Support functions, templates and other resources
Information on support functions, thesis templates and posters can be found here. Information on internationalisation, scholarships and library resources is also available.
The library can help you as a doctoral student for example with advanced publishing, information searching and much more besides.
Scholarships and grants
Internationalisation grants
The Faculty of Human Sciences allocates yearly two Internationalisation Grants of SEK 70,000 each for doctoral students intended for international visits to another country. The grants are announced every spring semester.
The Library's grants database
Via the Library, you can access the database GlobalGrant with information about scholarships, grants and funds. Search for "GlobalGrant" or scroll down to the letter G.
Word template for thesis
Mid Sweden University has several templates for the Office package, including for theses. The template makes it easier for you as a doctoral student to follow the Mid Sweden University graphic identity. Common fonts, text sizes, colours and design of diagrams and tables are to ensure that the material is easy to assimilate and easy to recognise as a publication from Mid Sweden University.
The Word template is pre-installed
The templates are pre-installed for PC users. You will see a Mid Sweden University logo in the top left-hand corner where you access the thesis template. If you are a Mac user, you will need to install the templates yourself.
If it does not work as intended, contact Peter Öberg in the IT Department.
The Caretaker's Office can help you create covers. For further information contact the Caretaker’s Office.
Contents of the thesis
The way in which the contents are structured varies between different higher education institutions. It is therefore possible to adjust the order of the sections in the thesis template as you wish.
Templates for posters and presentations
Mittuniversitetet har mallar för att underlätta för doktorander när de ska presentera sitt arbete.
Mallar för posters
Här kan du finna tips och råd, samt mallar för posters
Mallar för powerpoint-presentationer
Mallarna för powerpointpresentationer fungerar på samma sätt som word-mallar. De är förinstallerade för PC-användare men Mac-användare måste installera dem på egen hand.
Här finns information om mallarna och hur de används, samt nedladdningsbara filer för mac
Mid Sweden University has templates to make it easier for doctoral students to present their work.
Templates for posters
Here you can find tips and advice, as well as templates for posters
Templates for Powerpoint presentations
The templates for Powerpoint presentations work in the same way as Word templates. They are pre-installed for PC users, but Mac users will need to install them for themselves.