Albin Dahlström

Doktorand|Doctoral Student


I started my career at Mid Sweden University as a lecturer in 2021 before starting my PhD studies. Right now, I'm doing my PhD in public health with research focusing on mental health among adolescents, bullying and sexual harassment both online and in person. The current study is based on a survey including 24 randomised schools and about 1200 pupils.


Youth mental health
Bullying and sexual harassment


Vetenskaplig teori och metod
Folkhälsovetenskap, Praktik
Strategiskt folkhälsoarbete

Extra kontaktinformation





Dahlström, A. , Dahlqvist, H. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2023). Do pupils who report a high degree of social and civic competence in class report less experiences of bullying and sexual harassment?. Paper presented at the World Anti Bullying Forum 2023, Raleigh, NC, USA, 25-28 oktober


Gillander Gådin, K. , Dahlström, A. & Dahlqvist, H. (2024). Ungas psykiska hälsa och utsatthet för våld och trakasserier : Rapport från en enkätstudie till elever i årskurs nio i Västernorrland. Sundsvall :  

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-09-13