Här samlar vi publikationer från forskargruppen.
Leiler, A., Hollifield, M., Wasteson, E., & Bjärtå, A. (2019). Suicidal ideation and severity of distress among refugees residing in asylum accommodations in Sweden. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(15), 2751. Länk till artikeln
Bjärtå, A., Leiler, A., Wasteson, E., Meurling, J., & Ekdahl, J. (2019). Kartläggning och bedömning av psykisk ohälsa bland flyktingar. Best Practice-Psykiatri/Neurologi, Mars, 2019. Länk till artikeln
Leiler, A., Bjärtå, A., Ekdahl J., & Wasteson, E. (2018). Mental Health and Quality of Life among Asylum Seekers and Refugees Living in Refugee Housing Facilities in Sweden. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 54, 543-551. Länk till artikeln
Bjärtå, A., Leiler, A., Ekdahl, J., & Wasteson, E. (2018). Assessing severity of psychological distress among refugees, using the Refugee Health Screener, 13-items version. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 206, 834-839. Länkt till artikeln
Sarkadi, A., Bjärtå, A., Leiler, A., & Salari, R. (2019). Is the refugee health screener a useful tool when screening 14-18 year old refugee adolescents for emotional distress? Journal of Refugee Studies, 32 (special issue), 141-150. Länk till artikeln
Sarkadi, A. et al. (2020). Evaluation of the Teaching Recovery Techniques community- based intervention for unaccompanied refugee youth experiencing post-traumatic stress symptoms (Swedish UnaccomPanied yOuth Refugee Trial; SUPpORT): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 21, Art no 63. Länk till artikeln
Sarkadi, A. et al. (In press). Evaluation of the Teaching Recovery Techniques community- based intervention for accompanied refugee children experiencing post-traumatic stress symptoms (Accompanied refugeesS In Sweden Trial; ASsIST): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ open.
Leiler, A., Wasteson, E., Zakrisson, I., & Bjärtå, A. (Submitted). Waiting for life to begin, wishing it would end: suicidal ideation among individuals at asylum accommodations