Writing a teaching portfolio
The course Writing a teaching portfolio is an in-depth course in teaching and learning in higher education. The course targets employees at Mid Sweden University. If necessary, the course may be given in English.
Entry requirements: higher education exam
Level: advanced (second cycle)
Duration: 2 weeks (equivalent to 3 course credits)
Department: Division of Research and Educational Support
Course description revised: 2024-09-18
The overarching aim of this course is to structure and write a teaching portfolio.
Learning outcomes
The main purpose of the course is to write a teaching portfolio. This includes that the participant should, after completing the course, be able to
- independently describe and reflect on his or her educational standpoints and approaches to knowledge in relation to teaching and learning
- show a reflective attitude towards academic teachership, student relations and the goals of higher education and the prerequisites of your own subject
- make use of, analyze and communicate the participant´s own, as well as others´, experiences and relevant research results as a foundation for developing his or her teaching profession.
- Criteria for teaching expertise and teacher accreditation
- Educational standpoints and approaches to knowledge
- Contents of a teaching portfolio
Teaching and study forms
The course is based on the principle of active exchange of knowledge between teachers from all subject fields and thus presupposes participation in all teaching sessions.
The course runs during ten weeks, equivalent to two weeks of fulltime studies with four teacher directed learning sessions. During the course, the following study forms will be used:
- Webinars
- Individual work
- Group work
Assessment and grading
The grades used for the course are Pass (G) and Fail (U). In order to get the grade Pass (G), the participant should have gained a pass from all the assessed course components and he or she should also have attended all teaching sessions.
The examination is continuous and consists of the writing, processing and presentation of a teaching portfolio.
Course literature
Please note that this list may be revised at the latest one month before the start of the course.
Winka, Katarina & Ryegård, Åsa (2024), Teaching portfolio. Studentlitteratur.
In addition, literature of your own choice will be included in the course.
Reference literature
Badersten, B. & Olsson, T. (2015), Autentisk bedömning av pedagogisk skicklighet. LU:s femte högskolepedagogiska utvecklingskonferens, 26 november 2015.
Bolander Laksov, Klara (2018), Att bedöma pedagogisk skicklighet - är det verkligen så svårt? En studie av skillnader i bedömningar mellan vetenskapligt och pedagogiskt sakkunniga. In Högre utbildning, 8(2), 55-68.
Constantino, Patricia M., De Lorenzo, Marie N. & Tirrell-Corbin, Christy (2008), Developing a professional teaching portfolio: a guide for success. Pearson; 3rd Edition.
Ottestig, Ann, Asklund, Helen (red) (2024), Mata inte studenten. En handbok av lärare för lärare. Liber
Spowart, Lucy, Rebecca Turner, Deborah Shenton & Pauline Kneale (2017), ‘But I’ve been teaching for 20 years…’: encouraging teaching accreditation for experienced staff working in higher education.
In International Journal for Academic Development, Vol 21:3.
Trevitt, Chris & Stocks, Claire (2012). Signifying authenticity in academic practice: A framework for better understanding and harnessing portfolio assessment. In Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 37(2), 245-257.
Course Period
During 2025 the course runs from week 9 to 37, with course meetings:
- March 11, 09:00 - 12:00
- April 15, 09:00 - 12:00
- June 2, 09:00 - 12:00
- August 26, 09:00 - 12:00
Please, register below.