Miun supports: "What does a gram cost"

Wed 28 Jun 2023 08:54

54 million SEK. That's how much money people in Sundsvall and Timrå spend on drugs. At the same time as the student union has zero tolerance for drugs, the student health service testifies that drugs are everywhere.

Affisch med vit text "Vad kostar ett gram?" mot svart bakgrund

Mid Sweden University supports the campaign "What does a gram cost" initiated by the municipalities of Sundsvall and Timrå. The purpose of the campaign is to highlight how party drugs feed the gangs and ultimately cost society far more than what the buyer pays for the individual gram.

The Student Union has zero tolerance for drugs. If the student union notices that any of the students are using drugs during any of their events, that person is suspended from further participation. During the kick-off period, the union works closely with the police.

– On a few occasions, the police have turned up at our request at our events to show their presence as a deterrent. Sponsors are informed of our zero tolerance and bind themselves to the reporting obligation through an agreement during the kick-off, says Erik Lund, union chairman in Sundsvall.

How common it is for students to use drugs is difficult to answer, says Erik Lund. At the same time, the union is aware that it occurs frequently.

– However, we notice that a shift has taken place in recent years in how the use is done, since the pandemic exodus, drugs are used much more openly than before, he says.

The Student Health Service meets students who struggle with their studies in various ways. It can be about getting better at study techniques to getting help with feelings of stress and pressure.


– Since we know that drugs are common in Sundsvall, it is also found among our students. However, I cannot say that we at the Student Health Service have noticed an increase when we meet the students who feel bad and may use drugs for reasons other than partying, says Helena Söderberg, coordinator at the Student Health Service.

– What we hear among students and other young people in the municipality, however, is that it is everywhere and is very easy to get hold of. There is also a more liberal view towards cannabis in particular.

Sundsvalls hemsida - mer om kampanjen

Kampanjfilmen Vad kostar ett gram


The page was updated 6/28/2023