Veiko Lehsten

Docent|Associate Professor


PhD in Landscape Ecology
Docent in Geography
Work places :
University of Oldenburg Germany (Institute for Landscape Ecology)
Lund University (Institute for physical Geography and Ecosystem Science)
Swiss Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape (Group Landscape Ecology)


Spatial phenomena,
Ecosystem modelling


I am working on a wide range of biogeographical phenomena.
Recently I have been working on modelling of vegetation dynamics (especially migration) wildfires, invasive species, phenology and human population dynamics.


I have been teaching a wide variety of courses at both bachelor as well as master level mainly in the fields of:
Ecosystem Analyses
Spatial Statistics
Greenhouse Gases
Ecosystem Modelling
Global Change


I am currently employed 50% by Lunds University at the Institute of physical Geography and Ecosystem Science and 50% at EJT in Sundsvall. I am also a visiting sientist at the Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape in Zürich. 

In my work I am combining vegetation modelling at a corse scale, (Countries - Europe - the World), with field work at a landscape scale. I am currently performing field studies on Svalbard, Öland, and on another island in the Baltic Kieler Ort where I analyse the spread of an invasive species. 




Artiklar i tidskrifter

Zani, D. , Lischke, H. & Lehsten, V. (2024). The role of dispersal limitation in the forest biome shifts of Europe in the last 18,000 years. Journal of Biogeography, vol. 51: 8, ss. 1438-1457.    

Zani, D. , Lischke, H. & Lehsten, V. (2023). Climate and dispersal limitation drive tree species range shifts in post-glacial Europe : results from dynamic simulations. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 11  

Olen, N. B. & Lehsten, V. (2022). High-resolution global population projections dataset developed with CMIP6 RCP and SSP scenarios for year 2010-2100. Data in Brief, vol. 40  

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-09-13