Ylva Rönngren

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer


Articles in journals

Rönngren, Y. , Björk, A. , Haage, D. & Audulv, Å. (2024). Initiating and Maintaining a Lifestyle Program Directed at Persons Living with Severe Mental Illness in a Municipality Care Setting. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, vol. 45: 7, pp. 706-714.  

Larsson Gerdin, A. , Rönngren, Y. , Hellzén, O. , Kjällman Alm, A. & Rising Holmström, M. (2024). Understanding Older Persons' Experiences of Care Encounters in the Home Environment : A Hermeneutic Study. Journal of Advanced Nursing,    

Stenman, T. , Rönngren, Y. , Näppä, U. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2024). “Unless someone sees and hears you, how do you know you exist?” Meanings of confidential conversations – a hermeneutic study of the experiences of patients with palliative care needs. BMC Nursing, vol. 23: 1    

Stenman, T. , Näppä, U. , Rönngren, Y. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2023). “Daring to deal with the difficult and unexpected” registered nurses’ confidential conversations with patients with palliative care needs : a qualitative interview study. BMC Palliative Care, vol. 22: 1  

Björk, A. , Rönngren, Y. , Hellzén, O. & Wall, E. (2021). The Importance of Belonging to a Context : A Nurse-Led Lifestyle Intervention for Adult Persons with ADHD. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, vol. 42: 3, pp. 216-226.    

Björk, A. , Rönngren, Y. , Vinberg, S. , Hellzén, O. , Wall, E. & Olofsson, N. (2020). A nurse-led lifestyle intervention for adult persons with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Sweden. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 74: 8, pp. 602-612.    

Rönngren, Y. , Björk, A. , Audulv, Å. , Enmarker, I. , Kristiansen, L. & Haage, D. (2018). Educational nurse-led lifestyle intervention for persons with mental illness.. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, vol. 27: 3, pp. 1022-1031.  

Björk, A. , Rönngren, Y. , Selander, J. , Vinberg, S. , Hellzén, O. & Olofsson, N. (2018). Health, lifestyle habits, and physical fitness among adults with ADHD compared with a random sample of a Swedish general population. Society, health and vulnerability, vol. 9: 1    

Rönngren, Y. , Björk, A. , Kristiansen, L. , Haage, D. , Enmarker, I. & Audulv, Å. (2018). Meeting the needs? Perceived support of a nurse-led lifestyle programme for young adults with mental illness in a primary health-care setting. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, vol. 27: 1, pp. 390-399.  

Rönngren, Y. , Björk, A. , Haage, D. , Audulv, Å. & Kristiansen, L. (2018). Perspectives of a tailored lifestyle program for people with severe mental illness receiving housing support. Perspectives in psychiatric care, vol. 54: 2, pp. 309-316.  

Björk, A. , Rönngren, Y. , Selander, J. , Vinberg, S. & Hellzen, O. (2017). Perspectives on Everyday Suffering among People with Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Concurrent Mental Disorders. Open Journal of Nursing, vol. 7, pp. 583-598.    

Rönngren, Y. , Björk, A. , Haage, D. & Kristiansen, L. (2014). LIFEHOPE.EU – Lifestyle & Healthy Outcome in Physical Education : Development of a lifestyle intervention program for people with severe mental illness: Physical activity, dietary changes, and cognitive adaptation training. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, vol. 21: 10, pp. 924-930.  

Lundahl, M. , Olovsson, K. J. , Rönngren, Y. & Norbergh, K. (2014). Nurse's perspectives on care provided for patients with gamma-hydroxybutyric acid and gamma-butyrolactone abuse. Journal of Clinical Nursing, vol. 23: 17-18, pp. 2589-2598.  

Kristiansen, L. , Björk, A. , Kock, V. B. , Nilsson, A. , Rönngren, Y. , Smedberg, A. & Trillo, Å. (2011). Urinary incontinence and newly invented pad technique: patients', close relatives' and nursing staff's experiences and beliefs. International Journal of Urological Nursing, vol. 5: 1, pp. 21-30.  

Chapters in books

Björk, A. , Haage, D. , Lodin-Sundström, A. & Rönngren, Y. (2024). Livsstilsintervention kring psykisk ohälsa i norra Sverige. In Globala utmaningar – lokala lösningar : Forskning för en hållbar samhällsutveckling i norra Sverige. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet. pp. 158-159.

Björk, A. , Rönngren, Y. & Våge, L. (2023). Adult Persons with ADHD and Their Lifestyle. In Clinical Handbook of ADHD Assessment and Treatment Across the Lifespan. Springer. pp. 161-182.  

Conference papers

Stenman, T. , Rönngren, Y. , Näppä, U. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2022). Förtroliga samtal i palliativ vård - Personalens och patienters erfarenheter. Paper presented at the 7:e nationella konferensen i palliativ vård, Göteborg, 5-7 september, 2022

Björk, A. , Rönngren, Y. & Haage, D. (2022). Livsstilsprogram för bestående livsstilsförändring till personer med psykisk ohälsa och/eller neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning. In God och nära vård - länsgemensam temakonferens.

Doctoral theses

Rönngren, Y. (2018). Supporting healthy lifestyle habits in persons with mental disorders : The development of a nurse-led lifestyle intervention. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden Univsersity, 2018 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 279)  

The page was updated 3/10/2022