). Children’s perspectives on premises and material resources in Swedish School-Age Educare Centres. In Educare, after-school programs and civically engaged students.

Grewell, C. (2020). Pedagogical quality in School-Age Educare Centres in relation to their premises and material learning environments. In NERA 2020 Rethinking the futures of education in the Nordic countries.

The page was updated 5/7/2021