Linda Wilhelmsson
Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer
- Professional title: Senior Lecturer
- Academic title: Senior Lecturer
- Area of responsibility: Program manager Teacher Education K 4-6Research Leader Critical Perspectives in Educational Sciences
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428369
- Email:
- Visitor address: Campus Östersund, Hus E
- Room number: E212
- Location: Östersund
- Employed at the subject:
- Education
- Department:
- Department of Education (UTV)
Area of interest
Schools' democratic comission, student influence, bildung and eco-bildung, critical constructive didactics, Wild Pedagogies, small schools in sparsely populated areas, education for sustainability
Through the idea of Wild Pedagogies eco-bildung and eco-democracy are developed and how the societal challenges we face can be understood and handled in the light of themes such as didactics and power.
I am working on a project on Locally relevant education for sustainable development, a didactic practical school research project in sparsely populated areas. The project aims to, in cooperation with three schools, identify research needs, purpose, research methods, and suitable theoretical perspectives regarding education for sustainable development. The special challenges and opportunities that exist for the "small school" are the focus for thereby developing didactic models for education and teaching.
I am the research leader for the group "Critical perspectives in educational research" (KUF). In the KUF research group, we are united by an interest in putting educational research into a societal perspective. Questions about education and educational sociological interest in socialization and identity-creating processes are the focus through a critical analytical approach. This incorporates questions of eco-social-cultural change.
Teaching and tutoring
I teach in our Elementary teacher programs for Grades F- 3 and grades 4-6. I also teach in our subject-teacher program. Mainly I teach Educational Science courses that are second-cycle courses/advanced level.
Other information
Editorial board Educational science studies
Articles in journals
Chapters in books
Collections (editor)
Conference papers
Doctoral theses, monographs
Articles in journals
Blenkinsop, S. & Wilhelmsson, L. (2024). Ecologizing Bildung : Educating for the eco-social-cultural challenges of the twenty-first century. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, vol. 26, pp. 102-118.
Wilhelmsson, L. & Damber, U. (2022). Abduktion som alternativ i didaktisk forskning. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, : 4, pp. 180-202.
Eriksson, L. & Bostedt, G. (2021). Pupils as Subjects or Objects : Policy Changes in the Area of Pupils Influence. International Journal of Teaching and Education, vol. IX: 2, pp. 14-29.
Eriksson, L. (2020). Elevinflytande - till vems och vilken nytta?. SkolLedaren, : 1, pp. 27-29.
Bostedt, G. & Eriksson, L. (2020). Pupil influence in Swedish compulsory schools, a way of ‘learning’ and ‘living’ democracy. Education in the North, vol. 27: 1, pp. 78-91.
Chapters in books
Wilhelmsson, L. (2024). Demokrati och maktperspektiv : utrymme för förändring i undervisning för hållbar utveckling. In Undervisning för hållbar utveckling : för lärare F–6. Malmö : Gleerups Utbildning AB. pp. 71-84.
Kronlid, D. & Wilhelmsson, L. (2024). Globala och regionala utmaningar i lokalt relevant utbildning för hållbar utveckling. In Globala utmaningar – lokala lösningar : Forskning för en hållbar samhällsutveckling i norra Sverige. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet. pp. 127-130.
van Weelie, J. , Wilhelmsson, L. , Fransson, G. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2021). Från praxistriangeln till trädet : en reflektion över språk som didaktiskt verktyg. In Didaktiska reflektioner - reflektioner om didaktik : specialnummer. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier). pp. 109-125.
Bostedt, G. & Eriksson, L. (2020). Elevinflytande och lärares ledarskap i skolan - en fråga om didaktik och makt. In Lärare som ledare - i och utanför klassrummet. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 327-350.
Eriksson, L. & Bostedt, G. (2014). Om demokrati, lärande och elevers delaktighet i svensk skola. In Skolan ut ur krisen : en forskarantologi om framtidens utbildningspolitik. Stockholm : Tankesmedjan Tiden. pp. 79-92.
Bostedt, G. & Eriksson, L. (2012). Elevinflytande och ledarskap i skolan. In Lärare som ledare. : I och utanför klassrummet.. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 271-290.
Eriksson, L. & Bostedt, G. (2011). Elevinflytande. In Utvärdering och bedömning i skolan : För vem och varför?. Stockholm : Natur och kultur. pp. 121-142.
Collections (editor)
Hjälmeskog, K. (ed.) , Kronlid, D. (ed.) , Gelinder, L. (ed.) & Wilhelmsson, L. (ed.) (2024). Undervisning för hållbar utveckling : för lärare F–6. Malmö : Gleerups
Dahlström, H. (ed.) , Wilhelmsson, L. (ed.) & Eriksson Bergström, S. (ed.) (2021). Didaktiska reflektioner - reflektioner om didaktik : specialnummer. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier 2021:1).
Conference papers
Kronlid, D. & Wilhelmsson, L. (2024). Locally relevant education for sustainable development : rural schools in global context. In ECER 2024: Abstracts.
Blenkinsop, S. & Wilhelmsson, L. (2024). The 4C’s : Outdoor Education for eco-social-cultural change. In 10th International Outdoor Educational conference: abstracts.
Wilhelmsson, L. (2024). Towards an eco-democratic education : for, in, or through education. In ECER 2024: Abstracts.
Wilhelmsson, L. & Paulsen, M. (2023). Wild Pedagogies and Bildung Thinking in an Anthropocene Age : What has Wild Pedagogies to offer in a Nordic Bildung Context?. In Nordisk forskningskonference for miljø og bæredygtig udvikling i uddannelse.
Wilhelmsson, L. (2022). Wild pedagogies : a possible relational perspective for critical environmentalism in education. In Proceedings - WEEC 2022.
Eriksson, L. & Jensen, A. (2021). Education for Sustainable Development in time of crises : possibilities for learning concerning an unknown future. In Accelerating the progress towards the 2030 SDGs in times of crisis. Östersund : . pp. 181--192.
Eriksson Wilhelmsson, L. & Damber, U. (2021). Educational science : a discussion about methodology in didactic research. In Teachers matter – but how? Conference abstract book. 2021 :
Bostedt, G. & Eriksson, L. (2021). ‘Living’ and ‘learning democracy’ through pupil influence : Policy changes in the Swedish school system. In XIX Nordic Political Science Congress 2020 : Workshop "Teaching for Citizenship and Democracy"..
Bostedt, G. & Eriksson, L. (2018). Elevinflytande som didaktisk strategi. Paper presented at the Nordic Conference in social studies didactics, Bergen, 11th-13th of April, 2018
Bostedt, G. & Eriksson, L. (2014). Elevinflytande som didaktik : Om demokrati, lärande och makt i svensk skola. Paper presented at the Arbetarrörelsens forskarnätverk, årskonferens 2014 En skola i kris? Om kvalitet, likvärdighet och styrning i utbildningssystemet, 3-4 april 2014, Åkersberga.
Eriksson, L. & Boström, L. (2013). How to Understand Learning Styles and Strategies in the Light of the Paradox between Individual and Collective Learning. In Building Learning Capacity for Life.. pp. 100--119.
Eriksson, L. (2011). Studying the boundaries of pupil influence in Swedish schools. Paper presented at the Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference
Doctoral theses
Eriksson, L. (2019). Elevinflytande i gränslandet mellan didaktik och makt – en studie av undervisningspraktiken i tre grundskolor. Dis. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2019 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 300)
Eriksson, L. & Bostedt, G. (2011). Elevinflytande i spänningsfältet mellan skolans kunskapsuppdrag och demokratiska uppdrag : en studie av fyra skolor. Härnösand : Mittuniversitetet (Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier 2011:1).