PhD breakfast, in Östersund, tour of the RCR simulation lab

Tue 08 Oct 2024 09.30–10.30
Lägg till i din kalender

Doctoral student breakfast at campus Östersund and campus Sundsvall.


Welcome to the PhD Breakfast, a forum for PhD students to meet, socialise and have breakfast together.

The meetings are for HUV's and NMT's doctoral students to discuss common problems and experiences.

Meetings take place both at campus Sundsvall and campus Östersund. In Sundsvall, the meeting takes place at restaurant Åkroken and in Östersund at restaurant Cultum. Coffee is offered by the PhD program (Cultum and Åkroken know this) but you have to pay for the sandwich yourself.

If you have any questions, please contact Albin Dahlström, Sundsvall and Maja Klinga, Östersund. 

The page was updated 9/16/2024