Linda Thompson
Doktorand|Doctoral Student
- Professional title: Doctoral Student
- Academic title: Lecturer
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1427988
- Email:
- Visitor address: Sundsvall, R-huset
- Room number: R331
- Location: Sundsvall
- Employed at the subject:
- Photography
I am a doctoral student in artistic practice with an emphasis on photography at HDK Valand at the University of Gothenburg in collaboration with Mid Sweden University.
The artistic research project, “Revision and the River” explores acts of witnessing and revision in documentary arts practice focused on storytelling places of environmental change.
Within documentary photography exists a tradition of care for social and environmental concerns through bearing witness and storytelling. Despite the good intentions of environmentally concerned documentary photographers challenges related to representation of the subject remain. At the same time, documentary photographic practice and artifacts have been, and still are used in colonial and extractive ways in the subjugation of both people as well as the more-than-human world. Recently, terms such as “decolonizing photography” or “environmental rephotography” have emerged describing the work of engaging in acts of revision with archives and past narratives.
Further developing place-based methods active in documentary arts practice, this project focuses on a site of environmental change and energy extraction. Specifically, by focusing on the iconic Nämforsen rapids-turned-hydropower-plant along the Ångermanälven River in Northern Sweden as a site of collective memory and imaginary potential. Nämforsen, the site of one of Europe’s largest concentrations of petroglyphs, is situated by the village of Näsåker and in the wintering grounds of the Voernese Sameby reindeer herding community. It was the site of the first of forty-four hydropower dam installations on the Ångermanälven watershed imposing barriers to reindeer herding routes as well as to wild salmon’s critical migration journey. It remains a popular destination for those wishing to experience its summertime free-flowing turistvatten or “tourist-waters” and simultaneously a site of extractive industry. Through environmental rephotography, montage, sequencing and other acts of revisionist storytelling, this research explores place-based documentary-arts practice as a form bearing witness to- and reimagining- the image of Nämforsen.
I am a practicing artist and educator based in Ångermanland, Sweden. I have a background both academically and professionally in photojournalism with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Montana and a Master of Arts from Mid Sweden University. I am the author of three monographs dealing in different ways with the representation of migration through the documentary arts; In Place of Memory (Teg Publishing, 2016), Emigrant Memoir (Self-published, 2019) and Återvändarna / The Returners (Self-published, 2021).
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism emphasis Photojournalism, University of Montana (2000)
Master of Arts in Photojournalism, Mid Sweden University (2014)
Area of interest
artistic practice, photography, photojournalism, documentary arts, environmental rephotography, plant-based photography, visual storytelling, migration, identity, representation
In 2022 I began doctoral studies in artistic practice with an emphasis in photography at the Department of Design at Mid Sweden University in collaboration with HDK-Valand at the University of Gothenburg.
Between 2019-2022 I was a part of Miun Research Exhibition working with the theme "the forest and sustainability". The work is to result in a physical and virtual exhibition.
Teaching and tutoring
I teach in a variety of courses within the subjects of photography, graphic design and industrial design.
Other information
For a complete list of solo and group exhibitions see
Awards / Distinctions
- Swedish authors fund, One-year grant
- Göran Dahlbergs Award 2020
- Winner Svensk Bokkonst 2019 / Swedish Book Art 2019
- Konstnärsnämnden/Swedish Arts Council, one-year working grant 2019
- Landstinget Västernorrland travel grant 2019
- Semi-finalist Lange-Taylor Prize 2018
- Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse 2017
- Högsjö Hembyggdsförening culture award
- Landstinget Västernorrland resebidrag 2017
- Sveriges Författarfond “one year grant” 2016
- Successful Kickstarter campaign 2016
- Stiftelsen Längmanska Kulturfonden 2016
- Sune Jonsson Award 2016
- Alba Årets Fotograf / Alba Photographer of the Year,
- Nominee, TT:s Stora Fotopris 2015
- Svenska Fotografers Förbunds travel and education grant 2015
- Nominee, The 2014 Victor Fellowship in Photography – The Hasselblad Foundation
Catalogs and anthologies
- Svensk Bokkonst 2019: 25 Utvalda Böcker, ISBN 978 91 7000 410 0
- Published: Photo Books in Sweden, König, WaltherVerlag 2018. ISBN 978-3-96098-475-7
- ArkDes Resumé #2 – Höra hemma: om det bostadspolitiska dilemma ISBN 978-91-87447-08-2
- New Nordic Photography – The Victor Fellowships 10 Year Anniversary Issue, 2014 ISBN 978919769757-6
- Planket 2014 – Angelägenheter ISBN 9789198196009
Represented in collectitons
- Umeå Kommun Konstsamling (Municipal collection)
- Västernorrland Läns Landsting (County collection)
- Örebro Läns Landsting (County collection)
Selected press
- Volym, Review by Marareta Klingberg (Swedish) “Mellanplatser / Places in Between 2019
- Missoulian Newspaper, Preview “Photographer documents movement and loss in Emigrant Memoir” 2019
- Volym, Review by Margareta Klingberg (Swedish) “In Place of Memory”01/20/2016
- Dagens Arbete, “En plats i förändring” nr 10 2016
- Sveriges Radio, P1 Kultur / Kulturnytt. “Bilder från ett svunnet och ett nytt Ådalen” 15/11/2016
- SVT Västerbotten, “Migration handlar mycket om ens identitet”, 12/11/2016
- Public Radio International, The World, “Hundreds of miles from danger, these families still aren’t safe,” 11/8/2015
- Sveriges Radio, P1. Kulturreportaget. “Vi och dom andra: Bilder från två hall” 26/1/2015 (Swedish)
- Västerbottens Kuriren, “Makten over bilderna” 6/1/2015 (Swedish)
- Tidningen FOTO, “Ett område i förändring” Nr 9/2014 (Swedish)
- Mittnytt, SVT, “Bildjournalist vid Mittuniversitetet kan få prestigyllt pris” 17/4/2014 (Swedish)
Her website:
Extra contact information
+46(0)70 229 4890
Articles in journals
Chapters in books
Artistic output
Conference papers
Articles in journals
Thompson, L. M. (2024). Rephotography and fluid landscapes. JoLA - Journal of Landscape Architecture, vol. 19: 1, pp. 50-67.
Fagerholm, A. , Göransson, K. , Thompson, L. M. & Hedvall, P. (2023). Activism online : Exploring how crises are communicated visually in activism campaigns. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, vol. 31: 4, pp. 1034-1043.
Thompson, L. M. (2023). (In)visible powers : witnessing the ‘tourist-waters’ of Nämforsen. Cultural Geographies, vol. 30: 2, pp. 325-332.
Thompson, L. M. (2023). Repeat Photography, Rephotography and the Redesign of the Riverscape. Membrana – Journal of Photography, Theory and Visual Culture, vol. 7: 1-2
Thompson, L. M. (2018). Mementos of America : How Swedish-American Immigrants Used Photography to Assert Power over the American Landscape and Their Identities. Swedish-American Historical Quarterly, vol. 69: 1
Thompson, L. M. (2021). Återvändarna / The Returners. Härnösand : Self-published
Thompson, L. M. (2019). Emigrant memoir. Self-published
Thompson, L. M. (2016). In place of memory. Teg Publishing
Chapters in books
Thompson, L. M. (2023). #agenda3020. In MIUN Research Exhibition : Utställningsproduktion i universitetsbibliotekets fysiska och webbaserade rum. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Skrifter från Mittuniversitetets bibliotek). pp. 73-80.
Thompson, L. M. (2023). In Passing. In MIUN Research Exhibition : Utställningsproduktion i universitetsbibliotekets fysiska och webbaserade rum. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Skrifter från Mittuniversitetets bibliotek). pp. 88-94.
Nordbäck, C. & Thompson, L. M. (2023). Reflektioner kring ett webbaserat utställningsprojekt. In MIUN Research Exhibition : Utställningsproduktion i universitetsbibliotekets fysiska och webbaserade rum. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Skrifter från Mittuniversitetets bibliotek). pp. 54-72.
Thompson, L. M. (2023). Storbröten. In MIUN Research Exhibition : Utställningsproduktion i universitetsbibliotekets fysiska och webbaserade rum. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Skrifter från Mittuniversitetets bibliotek). pp. 95-111.
Thompson, L. M. (2023). Written in the Trees. In MIUN Research Exhibition : Utställningsproduktion i universitetsbibliotekets fysiska och webbaserade rum. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Skrifter från Mittuniversitetets bibliotek). pp. 112-122.
Artistic output
Thompson, L. M. (2024). Reconstructions. Sollefteå :
Thompson, L. M. (2024). Tourist-water. Stockholm :
Thompson, L. M. (2023). Konsten, Samhället och Miljön. Kulturmagasinet, Sundsvall :
Nordbäck, C. , Thompson, L. M. & Asklund, H. (2021). Boreala bilder : om skog, tid och hållbar utveckling.
Thompson, L. M. (2019). Emigrant Memoir. Umeå :
Thompson, L. M. (2019). Linda Maria Thompson : Emigrant Memoir. Missoula, Montana USA :
Thompson, L. M. (2019). Mellanplatser / Places in Between. Härnösand : Västernorrlands museum
Thompson, L. M. (2017). Photographs from the series "In Place of Memory" in ArkDes Resumé #2 – Höra hemma: om det bostadspolitiska dilemma edited by Titti Olsson.. Stockholm : ArkDes
Thompson, L. M. (2016). In Place of Memory. Umeå :
Thompson, L. M. (2014). New Nordic Photography 2014 : group exhibition of Victor Fellowship nominees. Gothenburg :
Thompson, L. M. (2014). Vi och dom Andra / Us and Them (VODA). Umeå :
Conference papers
Thompson, L. M. (2023). artist presentation. Paper presented at the Networking North/Decolonizing Future, Bildmuseet, Umeå University, Umeå, november 9-10, 2023
Thompson, L. M. (2023). Documentary arts practice and revisionary acts. Paper presented at the Environmental Emergencies Across Media, Linnaeus University, 16-18 March, 2023
Thompson, L. M. (2022). Witnessing Nämforsen. In Transformations '22 : artistic research in times of change. Luleå :
Göransson, K. , Fagerholm, A. & Thompson, L. M. (2021). Exploring how crises are visualized in design activism campaigns. Paper presented at the Needs2021, [DIGITAL], September 21-23, 2021.
Thompson, L. M. (2021). Seeing industrial violence over time : Rephotography and the environmental damages of log driving on the Ljusnan River in Sweden. In Environement : Archives & Wittnessing.
Thompson, L. M. (2018). Code-switching : strengths and perils of working in-between [research presentation]. Paper presented at the Vetenskapsrådets årliga symposium om konstnärlig forskning 2018, Piteå, Sverige, November 17-18, 2018.
Thompson, L. M. (2016). Materialities and the Photographic Moment : Reflections on a work-in-progress using an antique large-format view camera. In Helsinki Photomedia 2016.
Thompson, L. M. (2014). Mementos of America : How Swedish-American Immigrants Used Photography to Assert Power over the American Landscape and Their Identities. Paper presented at the Helsinki Photomedia 2014