Christina Grewell
Doktorand|Doctoral Student
- Professional title: Doctoral Student
- Academic title: Doctoral Student
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428120
- Email:
- Visitor address: D-huset Campus Sundsvall
- Room number: D341
- Location: Sundsvall
- Department:
- Department of Education (UTV)
Research projects
Possibilities and limitations in School Age Educare Centres physical learning environment
Chapters in books
Conference papers
Chapters in books
Grewell, C. (2022). Hur är elever delaktiga i, och har inflytande på, fritidshemmets fysiska lärmiljö?. In Barn i fritidshem. Stockholm : Liber. pp. 61-75.
Grewell, C. & Boström, L. (2020). Fritidshemmet lokaler och materiella resurser i relation till verksamhetens kvalitet. In Betänkande av Utredningen om fritidshem och pedagogisk omsorg : Stärkt kvalitet och likvärdighet i fritidshem och pedagogisk omsorg. Stockholm : Norstedts Juridik AB (SOU 2020:34). pp. 493-516.
Conference papers
Grewell, C. & Haglund, B. (2023). Childrens’ and Staffs perspectives on premises in Swedish school-age educare centres. Paper presented at the Extended Education conference 2023, “Between School and Recreation – Quality in Extended Education”, Bern University of Teacher Education, Bern, Switzerland, September 6th–9th, 2023
Grewell, C. (2021). Children’s perspectives on premises and material resources in Swedish School-Age Educare Centres. In Educare, after-school programs and civically engaged students.
Grewell, C. (2020). Pedagogical quality in School-Age Educare Centres in relation to their premises and material learning environments. In NERA 2020 Rethinking the futures of education in the Nordic countries.