Processing of personal data
To be able to handel matters concerning an application for a credit transfer we need to use your personal data to make sure we process an application for the right person. Read about how we process personal data. You have the right to submit a complaint regarding the handling of your personal data to the Mid Sweden University Data Controller or directly to the Swedish Data Protection Agency.
Application (application for credit transfer can only be made by students at Mittuniversitetet, course or program registration)
To apply for credit transfer, please log into the Service Portal. Click Submit Ticket and then Credit Transfer. Fill in the ticket thoroughly and attach files that you want to be the basis for your credit transfer. A decision will be sent to you within approximately two months providing that the University has received an application with supporting documents.
Apply for Credit Transfer via the Service Portal
When the credit transfer is based on previous studies, please attach the following documents:
(Clearly mark on the document which merit is to be claimed)
- Course certificate or transcript of records
- Course syllabus including reading list
- Learning agreement (exchange studies from Mid Sweden University)
- Also attach the course syllabus for the course your application concerns (course at Mid Sweden University)
When the crediting is based on other activities, the following documents should be attached:
(Clearly mark on the document which merit is to be claimed)
- A certificate that confirms the employment and the extent of the employment/activity
- Reference to direct supervisor and a statement from the same
- A detailed report of the relevant knowledge and skills obtained during the employment/activity in relation to all learning objectives in the course
- If you have had a supervisor during your employment please attach supporting documents of this and in what extent
- Also attach the course syllabus for the course your application concerns, latest version (course at Mid Sweden University)
- Where applicable, a decision regarding validation of prior learnin
- The applicant can be requested to submit supplementing documents for the application to be considered complete. Scanned documents shall be sent in PDF format.
Original documents may be required. Foreign documents must be submitted in original language and translated into English or Swedish by an authorized translator (exception may be granted). It should clearly state information on the credit system, scope and grating system. If verification of foreign documents is needed a consent from the applicant must be obtained before contact is made with the foreign authority in question.
Control of course content overlap is done during the degree issuing process. This means that a merit can only be included in the same degree once.
More information
Further information about credit transfer can be obtained here or from the Degree Office:
Postgraduate students are referred to the department/faculty.
Hp stands for higher education credits, level is expressed as: Ba/first cycle, Ma/second cycle, progression is expressed as A, B or C alternatively 1-30, 31-60 or 61-90 credits.