Olof Oscarsson
- Professional title: Lecturer
- Academic title: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428364
- Email: olof.oscarsson@miun.se
- Room number: P3208
- Location: Östersund
- Employed at the subject:
- Sociology
- Research centers:
- Risk and Crisis Research Centre
Research projects
RESECTOR: Reinterpreting Sector Responsibility in Nordic Crisis Management after COVID-19
At the fringes of crisis management: Informal aspects of crisis management
Multi-organizational co-operation in response to ordinary emergencies
Resilience in Sweden: Governance, Social Networks and Learning (RISE)
Articles in journals
Articles, book reviews
Conference papers
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
Articles in journals
Oscarsson, O. (2022). Crisis as practice : Conceptualizing the role of everyday work practices in crisis management. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, vol. 83
Oscarsson, O. (2022). Crisis management in practice : A dynamic process intertwined with daily work performance. Disasters. The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management, vol. 46: 3, pp. 720-741.
Oscarsson, O. (2019). Boundary Work to Conduct Business as Usual : Interaction at the Boundary Between the Affected Organization and Emergency Responders. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, vol. 10: 2, pp. 212-232.
Oscarsson, O. & Danielsson, E. (2018). Unrecognized crisis management-Normalizing everyday work : The work practice of crisis management in a refugee situation. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, vol. 26: 2, pp. 225-236.
Articles, book reviews
Oscarsson, O. (2023). Arjen BOIN, Allan MCCONNELL & Paul 'T HART, Governing the Pandemic: The Politics of Navigating a Mega-Crisis. International Review of Public Policy, vol. 5: 3, pp. 1-4.
Conference papers
Kolmodin, S. & Oscarsson, O. (2024). Lokal resiliens i det rurala norr : utmaningar och möjligheter för samhällsskydd och beredskap. Paper presented at the Åre Risk Event, 16–18 april, 2024
Oscarsson, O. & Olsson, D. (2024). Pressat läge : Ett ”serious game” för att bygga motståndskraft genom interaktivt lärande. Paper presented at the Åre Risk Event, 16–18 april, 2024
Oscarsson, O. & Olsson, D. (2024). Under Pressure : A 'serious game' to build resilience through interactive learning. Paper presented at the 16th European Sociological Association Conference (ESA 2024), Porto, Portugal, August 27-30, 2024.
Oscarsson, O. & Kolmodin, S. (2023). Local preparedness in the ultra-rural North : Challenges and solutions in civil protection and preparedness. Paper presented at the ESA RN22 & ISA TG04 Midterm Conference 2023, 26-27 October, Esbjerg, Denmark
Oscarsson, O. (2021). Crisis as practice : Conceptualizing the role of everyday work practices in crisis management. Paper presented at the NEEDs: Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies, [DIGITAL], September 21-23, 2021.
Oscarsson, O. (2019). Boundary Work to Conduct Business as Usual : Interaction at the Boundary Between the Affected Organization and Emergency Responders. Paper presented at the 14th European Sociological Association Conference (ESA 2019), Manchester, England, August 20-23, 2019.
Oscarsson, O. (2018). Boundary work in the case of an emergency: the encounter between emergency responders and an affected organization. Paper presented at the The 3rd Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies, Amsterdam, Netherlands, March 21-23, 2018
Oscarsson, O. (2018). Unrecognised Crisis Management – Normalizing Everyday Work. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe in Östersund, Sweden, June 18–20, 2018
Oscarsson, O. (2016). Unrecognised Crisis Management – Normalizing Everyday Life : The practice of crisis management in the refugee situation. Paper presented at the Åre Risk Event, Åre, Sweden 14-16 June 2016
Oscarsson, O. & Danielsson, E. (2016). Unrecognised Crisis Management : Normalizing Everyday Life. In Book of Abstracts.
Oscarsson, O. & Karlsson, R. (2013). Situational Awareness in Crisis Management : Creating Meaning in Unsafe Situation. Paper presented at the The 11th conference of the European Sociological Association. Turin, August 28th–31st 2013
Doctoral theses
Oscarsson, O. (2021). Crisis as practice : Non-emergency organizations’ coping with crises. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Östersund : Mid Sweden University, 2021 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 357)
Danielsson, E. , Alirani, G. , Oscarsson, O. , Große, C. , Olausson, P. M. , Jacobsson, J. & Öhman, S. (2023). Att ta ledartröjan i krisen : Utvärdering av MSB:s samordningsuppdrag under Coronapandemin. Mid Sweden University (RCR Working Paper Series 2023:2).
Oscarsson, O. (2023). Resiliens och “serious games” : en kunskapsöversikt. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (RCR Working Paper Series 2023:3).
Johansson, R. , Karlsson, R. , Oscarsson, O. & Danielsson, E. (2015). Att använda, leda och samverka med frivilliga : Om kommuners och länsstyrelsers relationer med aktörer utanför den offentliga sektorn inom ramen för det geografiska områdesansvaret. Karlstad : Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap
Danielsson, E. , Sparf, J. , Karlsson, R. & Oscarsson, O. (2015). Sektorsövergripande samverkan vid kriser. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet (RCR Working Paper Series 2015:2).
Danielsson, E. , Sparf, J. , Olof, O. & Karlsson, R. (2015). Sektorsövergripande samverkan vid kriser. Karlstad : (MSB Rapportserie MSB894).