Lunchseminarium med gästforskaren Iryna Kuzina

Tis 06 feb. 2024 12:08

Välkomna till RCR:s lunchseminarium den 8 februari, där du får ta del av gästforskaren Iryna Kuzinas presentation "Migration trends in Ukraine caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war: risks associated with external and internal migration”.

flykting, på flykt, migration, integration

När: 8 Februari kl 12-12:45

Var: Online via Zoom

“Migration trends in Ukraine caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war: risks associated with external and internal migration”

Iryna Kuzina, PhD Associate professor in Sociology. Head of the Department of Methods of Sociological Research at the School of Sociology at Karazin Kharkiv National University


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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-02-08