Docentföreläsning med Claes Mattsson
Välkommen till en docentföreläsning inom fysikalisk elektronik, "High accuracy and low-cost gas sensing for environmental monitoring", med Claes Mattsson, FSCN Research Centre.
High accuracy and low-cost gas sensing for environmental monitoring.
In all forms of decision-making, access to correct information and data is a basic prerequisite for being able to make the right decision. The demand for data in industry and society is constantly increasing, at the same time as the requirements for what the data may cost are constantly decreasing. Not least this applies to applications that are driven by developments within the Internet of Things. Here, sensors are desired that can contribute to advanced analyses, which were previously carried out in the lab, directly in real time. A concern for air quality and emissions of environmentally hazardous gases today drives a demand for sensors that can monitor this. In the lecture, various principles for measuring greenhouse gases will be discussed, as well as which parameters affect the accuracy of certain sensors.
Docentföreläsningen kommer att hållas på engelska och ges som hybridföreläsning och kan följas antingen på plats i Sundsvall i sal C312 eller via Zoom.