Supervision and support |

Supervision and support

Here you can read about supervision for doctoral students as well as information about the role of the director of doctoral studies.

  • At the Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, doctoral students must have at least two supervisors. The principal supervisor must be permanently employed by the faculty and have been appointed as associate professor or professor. The assistant supervisor must have a PhD. Under certain circumstances, assistant supervisors from other higher education institutions may be allowed. At least one appointed supervisor employed at Mid Sweden University must have completed supervisor training.

  • The Higher Education Ordinance states that for each doctoral student, at least two supervisors must be appointed.
    One of them shall be appointed as the principal supervisor. A doctoral student who so requests may change supervisor.

    In connection with admission, the Council for Doctoral Education appoints a principal supervisor and at least one assistant supervisor for the doctoral student. After admission, the Council for Third-Cycle Education is responsible for deciding on any replacement/supplementation of supervisors.

    You can find the form here.

  • The Director of Doctoral Studies has an overarching mission to, together with subject representatives and supervisors, work to ensure that doctoral education is of high quality, act as a representative for doctoral students and be a support to doctoral students and supervisors at the department in consultation with subjects at the doctoral level. You can turn to the director of studies in matters that you do not want to discuss with your supervisor.

    Directors of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Science, Technology and Media are:

    DET: Börje Norlin

    KKI: Kristen Snyder

    IMD: Christina Dahlström

    NDH:Oskar Englund


John Håkansson

Fakultetshandläggare|Faculty Administrative Officer

+46 (0)10-1428174

The page was updated 3/14/2024