Docentföreläsning med Dr. Qing He

Tis 18 juni 2024 11.00–12.00
C312 eller via Zoom
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Välkommen till en docentföreläsning inom datateknik, ”Connected Things That Think: The Rise of Intelligent Networks”, med Qing He, STC Research Centre. Föreläsningen ges på engelska.

Connected Things That Think: The Rise of Intelligent Networks

In our rapidly advancing technological landscape, networks have evolved from simple connectivity frameworks into highly sophisticated, intelligent systems capable of autonomous decision-making and learning. This lecture will delve into the development of intelligent networks, highlighting the shift from data-centric to information-centric paradigms. We will consider the concepts of semantic communication and the Age of Information, examining how they enhance the timely delivery of relevant information. Furthermore, we will discuss the impact of advanced artificial intelligence technologies, such as transformers, large language models, and online machine learning, in shaping the future of intelligent systems and enabling them to learn and adapt in real time. Through real-world examples, we will illustrate how smart, connected systems are revolutionizing various domains, including healthcare, transportation, and industry. Join us as we explore the intricate relationship between connectivity, intelligence, and the information that truly matters.

Föreläsningen hålls på engelska och ges som en hybridföreläsning och kan följas antingen på plats i Sundsvall i sal C312 eller via Zoom.

Följ föreläsningen via Zoom




Sidan uppdaterades 2024-06-04