Staffan K Nyström
- Professional title: Ingenjör
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428948
- Email:
- Room number: TT212
- Location: Sundsvall
- Research centers:
- FSCN Research Centre
Articles in journals
Conference papers
Articles in journals
Abbaszad Rafi, A. , Deiana, L. , Alimohammadzadeh, R. , Engstrand, P. , Granfeldt, T. , Nyström, S. K. & Cordova, A. (2024). Birch-Bark-Inspired Synergistic Fabrication of High-Performance Cellulosic Materials. ACS Sustainable Resource Management, vol. 1: 12, pp. 2554-2563.
Negro, C. , Pettersson, G. , Mattsson, A. , Nyström, S. , Sanchez-Salvador, J. L. , Blanco, A. & Engstrand, P. (2023). Synergies between Fibrillated Nanocellulose and Hot-Pressing of Papers Obtained from High-Yield Pulp. Nanomaterials, vol. 13: 13
Gradin, P. , Berg, J. & Nyström, S. (2016). Measuring Tangential Forces in a Pulp Refiner : A Novel Approach. Experimental techniques (Westport, Conn.), vol. 40: 2, pp. 789-793.
Svensson, B. A. , Nyström, S. K. , Gradin, P. A. & Höglund, H. (2009). Frictional testing of wood : Initial studies with a new device. Tribology International, vol. 42: 1, pp. 190-196.
Norgren, S. , Gradin, P. A. , Nyström, S. & Gullikson, M. (2008). Investigation of the z-direction strength properties of paper by use of acoustic emission monitoring. Journal of Acoustic Emission, vol. 26, pp. 23-31.
Gradin, P. A. , Johansson, O. , Berg, J. & Nyström, S. (1999). Measurement of the Power Distribution in a Single Disc Refiner. Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, vol. 25: 11, pp. 384-387.
Conference papers
Norgren, S. , Gradin, P. , Nyström, S. & Gulliksson, M. (2008). Investigation of the Z-direction strength properties of paper by use of acoustic emission monitoring. In 28th European conferance on acoustic emission testing.. pp. 238--243.
Gradin, P. A. , Isaksson, P. , Nyström, S. K. , Graham, D. , Kao, D. & Knight, B. (2004). Acoustic Emission applied to mechanically loaded Paper. In EWGAE (European Working Group on Acoustic Emission) 2004 proceedings.. pp. 423--431.
Svensson, B. , Nyström, S. K. , Gradin, P. , Bergfors, E. & Höglund, H. (2003). Tribology under refining conditions : initial studies. In 2003 International Mechanical Pulping Conference.. pp. 233--237.