Mojtaba Asadollahi

Forskningsingenjör|Research Engineer

As a Research Engineer involved in the FoodTech project, where I am working to enhance omega-3 production through microorganisms, my primary focus is to assist with research and instrumentation activities within our team. The role also includes student project supervision and coordinating with other research engineers within the group for various chemical and experimental analyses. In addition to these responsibilities, I have a role in managing bioreactors and microorganism fermentation, and I serve as a laboratory technician responsible for GC-FID and GC-MS instruments.


I have a research background in biochemical engineering, plant and fungal chemistry (with a focus on natural products and specialized metabolites), and genomics. Throughout my career, I've applied a range of techniques, which can be broadly classified into microbiology, natural product discovery, molecular biology, bioprocessing, and fermentation technology.



Cirkulär och hållbar framställning av fett och proteiner via fermentering av träsocker från sågspån

Cirkulär Biomassa 3.0

BioRem Energi & Metall


Foodtech - fermentering av skogens restmaterial för framtidens mat och foder


Artiklar i tidskrifter

Gamage, S. , Norström, S. , Olofsson, M. , Bylund, D. , Asadollahi, M. & Hedenström, E. (2025). Pulp and paper industry side-stream materials as feed for the oleaginous yeast species Lipomyces starkeyi and Rhodotorula toruloides. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal,  

Khademian, A. , Farimani, M. M. , Alilou, M. & Asadollahi, M. (2023). Phytochemical analysis of Echinops macrophyllus Boiss & Hausskn. Trends in Phytochemical Research, vol. 7: 4, ss. 246-252.  

Samadzadeh, S. , Farzaneh, M. , Shahsavari, Z. , Ebrahimi, S. N. , Asadollahi, M. & Mirjalili, M. H. (2022). Characterization and antimicrobial activity of fungal endophytes from Crocus caspius (Iridaceae). Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, vol. 43  

Jassbi, A. R. , Hadavand Mirzaei, H. , Firuzi, O. , Pirhadi, S. , Asadollahi, M. , Chandran, J. N. & Schneider, B. (2022). Cytotoxic abietane-type diterpenoids from roots of Salvia spinosa and their in Silico pharmacophore modeling. Natural Product Research, vol. 36: 12, ss. 3183-3188.  

Hafez Ghoran, S. , Firuzi, O. , Asadollahi, M. , Stuppner, H. , Alilou, M. & Jassbi, A. R. (2021). Dammarane-type triterpenoid saponins from Salvia russellii Benth. Phytochemistry, vol. 184  

Zare, S. , Mirkhani, H. , Firuzi, O. , Moheimanian, N. , Asadollahi, M. , Pirhadi, S. , Chandran, J. N. , Schneider, B. & et al. (2020). Antidiabetic and cytotoxic polyhydroxylated oleanane and ursane type triterpenoids from Salvia grossheimii. Bioorganic chemistry, vol. 104  

Asadollahi, M. , Firuzi, O. , Heidary Jamebozorgi, F. , Alizadeh, M. & Jassbi, A. R. (2019). Ethnopharmacological studies, chemical composition, antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of essential oils of eleven Salvia in Iran. Journal of Herbal Medicine, vol. 17-18  

de Vries, R. P. , Asadollahi, M. & Grigoriev, I. V. (2017). Comparative genomics reveals high biological diversity and specific adaptations in the industrially and medically important fungal genus Aspergillus. Genome Biology, vol. 18: 1  

Asadollahi, M. , Fekete, E. , Karaffa, L. , Flipphi, M. , Árnyasi, M. , Esmaeili, M. , Váczy, K. Z. & Sándor, E. (2013). Comparison of Botrytis cinerea populations isolated from two open-field cultivated host plants. Microbiological Research, vol. 168: 6, ss. 379-388.  

Asadollahi, M. , Fekete, E. , Karaffa, L. , Flipphi, M. , Árnyasi, M. , Esmaeili, M. , Váczy, K. Z. & Sándor, E. (2013). Comparison of Botrytis cinerea populations isolated from two open-field cultivated host plants. Microbiological Research, vol. 168: 6, ss. 379-388.  

Jassbi, A. R. , Asadollahi, M. , Masroor, M. , Schuman, M. C. , Mehdizadeh, Z. , Soleimani, M. & Miri, R. (2012). Chemical Classification of the Essential Oils of the Iranian Salvia Species in Comparison with Their Botanical Taxonomy. Chemistry and Biodiversity, vol. 9: 7, ss. 1254-1271.  

Fekete, É. , Fekete, E. , Irinyi, L. , Karaffa, L. , Árnyasi, M. , Asadollahi, M. & Sándor, E. (2012). Genetic diversity of a Botrytis cinerea cryptic species complex in Hungary. Microbiological Research, vol. 167: 5, ss. 283-291.  

Asadollahi, M. , Fekete, É. , Fekete, E. , Karaffa, L. & Sándor, E. (2011). Pathogenicity differences between group I and group II of Botrytis cinerea. Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, : 43, ss. 81-85.  

Firuzi, O. , Asadollahi, M. , Gholami, M. & Javidnia, K. (2010). Composition and biological activities of essential oils from four Heracleum species. Food Chemistry, vol. 122: 1, ss. 117-122.  

Artiklar, forskningsöversikter

Jassbi, A. R. , Zare, S. , Asadollahi, M. & Schuman, M. C. (2017). Ecological Roles and Biological Activities of Specialized Metabolites from the Genus Nicotiana. Chemical Reviews, vol. 117: 19, ss. 12227-12280.  

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-12-20