The division of Research and Educational Support offers teaching and learning support for teachers at Mid Sweden University.
Our teaching and learning support includes development of technology enhanced and active learning, for distance education and campus courses alike. We offer workshops, courses, tutorials and one-on-one sessions to teachers at Miun. You can turn to us with questions regarding course development, technology enhanced learning and the LMS Moodle, among other things.
Book a meeting with Educational Development
Do you have questions about teaching and learning in higher education or the learning platform Moodle? Do you need a sounding board in educational or didactical questions? Do you want to know more about teacher accreditation, Skrivlyftet or the HEaD Project? Book an appointment with an educational developer, system specialist or project manager and get help, support or information about your areas of interest. You can read more about and book our services here:
Book a meeting with Educational Development
All meetings are held though Teams and a link to the meeting is included in the booking confirmation. Sometimes the confirmation ends up in the junk mail so check there if you haven't received the confirmation. Please note that you need to be logged in to Microsoft 365 in order to make the booking.