Jan Lundgren
- Tjänstetitel: Professor
- Akademisk titel: Professor
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1428556
- E-postadress: jan.lundgren@miun.se
- Ort: Sundsvall
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Elektronik
- Elektroteknik
- Forskningscentra:
- Sensible Things that Communicate, STC
Jag har arbetat på MIUN sedan 2002 och jobbar idag både med forskning och undervisning på institutionen för elektronikkonstrukton.
Jag leder idag forskargruppen AI-stödda sensorsystem.
Samlingsnamnet för forskningsområdet är AI-stödda sensorsystem, där vi har vissa fokusområden:
- Akustiska sensorsystem
- Optiska sensorsystem
Just nu arbetar vi med ett antal olika frågeställningar:
- Positionering av ljudkällor i industriella och medicinska tillämpningar. Möjligheten att positionera ljudkällor ger dels information om säkerhetsmässiga och bullerrelaterade frågeställningar, dels ger det möjligheter att öka signal-brusförhållandet hos ljudkällor som sedan kan användas i AI-klassificering.
- Klassificering av ljud. För att mäta konditionen hos industriell utrustning och organ i kroppen utvecklar vi nya metoder och sensorsystem, som till exempel kan detektera borrbrott i borrmaskiner eller detektera om ett hjärtljud är normalt eller inte.
- Optiska sensorsystem för karakterisering av material. Vi utvecklar AI-stödda metoder för att göra polarisationsmätningar på högreflekterande och transparenta ytor. Vi tittar också på möjligheten att klassificera reologiska egenskaper hos smält glas.
Jag är kursansvarig för kursen Mätteknik på vårt masterprogram. Jag är också inriktningsansvarig för Master by Research in Electronics. Förutom det är jag inblandad i olika andra kurser och handleder examensarbeten.
NIIT - Nästa generations Industriella IoT
AISound – Akustisk sensoruppsättning för AI-övervakningssystem
DigiTube - Digitaliserad in-line-mätning och analys av ytdefekter på rör
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Licentiatavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Hussain, M. , O'Nils, M. , Lundgren, J. & Seyed Jalaleddin, M. (2024). A Comprehensive Review On Deep Learning-Based Data Fusion. IEEE Access, vol. 12, ss. 180093-180124.
Xie, Y. , Nie, Y. , Lundgren, J. , Yang, M. , Zhang, Y. & Chen, Z. (2024). Cervical Spondylosis Diagnosis Based on Convolutional Neural Network with X-ray Images. Sensors, vol. 24: 11
Nnonyelu, C. J. , Jiang, M. , Adamopoulou, M. & Lundgren, J. (2024). Performance Analysis of Cardioid and Omnidirectional Microphones in Spherical Sector Arrays for Coherent Source Localization. Sensors, vol. 24: 23
Jiang, M. , Nnonyelu, C. J. , Lundgren, J. , Thungström, G. & Sjöström, M. (2023). A Coherent Wideband Acoustic Source Localization Using a Uniform Circular Array. Sensors, vol. 23: 11
Nie, Y. , Sommella, P. , Carratù, M. , O'Nils, M. & Lundgren, J. (2023). A Deep CNN Transformer Hybrid Model for Skin Lesion Classification of Dermoscopic Images Using Focal Loss. Diagnostics, vol. 13: 1
Nnonyelu, C. J. , Jiang, M. & Lundgren, J. (2023). Spherical-sector harmonics domain processing for wideband source localization using spherical-sector array of directional microphones. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 153: 3_supplement, ss. A54-A54.
Carratù, M. , Gallo, V. , Liguori, C. , Lundgren, J. , O'Nils, M. & Pietrosanto, A. (2023). Vision-Based System for Measuring the Diameter of Wood Logs. IEEE Open Journal of Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 2, ss. 1-12.
Tran, T. , Truong Pham, N. & Lundgren, J. (2022). A deep learning approach for detecting drill bit failures from a small sound dataset. Scientific Reports, vol. 12
Nnonyelu, C. J. , Jiang, M. & Lundgren, J. (2022). A Lower Bound on the Estimation Variance of Direction-of-Arrival and Skew Angle of a Biaxial Velocity Sensor Suffering from Stochastic Loss of Perpendicularity. Sensors, vol. 22: 21
Carratù, M. , Liguori, C. , Paciello, V. , Pietrosanto, A. , Russo, D. , Sommella, P. & Lundgren, J. (2022). A Sound Level Meter featured with automatic estimation of the measurement uncertainty. Measurement, vol. 188
Hussain, M. , O'Nils, M. , Lundgren, J. & Shallari, I. (2022). A Study on the Correlation between Change in the Geometrical Dimension of a Free-Falling Molten Glass Gob and Its Viscosity. Sensors, vol. 22: 2, ss. 661-661.
Nie, Y. , Sommella, P. , Carratu, M. , Ferro, M. , O'Nils, M. & Lundgren, J. (2022). Recent Advances in Diagnosis of Skin Lesions using Dermoscopic Images based on Deep Learning. IEEE Access, vol. 10, ss. 95716-95747.
Hussain, M. , O'Nils, M. & Lundgren, J. (2021). Multi-Camera Based Setup for Geometrical Measurement of Free-Falling Molten Glass Gob. Sensors, vol. 21: 4
Brugés Martelo, J. M. , Lundgren, J. & Andersson, M. (2021). Paperboard Coating Detection Based on Full-Stokes Imaging Polarimetry. Sensors, vol. 21: 1
Liguori, C. , Ruggiero, A. , Russo, D. , Sommella, P. & Lundgren, J. (2021). Proposal for the automatic evaluation of workers' exposure to acoustic noise following task-based approach. Measurement, vol. 173
Brugés Martelo, J. M. , Thim, J. , Andersson, M. & Liguori, C. (2021). Three-dimensional scanning electron microscopy used as a profilometer for the surface characterization of polyethylene-coated paperboard. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 36: 2, ss. 276-283.
Pasha, S. , Lundgren, J. , Ritz, C. & Zou, Y. (2020). Distributed microphone arrays, emerging speech and audio signal processing platforms : A review. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems, vol. 5: 4, ss. 331-343.
Tran, T. & Lundgren, J. (2020). Drill Fault Diagnosis Based on the Scalogram and Mel Spectrogram of Sound Signals Using Artificial Intelligence. IEEE Access, vol. 8, ss. 203655-203666.
Thim, J. , Reza, S. , O'Nils, M. & Norlin, B. (2015). X-ray imaging of high velocity moving objects by scanning summation using a single photon processing system. Journal of Instrumentation,
Reza, S. , Pelzer, G. , Weber, T. , Fröjdh, C. , Bayer, F. , Anton, G. , Rieger, J. , Thim, J. & et al. (2014). Investigation on the directional dark-field signals from paperboards using a grating interferometer. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 9, ss. Art. no. C04032
Alam, M. A. , O'Nils, M. , Manuilskiy, A. , Thim, J. & Westerlind, C. (2014). Limitation of a line-of-light online paper surface measurement system. IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 14: 8, ss. 2715-2724.
Alam, M. A. , O'Nils, M. , Manuilskiy, A. & Thim, J. (2014). Real time surface measurement technique in a wide range of wavelengths spectrum. IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 14: 1, ss. 285-294.
Reza, S. , Norlin, B. , Thim, J. & Fröjdh, C. (2013). Non-Destructive Method to Resolve the Core and the Coating on Paperboard by Spectroscopic X-ray Imaging. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 28: 3, ss. 439-442.
Alam, A. , Thim, J. , O'Nils, M. , Manuilskiy, A. , Lindgren, J. & Lidén, J. (2012). Online surface characterization of paper and paperboards in a wide-range of the spatial wavelength spectrum. Applied Surface Science, vol. 258: 20, ss. 7928-7935.
Alam, A. , Manuilskiy, A. , Thim, J. , O'Nils, M. , Lindgren, J. & Lidén, J. (2012). Online surface roughness characterization of paper and paperboard using a line of light triangulation technique. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 27: 3, ss. 662-670.
Reza, S. , Wong, W. , Fröjdh, E. , Norlin, B. , Fröjdh, C. , Thungstörm, G. & Thim, J. (2012). Smart dosimetry by pattern recognition using a single photon counting detector system in time over threshold mode. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 7: 1, ss. Art. no. C01027
Alam, M. A. , Thim, J. , Manuilskiy, A. , O'Nils, M. , Westerlind, C. , Lindgren, J. & Lidén, J. (2011). Investigation of the surface topographical differences between the Cross Direction and the Machine Direction for newspaper and paperboard. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 26: 4, ss. 468-475.
Thim, J. , Norlin, B. , O'Nils, M. , Abdalla, S. & Oelmann, B. (2011). Realizing increased sub-pixel spatial resolution in X-ray imaging using displaced multiple images. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 633: Suppl 1, ss. S247-S249.
Thim, J. , Reza, S. , Nawaz, K. , Norlin, B. , O´Nils, M. & Oelmann, B. (2011). Suitable Post Processing Algorithms for X-Ray Imaging using Oversampled Displaced Multiple Images. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 6: 2, ss. Art. no. C02001
O'Nils, M. , Thim, J. , Norlin, B. & Oelmann, B. (2009). Threshold Modulation for Continuous Energy Resolution with Two Channels per Pixel in a Photon Counting X-ray Image Detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 607: 1, ss. 236-239.
Lundgren, J. , O'Nils, M. , Oelmann, B. , Norlin, B. & Abdalla, S. (2007). An Area Efficient Readout Architecture for Photon Counting Color Imaging. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 576: 1, ss. 132-136.
Lundgren, J. , Abdalla, S. , O'Nils, M. & Oelmann, B. (2007). Power Distribution and Substrate Noise Coupling Investigations on the Behavioral Level for Photon Counting Imaging Readout Circuits. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 576: 1, ss. 113-117.
Lundgren, J. , Abdalla, S. , O'Nils, M. & Oelmann, B. (2006). Evaluation of Mixed-Signal Noise Effects in Photon Counting X-Ray Image Sensor Readout Circuits. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 563: 1, ss. 88-91.
Lundgren, J. (2007). Simulating Behavioral Level On-Chip Noise Coupling. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2007 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 25)
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Thim, J. & Norlin, B. (2009). Noise Coupling in Digital X-Ray Imaging. I Medical Imaging: Principles, Detectors, and Electronics. Hoboken : Wiley-Blackwell.
Nnonyelu, C. J. , Jiang, M. , Adamopoulou, M. & Lundgren, J. (2024). A Machine- Learning -based approach to Direction-of-arrival Sectorization using Spherical Microphone Array. I 2024 IEEE 13rd Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM).
Lundgren, J. , Jiang, M. , Laino, V. , Gallo, V. , Carratù, M. & Nnonyelu, C. J. (2024). Accuracy Impact of Increased Measurement Quality when using Pretrained Networks for Classification. I Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference.
Carratù, M. , Gallo, V. , Laino, V. , Liguori, C. , Pietrosanto, A. & Lundgren, J. (2024). Cross-Correlation Estimation in Artificial Neural Network for Uncertainty Assessment. I Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference.
Carratù, M. , Gallo, V. , Liguori, C. , Shallari, I. , Lundgren, J. & O'Nils, M. (2024). Design and Evaluation of a Soft Sensor for Snow Weight Measurement. I Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference.
Adamopoulou, M. , Jiang, M. , Nnonyelu, C. J. , Carratù, M. , Liguori, C. & Lundgren, J. (2024). Improving Cardiac Auscultation Signal Quality by using 4-Channel Stethoscope Array. I Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference.
Hussain, M. , O'Nils, M. , Lundgren, J. , Akbari-Saatlu, M. , Hamrin, R. & Mattsson, C. (2023). A Deep Learning Approach for Classification and Measurement of Hazardous Gases Using Multi-Sensor Data Fusion. I 2023 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS).
Carratu, M. , Gallo, V. , Liguori, C. , Pietrosanto, A. , O'Nils, M. & Lundgren, J. (2023). An innovative method for log diameter measurements based on deep learning. I 2023 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC).
Tran, T. , Bader, S. & Lundgren, J. (2023). Denoising Induction Motor Sounds Using an Autoencoder. I 2023 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS).. S. 01--06.
Tran, T. , Bader, S. & Lundgren, J. (2022). An artificial neural network-based system for detecting machine failures using a tiny sound dataset : A case study. I Proceedings - 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, ISM 2022.. S. 163--168.
Jiang, M. , Nnonyelu, C. J. , Lundgren, J. , Sjöström, M. , Thungström, G. & Gao, S. (2022). Performance Comparison of Omni and Cardioid Directional Microphones for Indoor Angle of Arrival Sound Source Localization. I Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference.
Hussain, M. , O'Nils, M. , Lundgren, J. , Carratú, M. & Shallari, I. (2022). Selection of optimal parameters to predict fuel consumption of city buses using data fusion. I 2022 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS).
Nie, Y. , Carratu, M. , O'Nils, M. , Sommella, P. , Moise, A. U. & Lundgren, J. (2022). Skin Cancer Classification based on Cosine Cyclical Learning Rate with Deep Learning. I Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference.
Carratu, M. , Gallo, V. , Liguori, C. , Pietrosanto, A. , O'Nils, M. & Lundgren, J. (2021). A CNN-based approach to measure wood quality in timber bundle images. I 2021 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC).
Nie, Y. , Ferro, M. , Sommella, P. , Carratù, M. , Cacciapuoti, S. , Di Leo, G. , Lundgren, J. & Fabbrocini, G. (2021). Ensembling CNNs for dermoscopic analysis of suspicious skin lesions. I 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA).
Pasha, S. , Arian, A. & Lundgren, J. (2021). Machine-learnt Beamforming for Large Aperture 3D Microphone Arrays, An Industrial Application. I IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, MMSP 2021.
Pasha, S. , Lundgren, J. & Ritz, C. (2021). Multi-channel electronic stethoscope for enhanced cardiac auscultation using beamforming and equalisation techniques. I 28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO).. S. 1289--1293.
Tran, T. , Huy, K. B. , Pham, N. T. , Carratù, M. , Liguori, C. & Thim, J. (2021). Separate Sound into STFT Frames to Eliminate Sound Noise Frames in Sound Classification. Paper presented at the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2021), Orlando, USA, [DIGITAL], December 5-7, 2021.
Carratú, M. , Liguori, C. , Pietrosanto, A. , O'Nils, M. & Lundgren, J. (2020). A novel IVS procedure for handling Big Data with Artificial Neural Networks. I 2020 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC).
Nie, Y. , De Santis, L. , Carratu, M. , O'Nils, M. , Sommella, P. & Lundgren, J. (2020). Deep Melanoma classification with K-Fold Cross-Validation for Process optimization. I 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA).
Jiang, M. , Lundgren, J. , Pasha, S. , Carratù, M. , Liguori, C. & Thungström, G. (2020). Indoor Silent Object Localization using Ambient Acoustic Noise Fingerprinting. I 2020 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC).
Pasha, S. , Lundgren, J. , Carratù, M. , Wreeby, P. & Liguori, C. (2020). Two-stage artificial intelligence clinical decision support system for cardiovascular assessment using convolutional neural networks and decision trees. I BIOSIGNALS 2020 - 13th International Conference on Bio-Inspired Systems and Signal Processing, Proceedings; Part of 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC 2020.. S. 199--205.
Carratù, M. , Ferro, M. , Paciello, V. , Sommella, P. , Lundgren, J. & O'Nils, M. (2020). Wireless Sensor Network Calibration for PM10 Measurement. I 2020 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIVEMSA).
Pasha, S. , Ritz, C. & Lundgren, J. (2019). A Survey on Ad Hoc Signal Processing : Applications, Challenges and State-of-the-Art Techniques. I 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT).
Nie, Y. , Sommella, P. , O'Nils, M. , Liguori, C. & Lundgren, J. (2019). Automatic Detection of Melanoma with Yolo Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. I 2019 E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB).
Carratu, M. , Liguori, C. , Pietrosanto, A. , O'Nils, M. & Lundgren, J. (2019). Data Fusion for Timber Bundle Volume Measurement. Paper presented at the 2019 IEEE International Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, May 20-23, 2019
Pasha, S. & Lundgren, J. (2019). Multi-Channel Compression and Coding of Reverberant Ad-Hoc Recordings Through Spatial Autoregressive Modelling. I 2019 30th Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC).
Brugés Martelo, J. M. , Andersson, M. , Andersson, H. & Lundgren, J. (2017). Surface topography characterization of high-quality PE coated paperboard using confocal chromatic microscope and 3D SEM stereo-photogrammetry technique. Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 27-29, 2017
Thim, J. , Norlin, B. , O'Nils, M. , Abdalla, S. & Oelmann, B. (2009). Realizing increased sub-pixel spatial resolution in X-ray imaging using displaced multiple images. I 11th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors.
Thim, J. , Manuilskiy, A. , O´Nils, M. , Thörnberg, B. , Lindgren, J. & Lidén, J. (2009). The Impact of Surface Movement in Online Paper Topgraphy Cahracerization Using Light Triangulation. I Proceedings fo the Papermaker´s Research Symposium.
Thim, J. & Norlin, B. (2008). CMOS for Color X-Rays - Where do we go from here? : Invited paper at Emerging CMOS Technologies, Vancouver, Canada, August 2008.
Thim, J. , O'Nils, M. , Manuilskiy, A. & Thörnberg, B. (2008). Simulating the Impact of Topographical Microstructures on Triangulation Measurement Setups using Matlab. I Proceedings of Nordic MATLAB User Conference.
Abdalla, S. , Oelmann, B. , O'Nils, M. & Thim [Lundgren], J. (2007). Architecture and Circuit Design for Color X-Ray Pixal Array Detector Read-Out Electronics. I 24th Norchip Conference, 2006. New York : . S. 271--276.
Lundgren, J. , Ytterdal, T. & O'Nils, M. (2005). Simplified Gate Level Noise Injection Models for Behavioral Noise Coupling Simulation. I Proceedings of the 2005 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design : 28 Aug.-2 Sept. 2005, Cork, Ireland. Piscataway, NJ, USA : . S. 345--348.
Lundgren, J. , Ytterdal, T. , Vonbum, K. & O'Nils, M. (2004). Substrate Noise Coupling models for Behavioral Mixed-Signal Simulation in SystemC. I Proceedings. 4th IEEE International Workshop on System-on-Chip for Real-Time Applications, (IWSOC'04), 2004.. S. 201--205.
Lundgren, J. , Ytterdal, T. & O'Nils, M. (2004). Taking Mixed-Signal Substrate Noise Coupling Simulation to the Behavoral Level using SystemC. I Proceedings of the International Workshop on System-on-Chip for Real-Time Applications (IWSOC 2004)).
Lundgren, J. , Oelmann, B. , Ytterdal, T. , Eriksson, P. , Abdalla, M. & O'Nils, M. (2003). A power-line noise coupling estimation methodology for architectural exploration of mixed-signal systems. I Proceedings of the Southwest Symposium on Mixed-Signa Design.. S. 133--137.
O´Nils, M. , Lundgren, J. & Oelmann, B. (2003). A SystemC Extension for Behavioral Level Quantification of Noise-Coupling in Mixed-Signal Systems. I PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2003 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL III - GENERAL & NONLINEAR CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS Vol 3.. S. 898--901.
Lundgren, J. , Oelmann, B. , Ytterdal, T. , Eriksson, P. , Abdalla, M. & O´Nils, M. (2003). Behavioral Simulation of Power Line Noise Coupling in Mixed-Signal Systems using SystemC. I ISVLSI 2003: IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM ON VLSI, PROCEEDINGS - NEW TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR VLSI SYSTEMS DESIGN.. S. 275--277.
Lundgren, J. (2005). Behavioral Level Simulation Methods for Early Noise Coupling Quantification in Mixed-Signal Systems. Lic.-avh. (Sammanläggning) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2005 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 1)
Lundgren, J. , Ytterdal, T. & O'Nils, M. Noise injection models for behavioral level noise coupling simulation.
Lundgren, J. & O'Nils, M. Simulating behavioral level on-chip noise coupling using systemC.