Erik Grönlund

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer


Environmental Science
Environmental Engineering
Ecological Engineering
Municipality ecologist at Sala kommun
Water Framework Directive Handling officer at Jämtland County Administration

Area of interest

Systems ecology
Society’s metabolism embedded in the biosphere’s metabolism (EMMI)
Systems sustainability assessment
Methods to assess sustainability and sustainable development
Emergy analysis
Ecological engineering
CCS/BECCS with microalgae and wastewater

Teaching and tutoring

Ecological Engineering (MÖ024G,MÖ037G)
Methodology in a Systems Perspective (MX003A)
Energy and material flows (MÖ022A)
Sustainable development (MX023G)
Ecological Economics (MX040G)


Articles in journals

Driessen, E. & Grönlund, E. (2024). Circular concrete scenarios and their environmental impacts : A life cycle assessment modelled after a Swedish city. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 485  

Mauerhofer, V. , Englund, O. , Grönlund, E. , Haller, H. , Jonsson, B. & van den Brink, P. (2021). Environmental net-gain governance : Global implementation challenges. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 321  

Grönlund, S. E. (2019). Indicators and methods to assess sustainability of wastewater sludge management in the perspective of two systems ecology models. Ecological Indicators, vol. 100: May 2019, pp. 45-54.  

Grönlund, E. , Billgren, C. , Tonderski, K. S. & Raburu, P. O. (2017). Emergy Assessment of a Wastewater Treatment Pond System in the Lake Victoria Basin. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, vol. 5: 1, pp. 11-26.  

Grönlund, E. , Fröling, M. & Carlman, I. (2015). Donor values in emergy assessment of ecosystem services. Ecological Modelling, vol. 306, pp. 101-105.  

Carlman, I. , Grönlund, E. & Longueville, A. (2015). Models and methods as support for sustainable decision-making with focus on legal operationalisation. Ecological Modelling, vol. 306, pp. 95-100.  

Grönlund, E. (2012). The Recovery of Two Polluted Subarctic Lakes—Towards Nutrient Management or a Pristine State?. Water, vol. 4: 4, pp. 793-814.    

Grönlund, E. , Hanaeus, J. , Johansson, E. & Falk, S. (2010). Performance of an Experimental Wastewater Treatment High-Rate Algal Pond in Subarctic Climate. Water environment research, vol. 82: 9, pp. 830-839.  

Hanæus, J. , Grönlund, E. & Johansson, E. (2010). Seasonal Operation of Ponds for Chemical Precipitation of Wastewater. Journal of cold regions engineering, vol. 24: 4, pp. 98-111.  

Grönlund, E. , Johansson, E. , Hanaeus, J. & Falk, S. (2004). Seasonal microalgae variation in a subarctic wastewater stabilization pond using chemcial precipitation. Vatten, vol. 60: 4, pp. 239-249.

Grönlund, E. , Klang, A. , Falk, S. & Hanaeus, J. (2004). Sustainability of wastewater treatment with microalgae in cold climate, evaluated with emergy and socio-ecological principles. Ecological Engineering, vol. 22: 3, pp. 155-174.  

Grönlund, E. , Falk, S. & Hanaeus, J. (2002). Produktiv rening med mikroalger i kallt klimat. Vatten, vol. 58, pp. 251-258.

Grönlund, E. , Falk, S. & Hanaeus, J. (2001). Use of microalgae in wastewater treatment in cold climate. Vatten, vol. 57, pp. 135-145.

Chapters in books

Eliasson, A. & Grönlund, E. (2023). SDG interactions from a regional perspective : a case study from Sweden. In Interlinkages between the Sustainable Development Goals. Cheltenham, United Kingdom : Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 259-278.  

Grönlund, E. (2016). Emergy and sustainability. In Society's steering systems – a Friend book to Inga Carlman. Östersund : Mid Sweden University. pp. 113-122.

Skytt, T. , Nors Nielsen, S. , Grönlund, E. & Fröling, M. (2016). Involvement of Advanced Level Students Using Ecological Modelling in Research About Regional Sustainability. In Engaging Stakeholders in Education for Sustainable Development at University Level. Springer (World Sustainability Series). pp. 145-162.  

Grönlund, E. (2014). Sustainable wastewater treatment. In Handbook of Engineering Hydrology : Environmental Hydrology and Water Management. CRC Press. pp. 387-400.

Karlsson, L. & Grönlund, E. (2002). Ecological Footprints. In Ecosystem properties and principles of living systems as foundation for sustainable agriculture - : Critical reviews of environmental assessment tools, key findings and questions from a course process.. Uppsala : Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (Ekologiskt lantbruk). pp. 80-.

Grönlund, E. & Ekbladh, G. (2002). Emergy analysis. In Ecosystem properties and principles of living systems as foundation for sustainable agriculture : critical reviews of environmental assessment tools, key findings and questions from a course process. Uppsala : Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (Ekologiskt lantbruk).

Collections (editor)

Grönlund, E. (ed.) & Longueville, A. (ed.) (2016). Samhällets styrsystem – en vänbok till Inga Carlman. Östersund : Mid Sweden University

Conference papers

Driessen, E. , Burdová, N. & Grönlund, E. (2022). An urban metabolism approach to sustainability in the city of Östersund, Sweden. Paper presented at the Sustainable Development and Courage: Culture, Art and Human Rights, The 28th Annual Conference, International Sustainable Development Research Society, 15-17 June, Stockholm, 2022  

Grönlund, E. (2022). Biodiversity viewed from three sustainability models, and two systems ecology textbooks. Paper presented at the Sustainable Development and Courage: Culture, Art and Human Rights, The 28th Annual Conference, International Sustainable Development Research Society, Stockholm, 15-17 June, 2022  

Eliasson, A. & Grönlund, E. (2021). Degrowth – characteristic elements and strategies. In Accelerating the progress towards the 2030 SDGs in times of crisis. Östersund : . pp. 1108--1124.  

Grönlund, E. (2021). Emergipublikationer med anknytning till Skandinavien 1994-2020. In Proceedings from the 3rd Scandinavian Emergy Symposium, 1 March, 2021, Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden. Östersund : . pp. 41--49.

Eliasson, A. & Grönlund, E. (2021). Identifying synergies and trade-offs for regional sustainability in Jämtland Härjedalen. In Accelerating the progress towards the 2030 SDGs in times of crisis. Östersund : . pp. 1831--1846.  

Grönlund, E. , Burdová, N. , Hedin, D. & Moran, E. (2021). Metabolism analysis compared with emergy analysis. In Proceedings from the 3rd Scandinavian Emergy Symposium, 1 March, 2021, Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden. Östersund : . pp. 27--29.

Grönlund, E. & Burdová, N. (2021). Metabolism analysis of Östersund – some emergy aspects. In Proceedings from the 3rd Scandinavian Emergy Symposium, 1 March, 2021, Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden.. pp. 31--34.

Grönlund, E. (2021). Pulsing and sustainability. In Accelerating the progress towards the 2030 SDGs in times of crisis. Östersund : . pp. 3--3.

Grönlund, E. & Eliasson, A. (2021). The Doughnut economy and emergy. In Proceedings from the 3rd Scandinavian Emergy Symposium, 1 March, 2021, Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden. Östersund : . pp. 19--23.

Grönlund, E. (2021). Theory home of different environmental and sustainability assessment methods. In Accelerating the progress towards the 2030 SDGs in times of crisis. Östersund : . pp. 33--46.  

Paschali, E. & Grönlund, E. (2020). Assessing Water Sustainability in Cyprus. Paper presented at the The 26th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference, Sustainability in Transforming Societies, [DIGITAL], 15-17 July, 2020, Budapest, Hungary

Grönlund, E. (2020). Emergipublikationer med anknytning till Skandinavien 1994-2019. In Proceedings from the 2nd Scandinavian Emergy Symposium. Östersund : . pp. 59--66.  

Grönlund, E. (2020). Emergy accounting in sustainability assessment. Paper presented at the The 26th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference, Sustainability in Transforming Societies, [DIGITAL], 15-17 July, 2020, Budapest, Hungary

Paschali, E. & Grönlund, E. (2020). Emergy and water : findings from Cyprus’ and Sweden’s water balances. In Proceedings from the 2nd Scandinavian Emergy Symposium. Östersund : . pp. 27--29.  

Hedin, D. & Grönlund, E. (2020). Emergy on different scales : the case study Norderön – Jämtland – Sweden. In Proceedings from the 2nd Scandinavian Emergy Symposium. Östersund : . pp. 53--55.  

Grönlund, E. (2020). Emergy view on sustainability compared to environmental science textbooks’ views on sustainability. In Proceedings from the 2nd Scandinavian Emergy Symposium. Östersund : . pp. 35--55.  

Grönlund, E. (2020). Oväntat olika värden på energi jämfört med emergi från månen och jordens inre. In Proceedings from the 2nd Scandinavian : Emergy Symposium. Östersund : . pp. 57--58.  

Grönlund, E. , Barthelson, M. & Englund, A. (2020). The creation of independent, problem solving students - the pedagogic legacy of Dr. Lars Thofelt in sustainability teaching at Mid Sweden University. In Education with Sustainability 2020 : August 13th 2020, Mid Sweden University, Sweden. Sundsvall and Östersund :

Grönlund, E. (2020). What did students find when looking for sustainability paradigms?. In Education with Sustainability 2020 : August 13th 2020, Mid Sweden University, Sweden. Sundsvall and Östersund :

Paschali, E. & Grönlund, E. (2019). Cyprus Sustainability Assessment: Can models help?. Paper presented at the The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2019, 1st - 5th October 2019, Salzburg, Austria

Grönlund, E. (2019). Different modelling approaches to address sustainability with emergy accounting. Paper presented at the The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2019, 1st - 5th October 2019, Salzburg, Austria

Grönlund, E. (2019). Emergi och miljömål. In Emergy Scandinavia 2019 : Assessing both Nature and Society. Östersund : . pp. 41--48.  

Grönlund, E. & van den Brink, P. (2019). Emergi som kompletterande indikator till CLD-modellering av miljömålen ifjällandskapet. In Emergy Scandinavia 2019 : Assessing both Nature and Society. Östersund : . pp. 39--40.  

Grönlund, E. (2019). Emergipublikationer med anknytning till Skandinavien 1994-2018. In Emergy Scandinavia 2019 : Assessing both Nature and Society. Östersund :  

Grönlund, E. (2019). Handelsutbyte – emergi inkluderar ekosystemtjänsterna?. In Emergy Scandinavia 2019 : Assessing both Nature and Society. Östersund : . pp. 51--54.  

Zimmerman, J. K. M. , Grönlund, E. & van den Brink, P. (2019). Is Astacology Environmental Science?. In Book of abstracts. : IAA Gotland 2019 Crayfish Conference.

Grönlund, E. (2019). Norrland vs. Mälardalen – vafan får vi för pengarna?. In Emergy Scandinavia 2019 : Assessing both Nature and Society. Östersund : . pp. 55--57.  

Grönlund, E. & van den Brink, P. (2019). What to include in carbon budget models in Swedish forests?. Paper presented at the The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2019, 1st - 5th October 2019, Salzburg, Austria

Grönlund, E. (2019). Why is emergy so difficult to explain to my environmental science friends?. In Emergy Scandinavia 2019 : Assessing both Nature and Society. Östersund : . pp. 27--38.  

van den Brink, P. & Grönlund, E. (2018). Differences in cultural context as an educational tool understanding differences in values of Ecosystem Services. Paper presented at the 1st international Education with Sustainability conference, Sligo, Ireland, August 20-22, 2018

Fröling, M. , Tellström, S. , Edholm, J. , Van den Brink, P. , Longueville, A. & Grönlund, E. (2016). Appearances of Ecosystem Services in Environmental Impact Assessment - learnings from two Swedish case studies. In Proceedings of Linnaeus Eco-Tech 2016 : The 10th International Conference on the Establishment of Cooperation between Companies and Institutionsin the Nordic Countries, the Baltic Sea Region and the World..

Tellström, S. , Fröling, M. , Grönlund, E. & van den Brink, P. (2016). Ecosystem Service Assessment of Measures to Mitigate Small-scale Hydropower Ecological Impact. In Proceedings of 22nd International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 13 – 15 July 2016.    

Grönlund, E. & Fröling, M. (2016). Emergy as a measure to assess sustainability. In Ecological sustainability : Engineering change.

Grönlund, E. & Fröling, M. (2016). Emergy as a measure to assess sustainable development. In Proceedings of 22nd International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 13 – 15 July 2016.  

Grönlund, E. & Fröling, M. (2016). Emergy in the new systems ecology. In Ecological sustainability : Engineering change.

Grönlund, E. (2016). Methods to assess sustainability of sludge management. Paper presented at the HSM2016, 2nd IWA Conference on Holistic Sludge Management, June 7-9, 2016, Malmö, Sweden  

Grönlund, E. & Fröling, M. (2016). The use of emergy accounting to assess progress in sustainable urban and regional development. In Valuing and Evaluating Creativity for Sustainable Regional Development : Book of abstracts. Östersund : . pp. 219--221.

Skytt, T. , Nielsen, S. N. , Ståhl, F. , Jonsson, A. , Grönlund, E. , Carlman, I. & Fröling, M. (2015). A strategic tool to find out regional sustainability methodologies helpingindividuals to make long term decisions. In Proceedings of Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption, Barcelona Sitges, November 1-4, 2015.

Fröling, M. , Grönlund, E. , Hjortsberg, S. , Jönsson, J. , Lindblom, E. , Scheffer, L. , Söderberg, K. & Theorell, L. (2015). Bio-CCS - a model based case study from the mid Sweden region. In Proceedings of Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption, Sitges Barcelona, November 1-4, 2015.

Skytt, T. , Nors Nielsen, S. , Grönlund, E. & Fröling, M. (2015). Ecological systems modelling of regional sustainability. Paper presented at the 4th European Fair on Education for Sustainable Development Hamburg (Germany), Sept 10-11,2015

Grönlund, E. , Fröling, M. & Skytt, T. (2015). Energy, Emergy and the City. Paper presented at the Energy and Urban Systems. 9th Biennial International Workshop Advances in Energy Studies, Stockholm 4-7 May, 2015

Fröling, M. , Grönlund, E. & Carlman, I. (2015). From environmental problems to sustainable development and towards resilience : Development over time of a university program inenvironmental science aiming for action competences. Paper presented at the 8th World Environmental Education Congress – WEEC 2015 Planet and People - how can they develop togehter?, Göteborg, Sweden, Juni 29 - Juli 2 2015    

Skytt, T. , Nielsen, S. N. , Grönlund, E. , Ståhl, F. , Jonsson, A. , Carlman, I. & Fröling, M. (2015). Interdisciplinary Cooperation And System Modelling As Means To Govern The Anthropocene. In Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences.  

Grönlund, E. & Carlman, I. (2014). A systems ecology view on sustainable wastewater treatment. Paper presented at the Linnaeus ECO-TECH 2014, Kalmar, Sweden, November 24-26, 2014

Grönlund, E. (2014). Different perceptions of the relation man vs. nature viewed by different applications of the ecosystem concept. Paper presented at the NIES X / ECOHUM Research Symposium, Rethinking Environmental Consciousness, Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, 5–8 December 2014, 2014

Grönlund, E. , Englund, A. , Barthelson, M. & Fröling, M. (2014). Ecotechnics/Ecotechnology in Östersund – 30 years of entrepreneurship focused education. Paper presented at the Linnaeus ECO-TECH 2014, Kalmar, Sweden, November 24-26, 2014  

Grönlund, E. , Fröling, M. & Carlman, I. (2014). Ecotechnology at Mid Sweden University – 30 years of Education in Environmental Consciousness and Entrepreneurship. Paper presented at the NIES X / ECOHUM Research Symposium, Rethinking Environmental Consciousness, Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, 5–8 December 2014, 2014

Grönlund, E. , Barthelson, M. , Englund, A. , Carlman, I. , Fröling, M. , Jonsson, A. & van den Brink, P. (2014). Ekoteknik (Ecotechnics / Ecotehcnology) – 30 Years of Experience in Interdiciplinery Education. In Proceedings of the 20th International Sustainable Development Research Conference Trondheim 18-20 June 2014 : Resilience – the new research frontier. Trondheim : . pp. 17--21.    

Fröling, M. , Grönlund, E. , Kuul, I. , Longueville, F. & Berg, C. (2014). Pre Study of CCS for a Bio Fueled CHP Plant. In Proceedings from the 14th International Symposium on District Heating and CoolingSeptember, 6-10, 2014, Stockholm, SWEDEN.. pp. 511--514.    

Grönlund, E. & Fröling, M. (2014). The use of Emergy to assess sustainable development. In Proceedings of the 20th International Sustainable Development Research Conference Trondheim 18-20 June 2014 : Resilience – the new research frontier. Trondheim :

Grönlund, E. & Fröling, M. (2014). Wastewater Treatment and Recycling with Microalgae in Cold Climate. In Proceedings of the 20th International Sustainable Development Research Conference Trondheim 18-20 June 2014 : Resilience – the new research frontier. Tronheim : . pp. 317--324.    

Grönlund, E. , Fröling, M. & Carlman, I. (2013). Donor values in emergy assessment of ecosystem services. Paper presented at the Ecological Modelling for Ecosystem Sustainability in the context of Global Change, 19th biennial ISEM Conference, 28-31 October 2013, Toulouse, France

Fröling, M. & Grönlund, E. (2013). Ecosystem services in evaluating value chains when moving toward a bio based society. Paper presented at the Ecological Modelling for Ecosystem Sustainability in the context of Global Change, 19th biennial ISEM Conference, 28-31 October 2013, Toulouse, France

Longueville, A. , Carlman, I. , Fröling, M. & Grönlund, E. (2013). Ecosystem Services Supporting Decision Making in Environmental Impact Assessments. Paper presented at the Ecological Modelling for Ecosystem Sustainability in the context of Global Change (19th biennial ISEM Conference)

Grönlund, E. , van den Brink, P. & Carlman, I. (2013). Emergy as an additional indicator in a model of integrated management of the human-environmental system of reindeer herding. Paper presented at the Ecological Modelling for Ecosystem Sustainability in the context of Global Change, 19th biennial ISEM Conference, 28-31 October 2013, Toulouse, France

van den Brink, P. , Grönlund, E. & Fröling, M. (2013). How to characterize three different types of Swedish ecosystems depending on natural or anthropogenic regimes?. Paper presented at the Ecological Modelling for Ecosystem Sustainability in the context of Global Change, Toulouse, France 2013

Barthelson, M. , Fröling, M. & Grönlund, E. (2013). Linking ecological and economical progress at micro level by Nature-Economy (SDR) model.. Paper presented at the The 19th biennial ISEM Conference - Ecological Modelling for Ecosystem Sustainability in the context of Global Change - Toulouse, France, 28th to 31st October 2013.    

Carlman, I. , Longueville, A. & Grönlund, E. (2013). Models and methods as support for sustainable decision-making. Paper presented at the The 19th biennial ISEM Conference - Ecological Modelling for Ecosystem Sustainability in the context of Global Change

Carlman, I. , Grönlund, E. & Longueville, A. (2013). Where did requirements for alternatives in EIA go?. Paper presented at the The 33rd Annual Conference Of The International Association For Impact Assessment - Impact Assessment The Next Generation

Grönlund, E. , Hedin, D. & Fröling, M. (2012). Ecosystem services evaluated using emergy methodology. Paper presented at the Planet under Pressure 2012, London March 26-29    

Fröling, M. , Fakhari Rad, M. & Grönlund, E. (2012). Ecosystem services tradeoffs when striving twoards a biobased future [Eco-Tech'12]. In Proceedings of ECO-TECH 2012, 26-28 November, Kalmar, Sweden.  

Fakhari Rad, M. , Fröling, M. & Grönlund, E. (2012). Including Ecosystem Services in Sustainability Assessment of Forest Biofuels. In World Bioenergy 2012 Proceedings.. pp. 75--78.    

Fakhari Rad, M. , Fröling, M. & Grönlund, E. (2012). More forest biofuels from Jämtland - ecosystem services tradeoffs. In Ecosystem Services - From policy to practice.

Grönlund, E. (2011). A holistic socioecological systems approach at the regional level – the EMPI (EMMI). In Proceedings from the 55th International System Science Society conference, 17-23 July 2011, Hull, United Kingdom.

Grönlund, E. & Salomonsson, M. (2009). Ecosystem services in relation to the local renewable emergy sources – experiences from a case study in Northern Sweden. In Emergy Synthesis 5 : Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Gainesville, Florida, USA :

Grönlund, E. , Hedin, D. & Eriksson, P. (2009). Is emergy best suited for ecological economics, environmental economics, or with an economic context of its own?. In Emergy Synthesis 5 : Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Florida, Gainesville, USA :

Mangoyana, R. B. & Grönlund, E. (2009). Sustainable Growth: dominating debate and an emergy view. In Emergy Synthesis 5 : Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Gainesville, Florida, USA :

Grönlund, E. (2009). Why is emergy so difficult to explain to my environmental science friends?. In Emergy Synthesis 5 : Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Gainesville, Florida, USA :

Grönlund, E. , Klang, A. & Vikman, P. (2005). Emergy and socio-ecological principles in sustainability assessment. Methodological considerations from a wastewater treatment case study. In Emergy Synthesis 3 : Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Gainesville : . pp. 345--354.

Grönlund, E. , Craggs, R. , Falk, S. & Hanaeus, J. (2002). Advanced pond system for wastewater treatment in cold climates: assessment of sustainability. In Algal Biotechnology - A Sea of Opportunities, : the 1st congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology, 26-30 May 2002 at Aguadulce, Roquetas de Mar. Universidad de Almeria, Almeria, Spain. Almería : : . pp. 310-

Grönlund, E. , Falk, S. & Hanæus, J. (2001). Productive treatment of wastewater with microalgae in cold climate -laboratory experiments. In Ecological Engineering for Landscape Services and Products. The Annual Conference of the International Ecological Engineering Society, November 25th to 29th 2001, Christchurch, New Zealand.. Christchurch, New Zealand :

Axblom, C. , Grönlund, E. & Falk, S. (1999). Astaxanthin from microalgae : effects of temperature and nutrient stress on production in the green alga Haematococcus lacustris. In 4th international Ecological Engineering conference: Manging the Wastewater Resource, June 7-11, Aas, Norway.

Conference proceedings (editor)

Grönlund, E. (ed.) (2021). Emergy Scandinavia 2021 – Environmental Support : Proceedings from the 3rd Scandinavian Emergy Symposium, 1 March, 2021, Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden. Östersund : Mid Sweden University  

Grönlund, E. (ed.) (2020). Proceedings from the 2nd Scandinavian Emergy Symposium. Östersund : Department of Ecotechnology and Sustainable Building Engineering, Mid Sweden University  

Grönlund, E. (ed.) (2019). Emergy Scandinavia 2019 : Assessing both Nature and Society. Östersund : Department of Ecotechnology and Sustainable Building Engineering, Mid Sweden University  

Doctoral theses

Grönlund, E. (2004). Microalgae at wastewater pond treatment in cold climate : an ecological engineering approach. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Luleå : Univ, 2004 (Doctoral thesis / Luleå tekniska universitet : 2004:61)

Licentiate theses, monographs

Grönlund, E. (2002). Microalgae at wastewater treatment in cold climate. Lic. Luleå : Univ., 2002 (Licentiate thesis / Luleå University of Technology : 2002:35)


Driessen, E. , Burdová, N. & Grönlund, E. (2022). An urban metabolism approach to sustainability in the city of Östersund, Sweden. Östersund : Mid Sweden University (Ecotechnology working paper 2022-3b).  

Grönlund, E. (2021). Emergipublikationer med anknytning till Sverige 1994-2020. Östersund : Mid Sweden University (Ecotechnology working paper 2021-3a).  

Grönlund, E. , Barthelson, M. & Englund, A. (2021). The creation of independent, problem solving students – the pedagogic legacy of Dr. Lars Thofelt in sustainability teaching at Mid Sweden University. Östersund : Mid Sweden University (Ecotechnology working paper 2021-1a).  

Grönlund, E. (2020). Emergipublikationer med anknytning till Sverige 1994-2019. Östersund : Mid Sweden University (Ecotechnology working paper 2020-2a).  

Grönlund, E. (2019). Emergipublikationer med anknytning till Sverige 1994-2018. Östersund : Mid Sweden University (Ecotechnology working paper 2019-1c).  

Brink, K. , Danielski, I. , Fagerholm, A. , Fagerholm, N. & Grönlund, E. (2019). Slutrapport : Universell utformning av Foodtech. Mittuniversitetet  

Grönlund, E. (2018). Emergipublikationer med anknytning till Sverige 1994-2017. Östersund : (Ecotechnology working paper 2018-3b).  

Grönlund, E. , Brandén Klang, A. , Vikman, P. & Carlman, I. (2018). Methodological considerations from a wastewater treatment case study in Kenya. Östersund : Mid Sweden University (Ecotechnology working paper 2018-1a).  

Grönlund, E. (2018). Why is emergy so difficult to explain to my ecology and environmental science friends?. Östersund : Mid Sweden University (Ecotechnology working paper 2018-2a).    

Grönlund, E. (2017). Emergianalys – en användbar metod för utvärdering av svenska miljömål på systemnivå och i ett scenarioperspektiv?. Östersund : Avd. Ekoteknik och hållbart byggande, Mittuniversitetet  

Grönlund, E. (2017). Emergidiagram kopplade till de svenska miljömålen. Östersund : Mid Sweden University (Ecotechnology working paper 2a).  

Grönlund, E. (2017). Emergipublikationer med anknytning till Sverige. Östersund : Mid Sweden University (Ecotechnology working paper 1a).  

Grönlund, E. , Fröling, M. & Skytt, T. (2016). Energy, emergy, and the city. Östersund : Mittuniverstitetet (Ecotechnology working paper 2016-1c).  

Mikaelsson, L. , Carlman, I. , Fröling, M. , Jonsson, A. , Danielski, I. , Grönlund, E. , Jonasson, J. , van den Brink, P. & et al. (2015). Hållbara utvecklingsprocesser. Projektrapport 2015-03-31. Mittuniversitetet/Tillväxtverket  

Grönlund, E. & Carlman, I. (2013). A systems ecology view on wastewater treatment sustainability. Östersund : Ecotechnology Group, Department of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Mid Sweden University (Ecotechnology working paper 2013-1a).  

Grönlund, E. (2008). Räkna med miljön – hur stora är gratistjänsterna från naturen i Norrland? : Dokumentation från konferensen "Norrland i Europa och Världen", 28 november 2007, Folkets Hus, Östersund.. Östersund :  

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