The subject of Education, which in Swedish is referred to as “Pedagogik”, studies knowledge and learning related to the upbringing of children, education, instruction, and reproduction of norms and cultural values within a social context.
The purpose is, among other things, to support and guide persons in professions where such issues are central.
The major task of Education is to describe, understand and explain processes such as upbringing, education, instruction, learning, care and reproduction of norms and cultural values within a social context. Processes which have an impact on the behaviour of the participants take place in schools, but also in other educational and socializing contexts such as upbringing of children, staff administration, treatment and information within health care, training and competition in sport, and marketing. The common denominator is that these processes contribute to cognitive and behavioural changes of students, children, customers, patients, athletes and spectators as well as consumers. Research and development oriented work in the field of Education at Mid Sweden University deals with technology-enhanced learning and digitalisation, teachers learning, students reading and writing, school improvement and leadership in schools, evaluation of education, as well as instruction and processes of understanding in teaching.
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Employees at the subject education