Resilience in Sweden: Governance, Social Networks and Learning (RISE)
The overall purpose of this project is to contribute to a resilient society through an in-depth and nuanced understanding of the contextual and underlying factors that create, maintain, break down, and undermine resilience.
By developing knowledge about resilience that is specific to Sweden, the project will contribute to increased resilience.
Social resilience in Sweden: Governance, Social Networks and Learning is a collaboration between Mid Sweden University, the Swedish Defense University and Karlstad University.
Olsson, D. (2020). The Transformative Potential of Resilience Thinking: How It Could Transform Unsustainable Economic Rationalities. Alternatives, 45(2), 102-120.
Olsson, D., & Öjehag-Pettersson, A. (2020). Buying a sustainable society: the case of public procurement in Sweden. Local Environment, 25(9), 681-696.
Glover, L. & Granberg, M. (2020). The Politics of Adapting to Climate Change. Palgrave Macmillan.
Petridou, E. , Pihl, K. & Sparf, J. (2020). Resilience Work in Swedish Local Governance: Evidence from the Areas of Climate Change Adaptation, Migration, and Violent Extremism. I Understanding Disaster Risk: A Multidimensional Approach. Elsevier.
Granberg, M., Bosomworth, K., Moloney, S., Kristianssen, A. C., & Fünfgeld, H. (2019). Can Regional-Scale Governance and Planning Support Transformative Adaptation? A Study of Two Places. Sustainability, 11(24), 6978.
In Swedish. Granberg, M., & Bodland, T. (2019). Klimatanpassning och samhällets resiliens: Ett svenskt perspektiv. Karlstads universitet, Centrum för klimat och säkerhet. Rapport 2019:4.
In Swedish. Linnell, M. (2019). Resilient mottagande av flyktingar – ett europeiskt perspektiv. (RCR Working Paper Series 2019:2).
In Swedish. Kolmodin, S. (2019). "Community" och "resiliens" - inga självklara begrepp. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (RCR Working Paper Series 2019:3).
Sparf, J. & Petridou, E. (2019). Resilience in Practice : A Survey of Recent European Union Projects. (RCR Working Paper Series 2019:4).
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