Primula is the system where your salary is calculated. In a web interface, you register various events such as sickness, holidays and other leave, but also business trips and expenses. You can find Primula under Tools on the Staff Portal.
On this page you will find guidance on how to report different events in Primula.
To guarantee the correct payment of salary and remuneration, the HR department needs to have complete documentation available no later than the 1st of each month.
Remember to be proactive and register your sick leave in direct connection with it. A planned leave is a good idea to register as soon as possible.
You can advantageously register compensations, trips and expenses on an ongoing basis. Cases that are correctly registered and complete no later than the 1st of each month are guaranteed payment on the future salary.
If you have questions regarding your payslip or reporting a case in Primula, you can contact the Government Service Centre, either via a case in the Government Service Centre's portal,, or their telephone support, 0771-456 000.