Katja Gillander Gådin
- Professional title: Professor
- Academic title: Professor
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428541
- Email: katja.gillandergadin@miun.se
- Room number: D217
- Location: Sundsvall
- Employed at the subject:
- Public Health Science
- Department:
- Department of Health Sciences (HOV)
Area of interest
Youth mental health
School-health promotion
Gendered violence
Sexual harassment
Participatory action research
My funded research relates to gendered aspects of health, particularly in the context of school-related health, but also in relation to cyber harassment. My focus is on social determinants for health and the psychosocial environment, but I have also a specific focus on gendered conditions for health such as offline/online sexual harassment, physical violence and threats.
My research includes methods such as questionnaire studies, focus group interviews, individual interviews as well as visual participatory action research methods.
Another focus is the work environment in the adult population, currently the hospitality business in relation to sexual harassment, racism and violence/threats.
Research projects
De-normalizing harassment and (threats of) violence in the hospitality workplace
Articles in journals
Chapters in books
Collections (editor)
Conference papers
Articles in journals
Svensson, Å. , Dahlqvist, H. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2025). Associations between Sexual Harassment Victimization and Mental Health Outcomes – Does It Matter How We Measure Mental Health?. Social Indicators Research,
Carlberg Rindestig, F. , Gillander Gådin, K. & Dennhag, I. (2025). Experiences of Online Sexual Violence : Interviews With Swedish Teenage Girls in Psychiatric Care. Violence against Women, vol. 31: 1, pp. 266-290.
Dahlqvist, H. , Gillander Gådin, K. & Landstedt, E. (2025). Peer Violence Poly-victimization in Youth and Associations to Psychosomatic Symptoms — A Latent Class Analysis. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice,
Dahlqvist, H. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2024). Digital media and the unsolicited dick pic – constructions of masculinity and femininity among Swedish teens. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, vol. 29: 1
Rindestig, F. C. , Gillander Gådin, K. , Semb, O. & Dennhag, I. (2024). Unwanted Online Sexual Solicitation Among Young People in a Swedish Psychiatric Sample : Occurrence and Associations with Depression and Anxiety. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, vol. 33: 5, pp. 589-607.
Dahlqvist, H. , Svensson, Å. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2022). Co-occurrence of online and offline bullying and sexual harassment among youth in Sweden : Implications for studies on victimization and health - a short communication. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 81: 1
Yasmin, M. , Gillander Gådin, K. , Viitasara, E. & Dalal, K. (2022). Prevalence and correlates of domestic violence against ever married women of reproductive age in India : changes during 2005-2015. Journal of Injury and Violence Research, vol. 14: 3, pp. 153-164.
Svensson, Å. , Warne, M. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2021). Longitudinal Associations Between Energy Drink Consumption, Health, and Norm-Breaking Behavior Among Swedish Adolescents. Frontiers in Public Health, vol. 9
Brännström, L. , Nyhlén, S. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2020). Girls’ Perspectives on Gendered Violence in Rural Sweden : Photovoice as a Method for Increased Knowledge and Social Change. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, vol. 19
Mathur Gaiha, S. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2020). ‘No time for health’ : Exploring couples’ health promotion in Indian slums. Health Promotion International, vol. 35: 1, pp. 70-81.
Brännström, L. , Nyhlén, S. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2020). “You are so ugly, you whore”- girls in rural Sweden discuss and address gendered violence. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, vol. 15: 1
Gillander Gådin, K. & Stein, N. (2019). Do schools normalise sexual harassment? An analysis of a legal case regarding sexual harassment in a Swedish high school. Gender and Education, vol. 31: 7, pp. 920-937.
Hermansson, J. , Boggild, H. , Hallqvist, J. , Karlsson, B. , Knutsson, A. , Nilsson, T. , Reuterwall, C. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2019). Interaction between Shift Work and Established Coronary Risk Factors. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, vol. 10: 2, pp. 57-65.
Svensson, Å. , Warne, M. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2018). Energy drink consumption predicts norm-breaking behavior in Swedish adolescents. European Journal of Public Health, vol. 28, pp. 331
Zetterström Dahlqvist, H. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2018). Online Sexual Victimisation in Youth : Predictors and Cross-Sectional Associations with Depressive Symptoms. European Journal of Public Health, vol. 28: 6, pp. 1018-1023.
Gillander Gådin, K. & Warne, M. (2018). Photovoice as a method for increasing Swedish high school girls' wellbeing and school achievement. European Journal of Public Health, vol. 28, pp. 385-385.
Hermansson, J. , Hallqvist, J. , Karlsson, B. , Knutsson, A. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2018). Shift work, parental cardiovascular disease and myocardial infarction in males. Occupational Medicine, vol. 68: 2, pp. 120-125.
Zetterström Dahlqvist, H. , Landstedt, E. , Almqvist, Y. B. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2017). A non-randomised pragmatic trial of a school-based group cognitive-behavioural programme for preventing depression in girls. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 76: 1
Hagqvist, E. , Nordenmark, M. , Pérez, G. , Trujillo Alemán, S. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2017). Parental leave policies and time use for mothers and fathers : A case study of Spain and Sweden. Society, health and vulnerability, vol. 8: 1, pp. 2-12.
Warne, M. , Snyder, K. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2017). Participation and support – associations with Swedish pupils’ positive health. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 76: 1
Hagqvist, E. , Gillander Gådin, K. & Nordenmark, M. (2017). Work-family conflict and well-being across Europe : The role of gender context. Social Indicators Research, vol. 132: 2, pp. 785-797.
Zetterström Dahlqvist, H. , Landstedt, E. , Young, R. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2016). Dimensions of Peer Sexual Harassment Victimization and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescence : A Longitudinal Cross-Lagged Study in a Swedish Sample. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. 45: 5, pp. 858-873.
Hermansson, J. , Gillander Gådin, K. , Karlsson, B. , Reuterwall, C. , Hallqvist, J. & Knutsson, A. (2015). Case fatality of myocardial infarction among shift workers. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, vol. 88: 5, pp. 599-605.
Nordenmark, M. , Gillander Gådin, K. , Selander, J. , Sjödin, J. & Sellström, E. (2015). Self-rated health among young Europeans not in employment, education or training-with a focus on the conventionally unemployed and the disengaged. Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion, vol. 6
Zetterström Dahlqvist, H. , Landstedt, E. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2015). What students do schools allocate to a cognitive-behavioural intervention? : Characteristics of adolescent participants in Northern Sweden. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 74, pp. 29805
Warne, M. , Snyder, K. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2014). Adaptation and validation of a positive health scale for adolescents. Social Indicators Research, vol. 119: 2, pp. 1079-1093.
Carlerby, H. , Viitasara, E. , Knutsson, A. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2013). How Bullying Involvement is Associated with the Distribution of Parental Background and With Subjective Health Complaints Among Swedish Boys and Girls. Social Indicators Research, vol. 111: 3, pp. 775-783.
Warne, M. , Gillander Gådin, K. & Snyder, K. (2013). Photovoice: An opportunity and challenge for students' genuine participation. Health Promotion International, vol. 28: 3, pp. 299-310.
Warne, M. , Snyder, K. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2013). Promoting an Equal and Healthy Environment : Swedish Students' View of the Daily Life at School. Qualitative Health Research, vol. 23: 10, pp. 1354-1368.
Gillander Gådin, K. , Weiner, G. & Ahlgren, C. (2013). School health promotion to increase empowerment, gender equality and pupil participation: A focus group study of a Swedish elementary school initiative.. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 57: 1, pp. 54-70.
Zetterström Dahlqvist, H. , Landstedt, E. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2012). Depressive symptoms and the associations with individual, psychosocial, and structural determinants in Swedish adolescents. Health, vol. 4: 10, pp. 881-889.
Hagqvist, E. , Gillander Gådin, K. & Nordenmark, M. (2012). Division of labor, perceived labor-related stress and well-being among European couples. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. 2: 4, pp. 452-460.
Carlerby, H. , Viitasara, E. , Knutsson, A. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2012). How discrimination and participation are associated with psychosomatic problems among boys and girls in northern Sweden. Health, vol. 4: 10, pp. 866-872.
Carlerby, H. , Erling, E. , Viitasara, E. , Knutsson, A. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2012). Risk behaviour, parental background, and wealth: a cluster analysis among Swedish boys and girls in the HBSC study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, vol. 40: 4, pp. 368-376.
Landstedt, E. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2012). Seventeen and Stressed – Do Gender and Class Matter?. Health Sociology Review, vol. 21: 1, pp. 82-98.
Gillander Gådin, K. (2012). Sexual harassment of girls in elementary school - a concealed phenomenon within a heterosexual romantic discourse. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, vol. 27: 9, pp. 1762-1779.
Leander, K. , Berlin, M. , Eriksson, A. , Gillander Gådin, K. , Hensing, G. , Krantz, G. , Swahnberg, K. & Danielsson, K. (2012). Violence Health in Sweden : The National Public Health Report 2012. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, vol. 40: Supplement 9, pp. 229-254.
Landstedt, E. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2011). Deliberate self-harm and associated factors in 17-year-old Swedish students. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, vol. 39: 1, pp. 17-25.
Landstedt, E. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2011). Experiences of violence among adolescents: gender patterns in types, perpetrators and associated psychological distress. International Journal of Public Health, vol. 56: 4, pp. 419-427.
Olofsson, N. , Lindqvist, K. , Gillander Gådin, K. , Bråbäck, L. & Danielsson, I. (2011). Physical and psychological symptoms and learning difficulties in children of women exposed and non-exposed to violence: a population-based study. International Journal of Public Health, vol. 56: 1, pp. 89-96.
Ahlgren, C. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2011). Struggle for time to teach. Teachers experiences of their work situation.. Work, vol. 40: Suppl 1, pp. 111-118.
Carlerby, H. , Viitasara, E. , Knutsson, A. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2011). Subjective health complaints among boys and girls in the Swedish HBSC study : focussing on parental foreign background. International Journal of Public Health, vol. 56: 5, pp. 457-464.
Gillander Gådin, K. (2010). Hatar män kvinnor? Våld, empowerment och Milleniumserien. Provins, vol. 3
Makenzius, M. , Gådin, K. G. , Tydén, T. , Larsson, M. & Romild, U. (2009). Male students' behaviour, knowledge, attitudes, and needs in sexual and reproductive health matters. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, vol. 14: 4, pp. 268-276.
Landstedt, E. , Asplund, K. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2009). Understanding adolescent mental health: the influence of social processes, doing gender and gendered power relations. Sociology of Health and Illness, vol. 31: 7, pp. 962-978.
Gillander Gådin, K. (2009). Viktigt uppmärksamma genusbaserat ungdomsvåld. Genus, : 1, pp. 33
Olofsson, N. , Lindqvist, K. , Gillander Gådin, K. & Danielsson, I. (2009). Violence Against Young Men and Women : A Vital Health Issue. Open Public Health Journal, vol. 2, pp. 1-6.
Gillander Gådin, K. , Weiner, G. & Ahlgren, C. (2009). Young students as participants in school health promotion: an intervention study in a Swedish elementary school. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 68: 5, pp. 498-507.
Hermansson, J. , Gillander Gådin, K. , Karlsson, B. , Lindahl, B. , Stegmayr, B. & Knutsson, A. (2007). Ischemic stroke and shift work. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, vol. 33: 6, pp. 435-439.
Gillander Gådin, K. & Hammarström, A. (2005). A possible contributor to the higher degree of girls reporting psychological symptoms compared with boys in grade nine?. European Journal of Public Health, vol. 15: 4, pp. 380-385.
Witkowska, E. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2005). Have you been sexually harassed in school? : What female high school students regard as harassment.. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, vol. 17: 4, pp. 391-408.
Danielsson, I. , Olofsson, N. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2005). Våldets följder - en fråga om folkhälsa : Starkt samband mellan våld/hot och ohälsa hos både kvinnor och män. Läkartidningen, vol. 102: 12-13, pp. 938-942.
Gillander Gådin, K. & Hammarström, A. (2003). Do changes in the psychosocial school environment influence pupils' health development? Results from a three-year follow-up study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, vol. 31: 3, pp. 169-177.
Gillander Gådin, K. & Hammarström, A. (2002). Can school-related factors predict future health behaviour among young adolescents?. Public Health, vol. 116: 1, pp. 22-29.
Gådin, K. G. & Hammarstrom, A. (2000). School-related health - A cross-sectional study among young boys and girls. International Journal of Health Services, vol. 30: 4, pp. 797-820.
Gådin, K. & Hammarström, A. (2000). 'We won't let them keep us quiet...' : Gendered strategies in the negotiation of power-implications for pupils' health and school health promotion. Health Promotion International, vol. 15: 4, pp. 303-311.
Torsvall, L. , Åkerstedt, T. , Gillander, K. & Knutsson, A. (1989). Sleep on the night shift: 24-hour EEG monitoring of spontaneous sleep/wake behavior. Psychophysiology, vol. 26: 3, pp. 352-358.
Chapters in books
Gillander Gådin, K. & De Lange, N. (2024). Picturing rurality : Towards a shared understanding of what it means to study rurality in two country contexts. In Where am I in the picture? : Researcher positionality in rural studies. Toronto : University of Toronto Press. pp. 93-116.
Giritli Nygren, K. , Larsson, E. , Nyhlén, S. , Lööv, A. O. , Olofsson, A. , Sjöberg, I. , Sjöstedt, A. , Skott, S. & et al. (2022). Föreställda gemenskaper kan bli verkliga. In FGV-en jubilar i vardande : Tillsammans och på eget håll. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 33-38.
Zampoukos, K. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2020). Ju fler kockar desto sämre soppa? Trakasserier och hot (om våld) på hotell- och restaurangarbetsplatsen. In Genusrelaterat våld, trakasserier och diskriminering : ett globalt problem i lokal kontext. Sundsvall : Forum för Genusvetenskap (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 55-62.
Söderberg, E. , Nyhlén, S. , Gillander Gådin, K. & Giritli Nygren, K. (2018). The place of girls? : Collective memory work in the study of portrayals of rural girlhood in Swedish child and youth literature. In Visual Encounters in the Study of Rural Childhoods. Rutgers University Press. pp. 109-122.
Jarnkvist, K. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2015). Exposure to physical violence among senior high school students: An analysis of class and gender. In Being young in a neoliberal time : Transnational perspectives on challenges and possibilities for resistance and social change. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 79-89.
Reinikainen, L. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2015). Gender equality aspirations among Swedish people - a gender and class perspective. In Being young in a neoliberal time : Transnational perspectives on challenges and possibilities for resistance and social change. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 91-105.
Gillander Gådin, K. , Giritli Nygren, K. , Mitchell, C. & Nyhlén, S. (2015). Studying the intersections of rurality, gender and violence against girls and young women: : An urgent matter in both the Global North and the Global South. In Being young in a neoliberal time : Transnational perspectives on challenges and possibilities for resistance and social change. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 109-120.
Nyhlén, S. , Leipert, B. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2014). Emotional aspects of growing old in rural places: problematizing the use of different methodologies. In Walking beside : Challenging the role of emotions in normalization. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 175-188.
Gillander Gådin, K. (2013). Predictors for online unwanted sexual solicitation: a cross-sectional study of Swedish boys and girls in years 6-9.. In Mobilizing gender research challenges and strategies.. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 99-110.
Gillander Gådin, K. (2013). Våld, jämställdhet och Millenniumserien.. In Åtta genusvetenskapliga läsningar av den svenska välfärdsstaten genom Stieg Larssons Millennium-trilogi.. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 27-36.
Fahlgren, S. , Gillander Gådin, K. , Giritli Nygren, K. , Johansson, A. & Söderberg, E. (2011). A room of our own : A collective biography of an exercise in interdisciplinary feminism.. In Normalization and “outsiderhood” : Feminist Readings of a Neoliberal Welfare State.. UAE : Bentham eBooks. pp. 106-116.
Gillander Gådin, K. (2011). Peer sexual harassment in schools - normalisation of gender practices in a neoliberal time. In Normalization and "outsiderhood". Feminist readings of a neoliberal welfare state. Bentham eBooks (Rethinking research and professional practices in terms of ralationality, subjectivity and power). pp. 58-67.
Leander, K. , Berlin, M. , Danielsson, M. , Eriksson, A. , Gillander Gådin, K. , Hensing, G. , Krantz, G. & Swahnberg, K. (2009). Våld. In Folkhälsorapport 2009. Stockholm : Socialstyrelsen (ISBN 978-91-978065-8-9). pp. 339-372.
Gillander Gådin, K. (2004). Barns och ungdomars hälsa. In Kropp och genus i medicinen. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 363-370.
Collections (editor)
Nyhlén, S. (ed.) , Giritli Nygren, K. (ed.) & Gillander Gådin, K. (ed.) (2022). Forum för genusvetenskap - en jubilar i vardande : Tillsammans och på eget håll. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet ).
Gillander Gådin, K. (ed.) (2020). Genusrelaterat våld, trakasserier och diskriminering - ett globalt problem i lokal kontext. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet 14).
Gillander Gådin, K. (ed.) & Mitchell, C. (ed.) (2015). Being young in a neoliberal time : Transnational perspectives on challenges and possibilities for resistance and social change. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet 7).
Conference papers
Dahlqvist, H. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2023). Cyber sexual harassment and cyber bullying victimization and associations with not feeling safe at school in Sweden. Paper presented at the World Anti-Bullying Forum 2023, Raleigh, NC, U.S.A.
Dahlström, A. , Dahlqvist, H. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2023). Do pupils who report a high degree of social and civic competence in class report less experiences of bullying and sexual harassment?. Paper presented at the World Anti Bullying Forum 2023, Raleigh, NC, USA, 25-28 oktober
Dahlqvist, H. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2022). Mobile phone filmmaking in health promotion. Addressing problematic social media use in Swedish youth.. Paper presented at the European Public Health Conference in Berlin, Germany, November 9th-12th
Dahlqvist, H. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2021). Social media and the unsolicited dicpic - constructions of masculinities and femininities among youth. Paper presented at the World Anti Bullying Forum, Stockholm, Sweden, November 1-3, 2021.
Gillander Gådin, K. , Persson, K. & Zampoukos, K. (2020). Strategies to prevent sexual harassment in the hospitality workplace.. Paper presented at the Poster presented at the 16th World Congress on Public Health. Theme of the congress: Public Health for the Future of Humanity: Analysis, Advocacy, and Action. 12-16 October 2020, DIGITAL, Rome, Italy.
Dahlqvist, H. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2020). Swedish teens’ comprehension of sexting and explicit sexual images and consequences for well-being. Paper presented at the 16th World Congress on Public Health 2020 Public health for the future of humanity: analysis, advocacy and action, DIGITAL, Rome, Italy, October 12-16, 2020.
Zampoukos, K. , Persson, K. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2020). We don’t wear uniforms but private clothing, to enhance the fact that we too are human beings : Strategies to counteract, avoid and cope with harassment and threats of violence in the hospitality workplace. Paper presented at the Long-term global perspectives on preventing sexual harassment in the workplace: Policy, practice & strategies, 8-10 March 2020 at the Museum of Work, Norrköping
Warne, M. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2019). Challenges when Photovoice is used as a research method in the school setting. Paper presented at the The 9th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference at Roskilde University. Health: Societal responsibility or individual obligation? 12-14 June, 2019. Roskilde, Denmark
Dahlqvist, H. , Landstedt, E. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2019). Poly-victimization of Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Violence in Youth - A Latent Class Analysis. Paper presented at the World Anti Bullying Forum, Dublin, Ireland, 4-6 June, 2019
Zetterström Dahlqvist, H. , Landstedt, E. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2018). A Latent Class Analysis of Violence Poly-victimization in Youth. Paper presented at the 11th European Public Health Conference. Winds of change: towards new ways of improving public health in Europe, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 28 November - 1 December, 2018
Gillander Gådin, K. & Warne, M. (2018). A participatory visual method for increased knowledge of Swedish high school girls’ wellbeing and school achievement. Paper presented at the The 11th European Public Health Conference EPH, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 28 November - 1 December 2018
Warne, M. , Gillander Gådin, K. , Costenius, C. & Raanaas, R. K. (2018). Challenges and possibilities with participatory visual research methods in health promotion. In 10th IUHPE European Conference and International Forum for Health Promotion Research : Implementing Health Promotion inthe Life Course - User Involvementin Practice and Research. Trondheim :
Gillander Gådin, K. , Brännström, L. , Green, M. , Nilsson, S. , Ali, A. , Wolfe, G. & Hallengren, L. (2018). Efter metoo – unga tjejers perspektiv på våld och sexuella trakasserier och vad vi kan göra åt det. Paper presented at the Almedalsveckan, Almedalen, Visby, 1 juli – 8 juli, 2018
Zetterström Dahlqvist, H. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2018). Online Sexual Victimization in Youth : Predictors of Victimization and Associations with Depressive Symptoms in a Swedish Sample. Paper presented at the SRA-E 2018: Risk & Uncertainty - From Critical Thinking to Practical Impact, Östersund, Sweden, 18-20 June 2018
Brännström, L. , Giritli Nygren, K. , Nyhlén, S. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2018). TGRAN: A Transnational Study of the Intersections of Rurality, Gender and violence Against Women. Paper presented at the Circles within Circles: Transnational Perspectives on Youth-led Approaches to Addressing Gender-Based Violence, Montebello, Quebec, 8-11 July, 2018
Gillander Gådin, K. & Warne, M. (2017). Is gender equality an explicit issue in Swedish high schools? Results from a photovoice study with girls in a vocational program. Paper presented at the Girlhood in the turbulent times: Gender equality as a cultural norm and social practices. Moscow, 7-8 April , 2017.
Brännström, L. , de Lange, N. , Gillander Gådin, K. , Giritli Nygren, K. , Mitchell, C. , Moletsane, R. & Nyhlén, S. (2017). Picturing rurality and its gendered dimension – South Africa vs Sweden. Paper presented at the The IVSA Conference, Montreal, June 18-22, 2017.
Maria, W. , Snyder, K. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2016). When health in adolescents is measured as positive health. In The 8th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference (NHPRC).
Zetterström Dahlqvist, H. , Landstedt, E. , Young, R. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2015). Causal pathways of sexual harassment and depressive symptoms in adolescence. Paper presented at the The 8th European Public Health Conference – from global to local policies, methods and practices, 16-17 october, Milan, Italy
Landstedt, E. , Asplund, K. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2007). Gender and adolescent mental health - a focus group study with 16-19 year old students. In 7th Conference on Advances in Health Care Science Research, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, 7-8 Nov 2007.
Gillander-Gådin, K. (2007). Hinder och möjligheter för jämlik maktmobilisering bland elever i årskurs 1-6.. In Genusmaraton 2007 : Mittsveriges genusforskare på frammarsch. Östersund : (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 25--32.
Gillander Gådin, K. (2007). Obstacles for equity in health in a school health promotion project among young students.
Landstedt, E. , Asplund, K. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2006). Enhancing adolescent mental health - understanding the significance of contextual factors and a gender perspective..
Gillander Gådin, K. , Dahlström, A. & Dahlqvist, H. (2024). Ungas psykiska hälsa och utsatthet för våld och trakasserier : Rapport från en enkätstudie till elever i årskurs nio i Västernorrland. Sundsvall :
Gillander Gådin, K. & Dahlqvist, H. (2020). Hot och trakasserier på sociala medier - En fokusgruppstudie på fritidsgårdar i Sundsvalls kommun. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University
Zampoukos, K. , Persson, K. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2020). ”Är du en sådan där #metoo?” : Om arbetsmiljö, sexuella trakasserier och ledarskap på hotell- och restaurangarbetsplatsen. Östersund : ETOUR/Mittuniversitetet (Populärvetenskapliga serien / European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR) 2020:3).
Giritli Nygren, K. , Nyhlén, S. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2014). Kvarboende vid marknadens ände : Boendeformer, genus och hälsa i regional politik och praktik. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet
Bodin, A. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2012). Gymnasieelevers arbetsmiljö och hälsa : Rapport från elevenkäten VT 2012, åk 2 Jämtlands gymnasieum..
Gillander Gådin, K. (2011). Skolelevers arbetsmiljö och hälsa. Rapport från elevenkäten 2011.. Östersund : Östersunds kommun
Gillander Gådin, K. (2010). Så här mår vi i klass 6-9 i Östersund! : Rapport från enkäten Skolelevers arbetsmiljö och hälsa VT 2010. Östersund : Östersunds kommun
Gillander Gådin, K. , Ahlgren, C. , Hammarström, A. , Weiner, G. & Näslund, L. (2006). Elever som aktörer i ett hälsofrämjande arbete i skolan : Rapport från en interventionsstudie med syfte att utveckla en modell för hälsofrämjande arbete ur ett genusperspektiv. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet
Gillander Gådin, K. (2004). Förbättrad skolrelaterad hälsa bland elever ett hälsofrämjande genusinriktat projekt. : Rapport från elevenkäter i årskurs 1-6 i en interventionsskola och en jämförelseskola i Sundsvalls kommun 2003. Baslinjestudie. Rapport nr1. Umeå : Umeå universitet
Gillander gådin, K. (2004). Så här tyckte vi i årskurs 1-6! : En rapport om skolmiljö och hälsa för eleverna som deltog i en frågeformulärsstudie höstterminen 2003.. Umeå : Umeå universitet