Olga Milinchuk
- Email: olga.milinchuk@miun.se
- Room number: A338
- Location: Östersund
- Employed at the subject:
- Tourism Studies
- Research centers:
Research projects
Integrating Sustainability in Guiding at Cultural Heritage Sites: An Experimental Approach
Articles in journals
Conference papers
Articles in journals
Pavlova, S. , Botsian, T. , Klimova, I. , Milinchuk, O. & Omelchuk, N. (2022). Assessment of Mechanisms for Managing the Competitiveness of the Hospitality Establishments under Quarantine Conditions. Review of Economics & Finance, vol. 20, pp. 378-384.
Tarasiuk, H. , Pashchenko, O. , Milinchuk, O. , Chahaida, A. & Sienko, O. (2020). Methodical aspects of stability development assessment of enterprises. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, : 5, pp. 157-162.
Milinchuk, O. (2017). Tourism studies in the higher education in sweden : Focusing on sustainability. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, vol. 3: 2, pp. 93-100.
Conference papers
Budz, O. , Romaniv, O. , Milinchuk, O. & Yarmolyk, D. (2021). Cruise tourism in the Red Sea. In International Conference on Sustainable Transport System and Maritime Logistics (ISTSML 2021).