Defence of doctoral theses
Information on licentiate seminars, defence of doctoral theses, graduation and the Academic Ceremony is presented here.
Public defence of the doctoral thesis is when the doctoral student publicly defends his or her thesis. The same applies to licentiate students who defend their theses at a licentiate seminar. Decisions on theses/licentiates are made by the dean following proposals from the research faculty. The defence of the thesis/licentiate seminar must be held in term time, and only one thesis defence/licentiate seminar is to be held within the faculty on any one day.
A summary of the steps involved in the preparations can be found in the document entitled Schedule for public defence of a doctoral thesis. Be sure to take prompt action!
Current defences of doctoral theses
Are you looking for information on what thesis defences are current? You can find them in the Mid Sweden University calendar.
About the licentiate seminar
The licentiate seminar is when the licentiate student publicly defends his or her dissertation/thesis. Decisions on licentiate seminars are made by the dean following proposals from the Research Faculty. The licentiate seminar must be held in term time, and only one thesis defence/licentiate seminar is to be held within the faculty on any one day. A summary of the steps involved in the preparations for a licentiate seminar is available in the faculty.
Be sure to take prompt action.
Reimbursement of licentiate seminar costs
The faculty allocates SEK 30,000 for each licentiate seminar. This is intended to cover costs such as external reviewer fees, travel expenses, printing costs, etc. The payment made to an external reviewer according to a vice-chancellor's decision is set at SEK 5,000.
Records of meeting with examination board for assessing a licentiate thesis dissertation
Notification of defence of licentiate dissertation
About public defences of doctoral theses
Public defence of the doctoral thesis is when the doctoral student publicly defends his or her thesis. Decisions on defences of doctoral theses are made by the dean following proposals from the Research Faculty. The doctoral thesis defence must be held in term time, and only one thesis defence/licentiate seminar is to be held within the faculty on any one day. A summary of the steps involved in the preparations is available in the faculty.
Be sure to take prompt action.
Reimbursement of costs of doctoral thesis defences
The faculty allocates SEK 60,000 for each defence of a doctoral thesis. This is intended to cover costs such as external reviewer fees, travel expenses, printing costs, etc. The payment made to an external reviewer according to a vice-chancellor's decision is set at SEK 10,000.
Nailing Ceremony
Electronic nailning should be done in DiVA about 4 weeks before the defense and is mandatory. Contact the library if you have any questions.
Physical nailning can also be done if desired but is not mandatory. Many subjects have specific locations and procedures for the physical nailning ceremony, but it can also be done at the library if preferred. In that case, contact the library. Contact the Library if you need to apply for an ISBN or make your research available via DiVA, University Library.
Notification of dissertation defence and decision regarding chairman
opponent and examination boardRecords of meeting with examination board for assessing a doctoral dissertation
Rules regarding the public defence of doctoral theses for the Degree of Doctor
Academic ceremony
Mid Sweden University holds the academic ceremony every year, a ceremony that alternates between the university's campuses. At the academic ceremony the University installs professors and confers honorary doctor's and doctor’s degrees. The academic ceremony consists of two parts. It begins with professors and honorary doctors holding inaugural addresses and ends with a formal doctoral award and installation ceremony.
Read more about the academic ceremony here.
About qualification at third-cycle level
After completing your studies, you can apply to obtain a third-cycle qualification. To obtain a doctoral or licentiate qualification, the elements included in the third-cycle courses and study programmes according to the general syllabus must be passed and registered in Ladok.
Qualification applications are administered by the Mid Sweden University qualifications function.
An element required in the qualification application is that All courses completed status is registered in Ladok Subject representatives decide whether all the requirements for courses according to the general syllabus are met. The decision is then registered in Ladok by the faculty office.