Supported Education
An internal project within Mid Sweden University, ALP project, will be conducted in 2020-2022 to test a method of providing early pedagogical support in order to prevent mental illness and dropouts among students.
Supported Education
Further down the page, there is contact information for the three mentors that you as a student can turn to. The method is briefly described here.
Supported Education (SEd) is an individualized instruction and support program which assists people with mental health problems and/or psychosocial problems to obtain educational goals. The goal of these services is to help participants continue an education of their own choice. Supported Education is neither therapy nor mental health counseling.
At Mid Sweden University, you can, as a student, receive support in developing important skills to maintain education. The support is offered in dialogue with a SEd mentor (tutor) and the student's wishes and needs. The number of students who can receive support in parallel is limited, but by appointment you can be placed on a waiting list if there is no place at the moment. Resource inventory of support around the student is done in a way so that the person can best succeed and feel satisfaction in their studies. The support can be given both at a distance and through physical meetings.
If you want to have more information please contact the project leader: Maria Warne