Degree Requierments ‑ qualification descriptors
Higher education degree
A university degree is the lowest general degree, i.e. the first academic degree you can study for in the Swedish "degree ladder". A university degree always has a specialisation, which consists of either the main field of study that the studies consist of or reflects the programme name in which the studies are taken - the latter only applies to certain specific programmes. The degree description for this degree is available in several versions:
Higher education degree, for students admitted between 070701-130831
Higher education degree, for students admitted from 130901 -
Bachelor's degree
The Bachelor's degree is always awarded with a subordinate part, which corresponds to a main field of study. A bachelor's degree can also be given a prefix. The prefix can be economics, philosophy, politices or teknologie. A prefix requires a certain combination of the main field of study and a second subject. The rules for a degree with or without a prefix are gathered in one and the same degree description:
Licentiatexamen (Degree of Licentiate)
Research degrees – third cycle
Licentiatexamen i ämnet xx (translated into Degree of Licentiate in Xx), always indicated with the faculty in the Swedish degree title and a subject (Xx), requires at least 120 credits, including a thesis of at least 60 credits. All courses required must be stated in an individual study plan approved by the faculty board. See the Subject List for possible subjects.
Doktorsexamen (Degree of Doctor of Philosophy)
Research degrees – third cycle
Doktorsexamen i ämnet xx (translated into Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Xx), always indicated with the faculty and a subject (Xx), requires 240 credits, including a thesis of 120 credits. The thesis has to be defended at a public disputation. All courses required must be stated in an individual study plan approved by the faculty board. See the Subject List for possible subjects.
Masters degree
A Master's degree is always awarded with a prefix, which corresponds to a main field of study . The prefix can be economics, philosophy, politices or teknologie. A prefix requires a certain combination of the main field of study and a second subject. The rules for a degree with or without a prefix are gathered in one and the same degree description: