Create your student account
As a new student, you need to create a student account to get access to the university´s e-services, such as Ladok, where you can register for courses and examinations, see your study results, and access the University Library´s e-services, as well as the learning platform Moodle.
Create your student account in three simple steps
Please note that the earliest date to create your student account is 20 days (spring term) 30 days (sumemr and autumn term) before the beginning of the course.
Information about when the course starts can be found in your welcome letter.
1. Start by verifying your identity. Mid Sweden University uses the and Eduld as a verification method, which means that you verify your identity by using an external login service. You must use to verify your identities.
2. When you have verified your identity by using your login information, you will be directed to the Mid Sweden University Student web, where you can create and activate your student account. You will get a user name and choose a password.
3. Your student account is now created and you can log onto the Student web and access information regarding your studies as well as the university´s e-services.
If you have studied at Mid Sweden University before, you do not have to create a new student account; you can use the same login information you did last time. Forgotten your login information? Create new login information here.