Magnus Eriksson



In radio systems engineering, radio resource management (RRM) schemes aim at maximizing the multi-user capacity (the system spectral efficiency in bit/s/Hz/transmitter site) while retaining reliability. The focus of my research has been on one such class of schemes, called transmitter macro-diversity, where several base station transmitters form a choir that send the same signal simultaneously. My suggestion is to form such groups of cooperating transmitters dynamically, and combine this with packet scheduling and other dynamic RRM schemes.

I coined the following concepts, that also have been studied by others in several research papers:
* Dynamic single frequency networks (DSFN)
* Packet and resource plan scheduling (PARPS)
* Fairly shared spectral efficiency (FSSE)

Today similar principles are the foundation of the following standards:
* LTE and 5GNR cooperative multipoint (COMP)
* LTE and 5GNR Multicast-broadcast single-frequency networks (MBSFN)

Other conceivable applications of DSFN that I have studied:
* datacasting in multi-hop adhoc sensor networks (MANET)
* interactive multicasting in DVB-T2


* Project based product development (inter-disciplinary innovation courses in collaboration with the industry, following the SIMS concept, see )
* Introduction to project based product development
* Datamining
* Mathematical modelling
* Numerical methods and Matlab
* Mathematical statistics and modelling
* Thesis projects for the Network Management and the Computer Engineering programs
* Computer networking
* Multimedia and communication systems
* Industrial data communications
* Network technology part I and II
* Information risk and security

Previously responsible for:
* Simulation of communications systems/Telesystems D
* Open source, IT law and security, A
* Wikipedia – Authoring, Reliability and Technology
* Information security and risk analysis
* Telecommunications B
* Telecommunications 1/Signal processing
* Image and signal processing/Applied signal processing
* Digital electronics and microprocessors
* Circuit theory and electronics/Analog Electronics

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Artiklar i tidskrifter

Eriksson, M. (2001). Dynamic Single Frequency Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 19: 10, ss. 1905-1914.  

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

Eriksson, M. (1997). Kommunikation och nätverk, Datortekniken i samhället (Kapitel 1 och 6). I IT för tekniker och ingenjörer. Stockholm : Utbilningsradion. S. 139-.

Eriksson, M. (1996). Internet och multimedia. I Grunderna i IT. Stockholm : Utbildningsradion. S. 12-25.


Forsström, S. & Eriksson, M. (2024). Initiating Lifelong Learning for Engineering Students using Flipped Classroom and Open Access MOOCs. I ICERI2024 Proceedings.. S. 3046--3051.  

Forsström, S. & Eriksson, M. (2023). En studentcentrerad fördjupningskurs som startskott på ett livslångt lärande för civilingenjörsstudenter. I Bidrag från den 9:e utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar.. S. 342--347.  

Muneer, S. , Eriksson, M. & Shahzad, K. (2015). Single Frequency Network based Distributed Cooperative Routing : with CSMA MAC. I Proceedings - 2015 13th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, FIT 2015. Islamabad : . S. 246--251.  

Eriksson, M. , Rahman, S. M. H. , Fraile, F. & Sjöström, M. (2013). Efficient Interactive Multicast over DVB-T2 : Utilizing Dynamic SFNs and PARPS. I IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting, BMSB.. S. Art. no. 6621700-    

Eriksson, M. & Mahmud, A. (2010). Dynamic single frequency networks in wireless multihop networks : Energy aware routing algorithms with performance analysis. I Proceedings - 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, CIT-2010, 7th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, ICESS-2010, ScalCom-2010.. S. 400--406.  

Eriksson, M. & Mahmud, A. (2010). Transmitter Macrodiversity in Multihopping : SFN based algorithm for improved node reachability and robust routing. I World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) International Conference on Computer Science and Technology (ICCST’10), Rome, Italy, 28-30 April 2010. Rome, Italy : . S. 404--408.    

Eriksson, M. (2001). Evaluation of Packet-by-Packet Downlink Radio Resource Management Schemes. I IEEE VTS 53rd vehicular technology conference, 2001. VTC 2001 spring, vol. 2.. S. 967--971.  

Eriksson, M. (2000). Packet and Resource Plan Scheduling (PARPS) - with Application to Mobile IP over DVB-T. I Proceedings of The 2000 International Conference on Broadband Wireless Access Systems (WAS2000), 4-6 December 2000, San Francisco, U.S.A..

Eriksson, M. & Xu, Y. (2000). Packet-by-packet Radio Resource Management by means of Dynamic Single Frequency Networks : The 2000 International Conference on Broadband Wireless Access Systems (WAS'00), San Fransisco, U.S.A., December 4-6, 2000.  

Eriksson, M. & Säterberg, H. (1999). Dynamic Radio Resource Management Schemes for Interactive Services in DVB-T and DAB. I Proceedings of Radiovetenskap och kommunikation : Karlskrona 14-17 juni 1999 / RVK 99. Karlskrona :

Eriksson, M. & Säterberg, H. (1999). The Concepts of PARPS : Packet and Resource Plan Scheduling. I Multiaccess, Mobility and Teletraffic for Wireless Communications (MMT '99), Venice, Italy, October 6-8, 1999.

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-09-13