David Krapohl
Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer
- Professional title: Senior Lecturer
- Academic title: PhD (Engineering)
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428755
- Email: david.krapohl@miun.se
- Room number: S404
- Location: Sundsvall
- Research centers:
- STC Research Centre
David has a PhD degree in electronics from Mid Sweden University with a focus on the simulation of hybrid pixel detectors and neutron detectors. Now he is working with in the Milo project with X-ray systems for environmental monitoring.
David Krapohl has an engineering degree in mechatronics from Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Aachen, Germany. Half a year was a student exchange at Mälardalen University, Sweden.
Before coming to Sweden he worked as a research engineer at the University of Lübeck in the field of neuroscience (FEM simulation).
Area of interest
Hybride pixeldetectors (Medipix/Timepix)
Readout systems
X-ray radiation
Neutron (pixel) detectors
Pixel detector simulations (FEM, Monte Carlo)
Medipix Collaboration (CERN)
Design of a semiconductor-based neutron detector (BrightnESS)
Timepix3 USB3 readout electronics (Glasgow University)
Teaching and tutoring
Supervision of Master-by-Research students
Other information
If you are interested in a Master-by-Research position, feel free to send me an email. More information about research groups and projects as well as the Master programme is available here: https://www.miun.se/en/stc-research-centre/Research-Groups/Detector-and-Photonics https://www.miun.se/en/stc-research-centre/Research-Groups/Radiation-Sensor-Systems https://www.miun.se/en/stc-research-centre/Master-By-Research/
Research projects
ImSpec - Multiple energy band imaging spectroscopy for material and object classification
Articles in journals
Chapters in books
Conference papers
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
Articles in journals
An, S. , Krapohl, D. , Thörnberg, B. , Roudot, R. , Schyns, E. & Norlin, B. (2023). Characterization of micro pore optics for full-field X-ray fluorescence imaging. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 18: 01
An, S. , Krapohl, D. , González, C. , Rydblom, S. , Norlin, B. & Thungström, G. (2023). Geometrical influence on Hg determination in wet sediment using K-shell fluorescence analysis. X-Ray Spectrometry, vol. 52: 4, pp. 182-196.
Norlin, B. , An, S. , Granfeldt, T. , Krapohl, D. , Lai, B. , Rahman, H. , Zeeshan, F. & Engstrand, P. (2023). Visualisation of sulphur on single fibre level for pulping industry. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 18: 01, pp. C01012-C01012.
An, S. , Krapohl, D. , Norlin, B. & Thungström, G. (2020). Full-field X-ray fluorescence imaging with a straight polycapillary X-ray collimator. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 15: 12
Dreier, T. , Krapohl, D. , Maneuski, D. , Lawal, N. , Schöwerling, J. O. , O'Shea, V. & Fröjdh, C. (2018). A USB 3.0 readout system for Timepix3 detectors with on-board processing capabilities. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 13
Krapohl, D. , Schubel, A. , Fröjdh, E. , Thungström, G. & Fröjdh, C. (2016). Validation of Geant4 Pixel Detector Simulation Framework by Measurements with the Medipix Family Detectors. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 63: 3, pp. 1874-1881.
Norlin, B. , Reza, S. , Krapohl, D. , Fröjdh, E. & Thungström, G. (2015). Readout cross-talk for alpha-particle measurements in a pixelated sensor system. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 10
Schübel, A. , Krapohl, D. , Fröjdh, E. , Fröjdh, C. & Thungström, G. (2014). A Geant4 based framework for pixel detector simulation. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 9: 12
Thungström, G. , Esebamen, O. X. , Krapohl, D. , Fröjdh, C. , Nilsson, H. , Petersson, S. & Brenner, R. (2014). Fabrication, Characterization and Simulation of Channel Stop for n in p-Substrate Silicon Pixel Detectors. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 9: 7, pp. Art. no. C07013
Krapohl, D. , Fröjdh, C. , Fröjdh, E. , Maneuski, D. & Nilsson, H. (2013). Investigation of charge collection in a CdTe-Timepix detector. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 8: May, pp. Art. no. C05003
Thungström, G. , Harrnsdorf, L. , Norlin, B. , Reza, S. , Krapohl, D. , Mattsson, S. & Gunnarsson, M. (2013). Measurement of the sensitive profile in a solid state silicon detector, irradiated by X-rays. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 8: 4, pp. Art. no. C04004
Fröjdh, E. , Fröjdh, C. , Gimenez, E. N. , Krapohl, D. , Maneuski, D. , Norlin, B. , O'Shea, V. , Wilhelm, H. & et al. (2013). Probing Defects in a Small Pixellated CdTe Sensor Using an Inclined Mono Energetic X-Ray Micro Beam. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 60: 4, pp. 2864-2869.
Slavicek, T. , Kralik, M. , Krapohl, D. , Petersson, S. , Pospisil, S. & Thungström, G. (2012). A thermal neutron detector based on planar silicon sensor with TiB 2 coating. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 7: 1, pp. Art. no. C01053
Krapohl, D. , Nilsson, H. , Petersson, S. , Pospisil, S. , Slavicek, T. & Thungström, G. (2012). Simulation of a silicon neutron detector coated with TiB 2 absorber. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 7: 1, pp. Art. no. C01096
Esebamen, O. X. , Krapohl, D. , Thungström, G. & Nilsson, H. (2011). High resolution, low energy electron detector. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 6: 1, pp. Art. no. P01001
Krapohl, D. , Esebamen, O. X. , Nilsson, H. & Thungström, G. (2011). Simulation and measurement of short infrared pulses on silicon position sensitive device. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 6: C01036
Chapters in books
Thörnberg, B. , Krapohl, D. & Norlin, B. (2024). Avbildande materialanalys. In Globala utmaningar – lokala lösningar : Forskning för en hållbar samhällsutveckling i norra Sverige. Mittuniversitetet. pp. 37-38.
Conference papers
Zeeshan, F. , Norlin, B. , Rahman, H. , Huthwelker, T. , Krapohl, D. , An, S. & Borca, C. N. (2022). Synchrotron measurements of Sulphonation degree from Chemimechanical pulp (CTMP) to optimize the pulping process for packaging products. Paper presented at the International Mechanical Pulp Conference (IMPC), Vancouver, Canada, June 2022
Zeeshan, F. , An, S. , Norlin, B. , Krapohl, D. & Rahman, H. (2021). Study of heavy metals including mercury within Fiber Banks of Västernorrland and Norrbotten counties by portable X-RayFluorescence (pXRF) spectrometry. In Accelerating the progress towards the 2030 SDGs in times of crisis.. pp. 265--276.
Fröjdh, C. , Krapohl, D. & Thungström, G. (2016). Hard X-ray imaging and particle detection with TIMEPIX3. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. (Proceedings of SPIE)
Krapohl, D. (2013). Comparison of energy resolution spectra of CdTe TIMEPIX detector working in photon counting and time-over-threshold mode. In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record.. pp. Art. no. 6829825-
Fröjdh, C. , Krapohl, D. , Reza, S. , Fröjdh, E. , Thungström, G. & Norlin, B. (2013). Spectral resolution in pixel detectors with single photon processing. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. (Proceedings of SPIE). pp. Art. no. 88520O-
Fröjdh, E. , Fröjdh, C. , Gimenez, E. , Krapohl, D. , Maneuski, D. , O'Shea, V. , Norlin, B. , Wilhelm, H. & et al. (2012). Probing Defects in a Small Pixellated CdTe Sensor Using an Inclined Mono Energetic X-Ray Micro Beam. In 2012 IEEE NUCLEAR SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM AND MEDICAL IMAGING CONFERENCE RECORD (NSS/MIC). (IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record). pp. 4233--4236.
Krapohl, D. , Norlin, B. , Fröjdh, E. , Thungström, G. & Fröjdh, C. (2010). Simulation of the Spectral Response of a Pixellated X-Ray Imaging Detector in Single Photon Processing Mode. In 2010 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference.
Norlin, B. , Fröjdh, E. , Krapohl, D. , Fröjdh, A. , Thungström, G. & Fröjdh, C. (2010). Spectroscopic X-Ray Imaging Using a Pixelated Detector with Single Photon Processing Readout. In Proceedings of 2010 IEEE NUCLEAR SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM CONFERENCE. (IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record). pp. 1074--1078.
Krapohl, D. , Loeffler, S. , Moser, A. & Hofmann, U. G. (2009). Microstimulation in The Brain : Does Microdialysis Influence the Activated Volume of Tissue?. In Proceedings of the COMSOL Conference Milan 2009. Milan :
Doctoral theses
Krapohl, D. (2015). Monte Carlo and Charge Transport Simulation of Pixel Detector Systems. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2015 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 215)