Susanne Sahlin
Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer
- Professional title: Senior Lecturer
- Academic title: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428252
- Email:
- Visitor address: Sidsjövägen 5, 85170 SUNDSVALL
- Room number: D350
- Location: Sundsvall
- Employed at the subject:
- Education
- Department:
- Department of Education (UTV)
I have worked at Mid Sweden University since January 1999, first as a lecturer in Pedagogy and then as a Phd Candidate in Education, and now as a Senior Lecturer in Education. During that time I have also had different leadership positions within the department.
Area of interest
Research interests:
- Principals' leadership
- Principals' professional learning and development
- Principals' professional identity
- Principals' leadership in school improvement processes
- Now focusing on a research project together with Tony Bush and Maria Styf where we investigate potential principals' identity formation during education, with three planned publications.
- Carry out two studies that focus on principals' leadership and lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic, in collaboration with Maria, Styf, Sandra Lund and Monica Sjöstrand.
- Associate Editor for the journal Educational Management Administration & Leadership (EMAL)
- Part of the Educational Leadership and School Development Research Group.
- Part of the research group Research on Rectors in the Nordics (FORN).
- Swedish representative, participant and partner in NetEduProject:
Other information
Leave of absence for the most part during the autumn semester 2023.
Extra contact information
Twitter: @susannesahlin
My thesis can be downloaded here:
Articles in journals
Chapters in books
Conference papers
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
Articles in journals
Sahlin, S. , Sjöstrand, M. , Styf, M. & Lund, S. (2023). Novice principals coping strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic in Sweden. Educational Management Administration & Leadership,
Sahlin, S. (2023). Professional development of school principals : how do experienced school leaders make sense of their professional learning?. Educational Management Administration & Leadership,
Sahlin, S. (2023). Teachers Making Sense of Principals’ Leadership in Collaboration Within and Beyond School. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 67: 5, pp. 754-774.
Sahlin, S. & Styf, M. (2021). Internationalization as an internal capacity builder for school improvement : a case study. International Journal of Leadership in Education, vol. 24: 3, pp. 371-392.
Sahlin, S. (2020). Making sense of external partnerships : Principals’ experiences of school–university collaborations. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, vol. 5: 1, pp. 51-71.
Sahlin, S. (2019). Collaboration with private companies as a vehicle for school improvement : Principals’ experiences and sensemaking. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, vol. 4: 1, pp. 15-35.
Lindberg, J. O. & Sahlin, S. (2012). A decade later: Twelve Teachers´retrospective views on a national programme for teachers´ professional development and ICT.. International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education, vol. 2: 1, pp. 25-34.
Lindberg, J. O. & Sahlin, S. (2011). Bridging school-subjects and distances in upper secondary schools. Campus-Wide Information Systems, vol. 28: 3, pp. 144-153.
Sahlin, S. (). Teachers making sense of principals’ leadership in collaboration beyond school. ,
Chapters in books
Styf, M. & Sahlin, S. (2024). En rektors professionella yrkestrygghet. In Rektorers yrkesidentitet och yrkestrygghet. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 153-167.
Gibson, M. , Outhwaite, D. , Sahlin, S. , Isaeva, N. & Tsatrian, M. (2023). Leadership Preparation and Development Policies in England, Sweden and Russia : Exploring Policy and Practice. In Teacher Education as an Ongoing Professional Trajectory : Implications for Policy and Practice. Springer (Teacher Education, Learning Innovation and Accountability). pp. 161-179.
Sahlin, S. , Outhwaite, D. & Misfud, D. (2023). The impact of ICA on Leadership preparation and development policies in England and Sweden : Comparing Policy and Practice. In Improving Higher Education Models Through International Comparative Analysis. IGI Global (A volume in the Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development (AHEPD) Book Series). pp. 253-269.
Persson, A. , Styf, M. & Sahlin, S. (2021). Leda och organisera lärares kompetensutveckling : - Tillit, ansvar och autonomi. In Att jobba som rektor : - om rektorer som professionella yrkesutövare. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 311-320.
Styf, M. , Sahlin, S. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2021). Professionshandledning : - Att utveckla rektor yrkesidentitet och yrkestrygghet. In Att jobba som rektor : - om rektorer som professionella yrkesutövare. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 233-242.
Styf, M. , Sahlin, S. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2020). Professionsutvecklande handledning, att utveckla en rektors professionella ledarskapsidentitet. In Perspektiv på handledning för ledare i förskola och skola. Malmö : Gleerups Utbildning AB. pp. 123-142.
Lindberg, J. O. & Sahlin, S. (2014). A decade later : Twelve teachers' retrospective views on a national programme for teachers' professional development and ICT. In Adult and Continuing Education : Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global. pp. 1781-1790.
Conference papers
Sahlin, S. & Sundgren, M. (2024). Networked Educational Design for Novice Principals’ Professional Development : Insights from Sweden. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Networked Learning 2024.
Sahlin, S. , Sjöstrand, M. , Styf, M. & Lund, S. (2023). School principals coping strategies during a time of leading schools in a low intensive crisis : A Swedish case. Paper presented at the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement: Educational systems learning under challenging circumstances- Global perspectives, collaboration and local solutions for reimagining schooling, Vina Del Mar, Chile, January 10-13, 2023
Sahlin, S. (2022). How Do Experienced School Leaders in Sweden Make Sense of their Continuous Professional Learning?. Paper presented at the AERA Annual Meeting 2022: Cultivation Equitable Education Systems for the 21st Century, 22-25 April 2022, San Diego, California (hybrid conference)
Sahlin, S. , Styf, M. & Lund, S. (2022). Lessons learned about principal leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic : To be close at a distance. Paper presented at the Nordic Educational Research Association: Education and involvement in precarious times, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 1-3, 2022
Sahlin, S. & Lund, S. (2021). Examining the Leadership Preparation Program for Aspiring Principals in Sweden. Paper presented at the European Conference of Educational Research: Education and Society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliations, Genéva,Switzerland, [DIGITAL], September 6-10, 2021,
Sahlin, S. (2021). Professional Development of School Leadership : - How Do Experienced School Leaders Make Sense of their Continuous Professional Learning?. Paper presented at the ECER 2021 - The European Conference of Educational Research: Education and Society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliations, Genéva, Switzerland, [DIGITAL], September 6-10, 2021.
Sahlin, S. (2021). What boundaries need to be crossed and what bridges need to be built within the context of school effectiveness and improvement?. In ICSEI Dialogic 2021 : Crossing Boundaries and Building Bridges.. pp. 9--11.
Sahlin, S. (2020). Sensemaking of Principals’ Leadership Practices in Collaboration for School. Paper presented at the Paper presented at ICSEI International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, Marrakech, Morrocco, 6-10 Jan, 2020
Sahlin, S. (2020). What do we know from Sweden and the Swedish context about the degree to which schools are places of belonging – for young people and adults – and the impact of this?. Paper presented at the Symposium – Connecting worlds, connecting systems: a global discussion on future schooling. Paper presented at ICSEI International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, Marrakech, Morrocco, 6-10 Jan, 2020.
Sahlin, S. (2019). Moving Beyond Internal Affairs : - Principals’ Sensemaking of Collaboration for School Improvement. Paper presented at the Paper presented at the World Education Leadership Symposium 2019: Responsible Leadership - Demands, Reality, Possibilities, Zug, Switzerland, 25-27 September, 2019
Sahlin, S. (2019). Principal Leadership Enactment of Beyond School Collaborations : – Implications for Capacity Building?. Paper presented at the Paper presented at the 32nd ICSEI Conference: Bringing together – creating innovative educational policies and practices for diversity, equity and sustainability, 8-12 Jan, 2019, Stavanger, Norway
Sahlin, S. (2019). Principal’s Role And Meaning In Collaborations Beyond School : – The Teacher Perspective. Paper presented at the Paper presented at the ECER 2019 - The European Conference of Educational Research: Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future, Hamburg, Germany, 3-6 September, 2019.
Sahlin, S. (2018). Principals Experience And Sensemaking Of A Collaboration With Private Companies As A Vehicle For School Improvement. Paper presented at the Paper presented at the ECER 2018 - The European Conference of Educational Research: Inclusion and Exclusion, Resources for Educational Research?, Bolzano, Italy, 3-7 September, 2018.
Sahlin, S. , Ince, A. & Þórólfsson, M. (2018). Teacher Professional Learning As A Response To Issues Of Teacher Retention And Recruitment : Perspectives From Iceland, Sweden And England. Paper presented at the Paper presented in a symposium at the ECER 2018 - The European Conference of Educational Research: Inclusion and Exclusion, Resources for Educational Research?, Bolzano, Italy, 3-7 September, 2018.
Sahlin, S. (2017). Collaborative partnerships and school leadership to enhance internal capacity building in schools – theoretical considerations. Paper presented at the 30th ICSEI International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, 7-10 Jan, 2017, Ottawa, Canada
Sahlin, S. & Björkman, C. (2017). Principals leadership as an internal capacity for school improvement - principals and teachers views in three Swedish schools. Paper presented at the 30th ICSEI International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, Ottawa, Canada 7-10 Jan 2017
Sahlin, S. (2017). Principals leadership to enhance internal capacity building in schools through collaborative partnerships.. Paper presented at the 30th ICSEI International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, Ottawa, Canada 7-10 Jan 2017
Ince, A. & Sahlin, S. (2017). Professional learning implications for Higher Education Institutions, schools and teachers from Masters level programmes in England and Sweden. Paper presented at the ECER2017 – The European Conference of Educational Research: Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent roles of policy and educational research, Copenhagen, Denmark, 22-25 August 2017.
Sahlin, S. (2016). School-University Collaboration – A Way To Build Internal Capacities for School Improvement? A Swedish Case Study. Paper presented at the ECER 2016 "Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers", Dublin, Irland, 22-26 August, 2016.
Sahlin, S. (2015). Combining a thesis and an evaluation mission in a school development and research project - methodological considerations. Paper presented at the NERA 43rd Congress, Marketisation and Differentiation in Education, Gothenburg, 4-6 March 2015
Sahlin, S. (2015). Entrepreneurship as capacity building in three schools. Paper presented at the EERA: ECER 2015 "Education and Transition. Contributions from Educational Research", Budapest Hungary
Sahlin, S. & Styf, M. (2014). Internationalization and school leadership : – keys to school improvement?. Paper presented at the The Asia Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference 2014 - Managing global changes and education reforms: Asia and Pacific Responses, Hong Kong.
Sahlin, S. (2014). Looking for the concept of the total leadership : - An international literature review of research on school leadership. Paper presented at the NERA 42 Congress Education for Sustainable Development, Lillehammer, Norway, March 5-7 2014
Sahlin, S. (2013). How do the overall leadership of three schools influence school performance and goal achievement, and how can we understand it from a school leadership perspective?. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the EDUCATION, LEARNING, STYLES, INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES NETWORK: Building Learning Capacity for Life.
Sahlin, S. & Söderlund, A. (2010). E-lärande med stöd av sociala medier. Paper presented at the National Conference on Network and Development in Higher Education 2010
Lindberg, J. O. & Sahlin, S. (2010). Enhancing the European dimension in upper secondary schools - using ICT to bridge school-subjects and distances.. In Readings in Technology and Education: Proceedings of ICICTE 2010.. pp. 38--48.
Rasmusson, M. , Sundgren, M. & Sahlin, S. (2008). Podcasting and blogging - the way to learn? : Presented at the European Conference on Educational Research 2008 in Gothenburg Sept 10.
Doctoral theses
Sahlin, S. (2019). Moving Beyond Internal Affairs : Making Sense of Principals' Leadership Practices in Collaboration for School Improvement. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2019 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 304)