Forskningsbesök till University of L'Aquila i Italien
I juli besökte Dr. Aamir Mahmood från STC, professor Fortunato Santucci forskargrupp vid universitetet i L’Aquila, Italien. Syftet med besöket var att utöka det befintliga samarbetet med Prof. Santucci, som är medlem i NIIT Scientific Advisory Board, samt att planera för en gemensam doktorand.
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In July 2023, Dr. Aamir Mahmood visited the research group of Prof. Fortunato Santucci at the University of L’Aquila, Italy. He aimed to extend the existing collaboration with Prof. Santucci, a distinguished NIIT Scientific Advisory Board member, and solidify the topic definition of a joint PhD-student.
Prof. Santucci is the founder and director of the Centre of Excellence Ex-EMERGE on connected, geo-localized, and cybersecure vehicles at the University of L'Aquila. He also leads the Telecommunication Systems and Networking research group at the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics (DISIM) at the University of L’Aquila. DISIM represents an internationally recognized pole for teaching and research in Information Engineering, advanced Informatics, and pure and Applied Mathematics.
- Our research centers work on many interesting problems related to communication systems and networks (ranging from low-power IoT to cellular technologies), with the objective of making them reliable and useful in practical industrial IoT settings. Therefore, this visit, which was a follow-up to Prof. Santucci’s research team visit to MIUN in October 2022, was extremely beneficial for developing future research and education relationships between the respective departments, says Dr. Aamir.
Dr. Aamir's activities involved in research on wireless edge intelligence for cooperative analytics outlining the research direction of the incoming joint PhD-student under the International PhD-School. The student will work on developing the theoretical foundations for measuring and ensuring deterministic wireless IoT.
Also he visits Dr. Aamir and Prof. Santucci´s team defined the strategies for joint research and project consortiums.
During the visits Dr. Aamir gave a seminary talk, "From the theory to practice: Research portfolio and selected topics on enhancing wireless networks", in which he presented the research and development activities in the CSN research group.
He visited the center Ex-EMERGE and Radiolabs laboratories in Technopolo D’Abruzzo, which is the industrial area designed to develop 4.0 companies, including the ZTE innovation center on 5G. The laboratories host numerous prototypes and hardware demos for Intelligent Transport Systems, such as test beds with high-integrity positioning, connectivity, and computing for connected/autonomous car applications.
Dr. Aamir also attended to PhD-supervision meetings and examination sessions of master’s students.
- It was a valuable experience, especially the unique examination methods, where the rigor and depth of the examination and the maturity of the students were valuable to reflect upon for the home students at Mid Sweden University, says Dr. Aamir.
- Takeaway from the research visit: Each research group offers a set of methodologies and techniques from teaching to examination, supervision, and execution of projects, which gives an out-of-the-box perspective, personal/professional growth, and cross-fertilization of research environments, Dr. Aamir concludes.
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Centre of Excellence Ex-EMERGE
Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics (DISIM