Evangelia Petridou
Docent|Associate Professor
- Professional title: Associate Professor
- Academic title: Associate Professor
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428318
- Email: evangelia.petridou@miun.se
- Visitor address: Kunskapens Väg 1, Östersund, 83125
- Room number: P3110
- Location: Östersund
- Employed at the subject:
- Political Science
- Research centers:
- Risk and Crisis Research Centre
Research projects
LEGITIPREP - Boundaries of Legitimation: Crisis Normalization and Preparedness
Putting out Fires: A Multiple Streams Analysis
Resilience in Sweden: Governance, Social Networks and Learning (RISE)
SECRA – Strengthening University-Enterprise Collaboration for Resilient Communities in Asia
Articles in journals
Chapters in books
Collections (editor)
Conference papers
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
Articles in journals
Capano, G. , Galanti, M. T. , Ingold, K. , Petridou, E. & Weible, C. M. (2025). Theorizing the functions and patterns of agency in the policymaking process. Policy sciences,
Becker, P. , Sparf, J. & Petridou, E. (2024). Identifying proactive and reactive policy entrepreneurs in collaborative networks in flood risk management. Policy and Politics, vol. 52: 2, pp. 298-320.
Petridou, E. , Johansson, R. , Eriksson, K. , Alirani, G. & Zahariadis, N. (2024). Theorizing reactive policy entrepreneurship : A case study of Swedish local emergency management. Policy Studies Journal, vol. 52: 1, pp. 73-89.
Zahariadis, N. , Karokis‐Mavrikos, V. , Exadaktylos, T. , Kyriakidis, A. , Sparf, J. & Petridou, E. (2023). Advancing the operationalization of national policy styles. European Policy Analysis, vol. 9: 3, pp. 200-218.
Petridou, E. , Sparf, J. , Hemmingsson, O. & Pihl, K. (2023). Immersive simulation and experimental design in risk and crisis management : Implications for learning. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, vol. 31: 4, pp. 1009-1017.
Morisson, A. & Petridou, E. (2023). Policy entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial strategies, and institutional contexts in Interreg Europe. Science and Public Policy, vol. 50: 4, pp. 670-680.
Zahariadis, N. , Petridou, E. , Exadaktylos, T. & Sparf, J. (2023). Policy styles and political trust in Europe’s national responses to the COVID-19 crisis. Policy Studies, vol. 44: 1, pp. 46-67.
Cohen, N. , Arnold, G. & Petridou, E. (2023). Why we need to study street-level policy entrepreneurs. European Policy Analysis, vol. 9: 4, pp. 342-355.
Zahariadis, N. , Exadaktylos, T. , Sparf, J. , Petridou, E. , Kyriakidis, A. & Papadopoulos, I. (2022). Assessing the effectiveness of public health interventions for Covid‐19 in Greece and Cyprus. European Policy Analysis, vol. 8: 3, pp. 345-359.
Sparf, J. , Petridou, E. , Granberg, M. , Becker, P. & Onn, B. (2022). Pandemic responses at the subnational level : Exploring politics, administration, and politicization in Swedish municipalities. European Policy Analysis, vol. 8: 3, pp. 327-344.
Petridou, E. & Mintrom, M. (2021). A Research Agenda for the Study of Policy Entrepreneurs. Policy Studies Journal, vol. 49: 4, pp. 943-967.
Zahariadis, N. , Ceccoli, S. & Petridou, E. (2021). Assessing the effects of calculated inaction on national responses to the COVID-19 crisis. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, vol. 12: 3, pp. 328-345.
Petridou, E. , Becker, P. & Sparf, J. (2021). Policy Entrepreneurs in Public Administration : A Social Network Analysis. Politics and Policy, vol. 49: 2, pp. 414-445.
Petridou, E. & Zahariadis, N. (2021). Staying at home or going out? Leadership response to the COVID‐19 crisis in Greece and Sweden. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, vol. 29: 3, pp. 293-302.
Ioannides, D. & Petridou, E. (2021). Street Art and the ‘Right to the City’ in a Fragmented Metropolis : The Case of Beirut. Montreal Architectural Review, vol. 7
Petridou, E. , Zahariadis, N. & Ceccoli, S. (2020). Averting institutional disasters? Drawing lessons from China to inform the Cypriot response to the COVID‐19 pandemic. European Policy Analysis, vol. 6: 2, pp. 318-327.
Zahariadis, N. , Petridou, E. & Oztig, L. I. (2020). Claiming credit and avoiding blame : political accountability in Greek and Turkish responses to the COVID‐19 crisis. European Policy Analysis, vol. 6: 2, pp. 159-169.
Petridou, E. (2020). Politics and Administration in Times of Crisis : Explaining the Swedish Response to the COVID-19 Crisis. European Policy Analysis, vol. 6: 2, pp. 147-158.
Petridou, E. , Paltrinieri, N. & Danielsson, E. (2020). Risk and uncertainty : From critical thinking to practical impact. Safety Science, vol. 129
Sparf, J. , Petridou, E. , Skog, F. , Kolmodin, S. & Ljungdahl, J. (2019). Experimental Design in Teaching Crisis and Emergency Management in Social Sciences : The Case of the RCR Lab at Mid Sweden University. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, vol. 37: 1, pp. 92-100.
Petridou, E. , Danielsson, E. , Olofsson, A. , Lundgren, M. & Große, C. (2019). If Crisis or War Comes : A Study of Risk Communication of Eight European Union Member States. Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research, vol. 2: 2, pp. 207-232.
Petridou, E. , Olausson, P. M. & Ioannides, D. (2019). Nascent island tourism policy development in Greenland : A network perspective. Island Studies Journal, vol. 14: 2, pp. 227-244.
Sparf, J. & Petridou, E. (2018). Collaborations in Routine Emergency Management : Lessons from Sweden. Procedia Engineering, vol. 212, pp. 302-308.
Petridou, E. (2018). Entrepreneurship in the Swedish municipal polis : the case of Mer [*] Östersund. Policy Studies, vol. 39: 1, pp. 70-89.
Petridou, E. & Sparf, J. (2017). For safety’s sake : the strategies of institutional entrepreneurs and bureaucratic reforms in Swedish crisis management, 2001–2009. Policy & Society, vol. 36: 4, pp. 556-574.
Petridou, E. & Olausson, P. (2017). Policy Entrepreneurship and Policy Transfer : Flood Risk Governance in Northern Sweden. Central European Journal of Public Policy, vol. 11: 1, pp. 1-12.
Petridou, E. (2014). Theories of the Policy Process: Contemporary Scholarship and Future Directions. Policy Studies Journal, vol. 42: Supplement issue s1, pp. s12-s32.
Petridou, E. & Ioannides, D. (2013). Conducting creativity in the periphery of Sweden : A bottom-up path towards territorial cohesion. Creative Industries Journal, vol. 5: 1&2, pp. 119-137.
Petridou, E. , Sparf, J. , Zahariadis, N. & Birkland, T. A. (2025). Policy Entrepreneurs, Crises, and Policy Change. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Elements in Public Policy ).
Chapters in books
Zahariadis, N. , Petridou, E. & van den Dool, A. (2024). Pedagogical approaches in teaching the multiple streams framework. In Handbook of Teaching Public Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 92-104.
Zahariadis, N. , Herweg, N. , Zohlnhöfer, R. , Petridou, E. & Novotný, V. (2023). Advancing the multiple streams framework. In A Modern Guide to the Multiple Streams Framework. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.. pp. 1-23.
Petridou, E. (2023). From policy entrepreneur to policy entrepreneurship : Examining the role of context in policy entrepreneurial action. In A Modern Guide to the Multiple Streams Framework. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.. pp. 104-119.
Zahariadis, N. & Petridou, E. (2023). Multiple Streams, policy implementation and the Greek refugee crisis. In A Modern Guide to the Multiple Streams Framework. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.. pp. 144-159.
Petridou, E. , Sparf, J. & Broqvist, H. (2023). Sweden : A Decentralized, Coordinated Response to the Pandemic. In Governments’ Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Europe : Navigating the Perfect Storm. Palgrave Macmillan.
Petridou, E. (2022). Following the Public Health Agency’s Guidelines : The Swedish Approach. In Policy Styles and Trust in the Age of Pandemics : Global Threat, National Responses. Routledge (Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy). pp. 211-228.
Zahariadis, N. , Petridou, E. , Exadaktylos, T. & Sparf, J. (2022). Policy Styles and Policy Making During Times of Crisis. In Policy Styles and Trust in the Age of Pandemics : Global Threat, National Responses. Routledge (Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy). pp. 17-38.
Zahariadis, N. , Petridou, E. , Exadaktylos, T. & Sparf, J. (2022). The Politics of National Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic. In Policy Styles and Trust in the Age of Pandemics : Global Threat, National Responses. Routledge (Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy). pp. 3-16.
Prince, S. , Petridou, E. & Ioannides, D. (2021). Art Worlds in the Periphery : Creativity and Networking in Rural Scandinavia. In Creative Tourism in Smaller Communities : Place, Culture, and Local Representation. Calgary : University of Calgary Press. pp. 259-282.
Petridou, E. (2021). Collaborative Crisis Management : A Social Network Analysis. In Thule : Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundets Årsbook 2021. Umeå : Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundet. pp. 25-39.
Petridou, E. , Sparf, J. & Pihl, K. (2020). Resilience work in Swedish local governance : Evidence from the areas of climate change adaptation, migration, and violent extremism. In Understanding Disaster Risk : A Multidimensional Approach. Amsterdam : Elsevier. pp. 225-238.
Petridou, E. , von Bergmann-Winberg, M. & Alebaki, M. (2018). Entrepreneurship in Times of Crisis : A Resilience Perspective on the Greek Wine Sector. In Governance and Political Entrepreneurship in Europe : Promoting Growth and Welfare in Times of Crisis. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 207-227.
Ioannides, D. & Petridou, E. (2016). Contingent Neoliberalism and Urban Tourism in the United States. In Neoliberalism and the Political Economy of Tourism. Routledge. pp. 21-37.
Ioannides, D. , Leventis, P. & Petridou, E. (2016). Urban Resistance Tourism Initiatives in Stressed Cities : The Case of Athens. In Reinventing the Local in Tourism : Producing, Consuming, and Negotiating Place. Bristol : Channel View Publications. pp. 229-250.
Ioannides, D. & Petridou, E. (2015). Archipelagic Tourism : Synthesis and Reflections. In Archipelago Tourism : Policies and Practices. Aldershot : Ashgate (New Directions in Tourism Analysis). pp. 241-248.
Miles, L. & Petridou, E. (2015). Entrepreneurial Resilience : Role of policy entrepreneurs in the political perspective of crisis management. In Organizational Resilience : Concepts, Integration and Practice. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press. pp. 67-81.
Narbutaité Aflaki, I. , Petridou, E. & Miles, L. (2015). Political Entrepreneurship Redux : Looking into the Future. In Entrepreneurship in the Polis : Understanding Political Entrepreneurship. Aldershot : Ashgate. pp. 206-215.
Petridou, E. , Narbutaité Aflaki, I. & Miles, L. (2015). Unpacking the Theoretical Boxes of Political Entrepreneurship. In Entrepreneurship in the Polis : Understanding Political Entrepreneurship. Aldershot : Ashgate. pp. 1-16.
Petridou, E. & Ioannides, D. (2013). Creative serendipity : when art and public entrepreneurship revitalize a downtown. In Regioner, regionalism och entreprenörskap. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University. pp. 120-138.
Ioannides, D. & Petridou, E. (2012). Tourism workers and the equity dimension of sustainability. In Tourism Enterprises and the Sustainability Agenda across Europe. Farnham : Ashgate. pp. 187-203.
Ioannides, D. & Petridou Daughtrey, E. (2006). Competition in the travel distribution system: the US travel sector.. In Corporate Rivalry and Market Power. London : I.B. Tauris. pp. 124-142.
Collections (editor)
Zahariadis, N. (ed.) , Herweg, N. (ed.) , Zohlnhöfer, R. (ed.) & Petridou, E. (ed.) (2023). A Modern Guide to the Multiple Streams Framework. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing (Edward Elgar Modern Guides ).
Zahariadis, N. (ed.) , Petridou, E. (ed.) , Exadaktylos, T. (ed.) & Sparf, J. (ed.) (2022). Policy Styles and Trust in the Age of Pandemics : Global Threat, National Responses. Routledge (Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy ).
Narbutaité Aflaki, I. (ed.) , Petridou, E. (ed.) & Miles, L. (ed.) (2015). Entrepreneurship in the Polis : Understanding Political Entrepreneurship. Aldershot : Ashgate
Conference papers
Petridou, E. , Becker, P. & Sparf, J. (2019). Entrepreneurial Bureaucrats : A Social Network Analysis of Lomma and Staffanstorp Municipalities, Sweden. In Proceedings.
Petridou, E. , Becker, P. & Sparf, J. (2019). Policy entrepreneurs and flood risk mitigation in Sweden : A structural analysis. In Proceedings.
Petridou, E. , Danielsson, E. , Große, C. , Lundgren, M. , Olofsson, A. & Röslmaier, M. (2018). Risk Communication : A Comparative Study of Eight EU Countries. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe (SRA-E Conference 2018), Östersund, Sweden, June 18–20 2018.
Sparf, J. & Petridou, E. (2017). Virtual And Physical Immersion Classroom For Enhanced Learning In The Behavioural And Social Sciences. In INTED2017: 11TH INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE. (INTED Proceedings). pp. 6835-
Olausson, P. M. , Petridou, E. & Ioannides, D. (2016). Seeking resilience through tourism in Greenland : A cautious outlook in the risky era of climate change. Paper presented at the 10th ECPR General Conference, Prague, 7-10 September, 2016
Sparf, J. & Petridou, E. (2015). Tidal wave: critical junctures, political agency and the shift of crisis management policy in Sweden, 2004-2009. In NEEDS - The First Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies. University of Copenhagen, December 9-11, 2015.
Doctoral theses
Petridou, E. (2017). Political Entrepreneurship in Swedish : Towards a (Re)Theorization of Entrepreneurial Agency. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2017 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 252)
Alirani, G. , Petridou, E. , Johansson, R. & Eriksson, K. (2022). Varför brinner skogen? Lokala svar på ett globalt problem.
Triantafyllopoulos, I. K. , Petridou, E. & Carawan, E. (2013). Graphē paranomōn, A TRANSLATION : Indictment for unlawful proposals (Translated from the 2nd ed 1962 by E. Petridou, notes by E. Carawan).
Petridou, E. , Sparf, J. , Onn, B. , Jochem, S. & Schøyen, M. A. (2024). Sweden Report : Sustainable Governance Indicators 2024. Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung
Petridou, E. , Sparf, J. , Jochem, S. & Detlef, J. (. (2022). Sustainable Governance Indicators 2022 : Sweden Report. Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung
Sparf, J. , Petridou, E. , Granberg, M. & Onn, B. (2021). Kommunal organisering av pandemirespons : En realtidsstudie av lokal resiliens. MSB
Sparf, J. & Petridou, E. (2021). Sweden Country Report. Stavanger : Universitetet i Stavanger (Rapporter fra UiS 98).
Petridou, E. , Sparf, J. , Jochem, S. & Hustedt, T. (2021). Sweden Report : Sustainable Governance in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis. Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung (Sustainable Governance Indicators ).
Danielsson, E. , Petridou, E. , Lundgren, M. , Olofsson, A. , Grosse, C. & Röslmaier, M. (2020). Risk Communication : A Comparative Study of Eight EU Countries. MSB
Sparf, J. , Petridou, E. , Landgren, J. & Lyckvi, S. (2019). Larmoperatörskluster: Organisering för samverkan i vardag och kris. Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap
Sparf, J. & Petridou, E. (2019). Resilience in Practice : A Survey of Recent European Union Projects. (RCR Working Paper Series 2019:4).
Petridou, E. & Ioannides, D. (2016). Konstgödning : Co-producing art in the outskirts of the world. Östersund : Mid Sweden University (Rapportserien / European Tourism Research Institute 2016:6).
Petridou Daughtrey, E. (2006). Industrial Market Trends : A survey of Springfield's Manufacturing/Warehouse Market. Springfield MO : Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce