Maria Anna Kreienbaum
Maria Anna Kreienbaum was a professor for “General Didactics and Theory of Schools” at Wuppertal University from 2006 to 2020 and is still active.
Her research focuses on gender and schooling, school development, European teacher education, intercultural education and teacher professionalism. She works with mixed-method research approaches.
More information about Maria Anna Kreibaum
CV – Prof. Dr. Maria Anna Kreienbaum
Born in Bochum, Germany
Abitur in Bochum
Teacher education at Ruhr-University, Bochum, English and German Studies, 1st state exam
teacher at vocational schools and secondary schools, 2nd state exam
research associate at Centre for Higher Education Didactics TU Dortmund
graduation as Dr. phil. with the thesis "Erfahrungsfeld Schule. Koedukation als Kristallisationspunkt" (School as a field of experience. Coeducation as a crystallisation point) at TU Dortmund
habilitation; topic of the thesis: Lernen im Spannungsfeld von Nähe und Distanz (learning in the contradiction between proximity and distance), venia legendi: school pedagogy and gender studies at TU Dortmund
acting professor at the universities of Frankfurt, Halle/Saale and Karlsruhe
professor at Justus Liebig University, Gießen
professor at Paderborn University; coordinator of EU-projects LinE – European competence for teachers (2004-2007)
professor at Wuppertal University: coordinator of EU-Project Eule – intercultural competences for teachers (2007-2009), various other international research projects, i.e. education as a challenge – Zambia (2001-2003); development, education and direct meeting – the example of Zambia (2009-2012); Zambia – 72 people build a state (2014-2017); projects dealing with teacher professionalism (2006-2009); expertise of first-year students (2014-2017) etc.