Christina Melin-Johansson



The main research area is approaches to palliative care with a focus on existential aspects and conversations in health care and education.


Classic existential questions are meaning, death, freedom and loneliness, and can be linked to the physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, labour and educational dimensions. When life is threatened by severe illness, these issues come to the fore and become 'real'.


The focus of the research area is conversations when severe illness and existential aspects as questions of meaning for patients and their relatives, as well as students in health and social care. Research in healthcare and education has not routinely related to existential aspects in palliative care, although these are of importance in relation to individuals' well-being, ability to cope with illness, caring and students' learning. The project is interdisciplinary and is carried out in co-operation with higher education institutions in Sweden and Iceland. The goal is to use quantitative and qualitative methods and complex interventions to increase patients' well-being, deepen knowledge about conversations in palliative care and its implementation, and increase nursing students' knowledge of existential issues.


I am PI for the research programme: Talk for life - conversations in palliative care with four sub-projects:
1. Health care professionals' experiences of discussing existential issues with seriously ill people in specialised palliative care and in special homes,
2. Palliative care consultants' experiences of being consulted by colleagues on existential issues,
3. Health care professionals' experiences of discussing existential issues with children and adolescents and their families,
4. Doctors' and nurses' perceptions of the HOPE forms
usefulness as a conversation tool and how existential support is experienced in the care of patients with palliative care needs.

Other ongoing projects:
- Palliative education intervention in Bräcke Diakoni's elderly care programme elderly care in collaboration with the Betania Foundation and Ersta Sköndal Bräcke Sköndal Bräcke University College - development, introduction and
- Nursing students' attitudes in undergraduate and postgraduate education to care for dying patients
- Palliative care during Covid-19 - an AFA project on the
the impact of the work environment on the quality of care and health of healthcare professionals during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Postgraduate education
-Qualitative methodology
Advanced level - Master in nursing
- Philosophy of science, ethics and evidence-based nursing


Akademiska meriter och examen

I am affiliated to Marie Cedershiöld university college

2020 Professor at the Department of Nursing Mid Sweden University, Campus Östersund.

2018 Professor in nursing science with a specialisation in palliative care Marie Cedershiöld University.

2016 Associate Professor in Nursing

2007 PhD

2001 Specialist nurse specialising in the community

1999 Specialist nurse specialising in surgery

1996 Registered nurse



Artiklar i tidskrifter

Stenman, T. , Rönngren, Y. , Näppä, U. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2024). “Unless someone sees and hears you, how do you know you exist?” Meanings of confidential conversations – a hermeneutic study of the experiences of patients with palliative care needs. BMC Nursing, vol. 23: 1    

Stenman, T. , Näppä, U. , Rönngren, Y. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2023). “Daring to deal with the difficult and unexpected” registered nurses’ confidential conversations with patients with palliative care needs : a qualitative interview study. BMC Palliative Care, vol. 22: 1  

Granrud, M. , Grøndahl, V. A. , Helgesen, A. K. , Bååth, C. , Olsson, C. , Tillfors, M. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Österlind, J. & et al. (2023). Health Care Personnel’s Perspectives on Quality of Palliative Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic : A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, vol. 16, ss. 2893-2903.  

Melin-Johansson, C. , Lagerin, A. , Holmberg, B. & Udo, C. (2023). Talk for life - conversations in palliative care : Establishing a Trusting Relation: Interdisciplinary Strategies. Palliative Medicine, vol. 37: 1 Supplement  

Schenell, R. , Österlind, J. , Browall, M. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Hagelin, C. L. & Hjorth, E. (2023). Teaching to prepare undergraduate nursing students for palliative care : nurse educators’ perspectives. BMC Nursing, vol. 22: 1  

Melin-Johansson, C. , Sveen, J. , Lövgren, M. & Udo, C. (2022). A third of dying patients do not have end-of-life discussions with a physician : A nationwide registry study. Palliative & Supportive Care, vol. 20: 3, ss. 357-362.  

Rönnberg, L. , Nilsson, U. , Hellzén, O. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2022). Beyond the monitors : Anaesthesiologists’ experiences of the process of extubation. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, vol. 36: 4, ss. 988-996.    

Olsson, C. , Dahlen Granrud, M. , Tillfors, M. , Bååth, C. , Abrahamsen Grøndahl, V. , Helgesen, A. , Henoch, I. , Melin-Johansson, C. & et al. (2022). CN26 Nurses caring for patients at the end of life report affected psychosocial work environment when relocated during the COVID-19 pandemic : A cross-sectional study. Annals of Oncology,  

Ozanne, A. , Henoch, I. , Öhlén, J. , Jakobsson Larsson, B. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2022). Impact of an education program to facilitate nurses' discussions of existential issues in neurological care. Palliative & Supportive Care, vol. 20: 5, ss. 630-636.  

Rönnberg, L. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Hellzén, O. , Nilsson, U. & Häggström, M. (2022). Safeguarding the patient : a grounded theory study of registered nurse anesthetists’ main concerns in the process of extubation in the anesthesia setting. BMC Nursing, vol. 21: 1  

Olsson, C. , Dahlen Granrud, M. , Tillfors, M. , Bååth, C. , Abrahamsen Grøndahl, V. , Helgesen, A. K. , Henoch, I. , Melin-Johansson, C. & et al. (2022). Sjuksköterskor som vårdar patienter i livets slutskede rapporterar att deras psykosociala arbetsmiljö påverkades när de omplacerades under Covid-19-pandemin - en tvärsnittsstudie.. Cancervården, : 4

Hagelin, C. L. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Ek, K. , Henoch, I. , Österlind, J. & Browall, M. (2022). Teaching about death and dying—A national mixed-methods survey of palliative care education provision in Swedish undergraduate nursing programmes. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, vol. 36: 2, ss. 545-557.    

Browall, M. , Pakpour, A. H. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Lundh Hagelin, C. , Österlind, J. & Henoch, I. (2021). Development and Psychometric Evaluation of a New Short Version of the Swedish Frommelt Attitudes Toward Care of the Dying Scale. Cancer Nursing, vol. 44: 4, ss. 305-313.  

Fristedt, S. , Grynne, A. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Henoch, I. , Hagelin, C. L. & Browall, M. (2021). Registered nurses and undergraduate nursing students' attitudes to performing end-of-life care. Nurse Education Today, vol. 98  

Danielson, E. , Melin-Johansson, C. & Modanloo, M. (2019). Adherence to treatment in patients with chronic diseases : From alertness to persistence. International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery, vol. 7: 4, ss. 248-257.    

Høgsnes, L. , Norbergh, K. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2019). “Being in Between” : Nurses' Experiences When Caring for Individuals With Dementia and Encountering Family Caregivers' Existential Life Situations. Research in Gerontological Nursing, vol. 12: 2, ss. 91-98.  

Lövgren, M. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Udo, C. & Sveen, J. (2019). Telling the truth to dying children : End‐of‐life communication with families. Acta Paediatrica, vol. 108: 11, ss. 2111-2112.  

Rönnberg, L. , Nilsson, U. , Hellzén, O. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2019). The Art Is to Extubate, Not to Intubate-Swedish Registered Nurse Anesthetists' Experiences of the Process of Extubation After General Anesthesia. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, vol. 34: 4, ss. 789-800.  

Melin-Johansson, C. , Österlind, J. , Hagelin, C. L. , Henoch, I. , Ek, K. , Bergh, I. & Browall, M. (2018). Undergraduate nursing students' transformational learning during clinical training.. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, vol. 24: 4, ss. 184-192.  

Melin Johansson, C. (2017). Att dö på sjukhus. Palliativ vård, : 3, ss. 6-9.

Melin-Johansson, C. , Palmqvist, R. & Rönnberg, L. (2017). Clinical intuition in the nursing process and decision-making : A mixed studies review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, vol. 26: 23-24, ss. 3936-3949.  

Henoch, I. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Bergh, I. , Strang, S. , Ek, K. , Hammarlund, K. , Lund Hagelin, C. , Westin, L. & et al. (2017). Undergraduate nursing students' attitudes and preparedness toward caring for dying persons – a longitudinal study. Nurse Education in Practice, vol. 26, ss. 12-20.  

Haas, B. K. , Hermanns, M. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2016). Case study of persons with cancer participating in a community-based exercise program : An exploration of meaning and change. Qualitative Report, vol. 21: 8, ss. 1409-1424.    

Hagelin, C. L. , Johansson Melin, C. [. , Henoch, I. , Bergh, I. , Ek, K. , Hammarlund, K. , Prahl, C. , Strang, S. & et al. (2016). Factors influencing attitude toward care of dying patients in first-year nursing students. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, vol. 22: 1, ss. 28-36.  

Høgsnes, L. , Danielson, E. , Norbergh, K. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2016). Healthcare professionals' documentation in nursing homes when caring for patients with dementia in end of life - a retrospective records review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, vol. 25: 11-12, ss. 1663-1673.  

Ulff, E. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Maroti, M. & Koinberg, I. (2016). How Patient Involvement Can Contribute to the Development of Information Materials About Malignant Melanoma for Healthy Older Men. Home Health Care Management & Practice, vol. 28: 1, ss. 9-17.  

Martinsson, L. , Axelsson, B. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2016). Patients' perspectives on information from physicians during palliative chemotherapy : A qualitative study. Palliative & Supportive Care, vol. 14: 5, ss. 495-502.  

Melin-Johansson, C. , Lindström, L. , Uski, R. & Björkman-Randström, K. (2016). “The elephant on the table” : spirituality at the workplace in healthcare – a mixed studies review. ,

Høgsnes, L. , Norbergh, K. , Danielson, E. & Melin Johansson, C. (2016). The Shift in Existential Life situation of Adult Children to Parents with Dementia Relocated to Nursing Homes. Open Nursing Journal, vol. 10, ss. 122-130.    

Eriksson, G. , Wahlström Bergstedt, T. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2015). The need for palliative care education, support and reflection among rural nurses and other staff – A quantitative study. Palliative & Supportive Care, vol. 13: 2, ss. 265-274.  

Melin-Johansson, C. , Öhlén, J. , Koinberg, I. , Berg, L. & Jenholt Nolbris, M. (2015). The Recovery Process When Participating in Cancer Support and Rehabilitation Programs in Sweden. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, vol. 2    

Berg, L. , Jenholt Nolbris, M. , Koinberg, I. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Möller, A. & Öhlén, J. (2014). Characterization of cancer support and rehabilitation programmes: a Swedish multiple case study. Open Nursing Journal, vol. 10: 8, ss. 1-7.    

Strang, S. , Henoch, I. , Danielson, E. , Browall, M. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2014). Communication about existential issues with patients close to death-nurses' reflections on content, process and meaning. Psycho-Oncology, vol. 23: 5, ss. 562-568.  

Rafii, F. , Fatemi, N. S. , Danielson, E. , Melin-Johansson, C. & Modanloo, M. (2014). Compliance to treatment in patients with chronic illness : A concept exploration. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, vol. 19: 2, ss. 159-67.  

Browall, M. , Henoch, I. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Strang, S. & Danielson, E. (2014). Existential encounters: nurses' descriptions of critical incidents in cancer care at end of life. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, vol. 18: S1, ss. S35-S35.

Browall, M. , Henoch, I. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Strang, S. & Danielson, E. (2014). Existential encounters: Nurses' descriptions of critical incidents in end-of-life cancer care. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, vol. 18: 6, ss. 636-644.    

Melin-Johansson, C. , Eriksson, U. , Segerbäck, I. & Boström, S. (2014). Reflections of older people living in nursing homes. International Journal of Older People Nursing, vol. 26: 1, ss. 33-39.  

Melin-Johansson, C. , Day, A. , Axelsson, I. & Forslund, I. (2014). Supportive interventions and their impact on pediatric health care professionals’ emotional well-being: A systematic literature review. Clinical Nursing Studies, vol. 2: 4, ss. 60-73.    

Udo, C. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Henoch, I. , Axelsson, B. & Danielson, E. (2014). Surgical nurses’ attitudes towards caring for patients dying of cancer : a pilot study of an educational intervention on existential issues. European Journal of Cancer Care, vol. 23: 4, ss. 426-440.  

Høgsnes, L. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Norbergh, K. & Danielson, E. (2014). The existential life situations of spouses of persons with dementia before and after relocating to a nursing home. Aging & Mental Health, vol. 18: 2, ss. 152-160.  

Henoch, I. , Browall, M. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Danielson, E. , Udo, C. , Johansson Sundler, A. , Björk, M. , Ek, K. & et al. (2014). The Swedish Version of the Frommelt Attitude Toward Care of the Dying Scale : Aspects of Validity and Factors Influencing Nurses' and Nursing Students' Attitudes.. Cancer Nursing, vol. 37: 1, ss. E1-E11.  

Melin-Johansson, C. , Axelsson, I. , Jonsson Grundberg, M. & Hallqvist, F. (2014). When a child dies - parents’ experiences of palliative care : An integrative literature review. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, vol. 29: 6, ss. 660-669.  

Henoch, I. , Strang, S. , Brovall, M. , Danielson, E. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2013). Development of an existential support training program for healthcare professionals. Palliative & Supportive Care, vol. 13: 6, ss. 1701-1709.  

Udo, C. , Danielson, E. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2013). Existential issues among nurses in surgical care - a hermeneutical study of critical incidents. Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 69: 3, ss. 569-577.  

Udo, C. , Danielson, E. , Henoch, I. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2013). Surgical nurses’ work-related stress when caring for severely ill and dying patients with cancer after participating in an educational intervention on existential issues. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, vol. 17: 5, ss. 546-553.  

Henoch, I. , Danielson, E. , Strang, S. , Browall, M. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2013). Training Intervention for Health Care Staff in the Provision of Existential Support to Patients With Cancer : A Randomized, Controlled Study. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, vol. 46: 6, ss. 785-794.  

Melin-Johansson, C. , Henoch, I. , Strang, S. & Browall, M. (2012). Living in the presence of death: An integrative literature review of relatives’ important existential concerns when caring for a severely ill family member. Open Nursing Journal, vol. 6, ss. 1-12.  

Sjöström, R. , Johansson Melin, C. [. , Asplund, R. & Alricsson, M. (2011). Barriers to and possibilities of returning to work after a multidisciplinary rehabilitation programme. A qualitative interview study. Work, vol. 39: 3, ss. 243-250.  

Udo, C. , Melin-Johansson, C. & Danielson, E. (2011). Existential issues among health care staff in surgical cancer care - Discussions in supervision sessions. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, vol. 15: 5, ss. 447-453.  

Starlander, J. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Jonsson, H. & Axelsson, B. (2011). Oral-parenteral conversion factor for morphine in palliative cancer care : a prospective randomized crossover pilot study. Pain Research and Treatment, vol. 2011    

Henoch, I. , Danielsson, E. , Strang, S. , Browall, M. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2011). Patients', family members' and healthcare staffs' opinions about existential issues as a base for an educational intervention. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, vol. 1: 1    

Udo, C. , Danielson, E. & Melin Johansson, C. (2010). Existential Reflections among Nurses in Surgical Care. Journal of Palliative Care, vol. 26: 3, ss. 228-229.

Browall, M. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Strang, S. , Danielson, E. & Henoch, I. (2010). Health care staff's opinions about existential issues among patients with cancer. Palliative & Supportive Care, vol. 8: 1, ss. 59-68.  

Melin-Johansson, C. , Axelson, B. , Gaston-Johansson, F. & Danielson, E. (2010). Significant improvement in quality of life of patients with incurable cancer after designation to a palliative homecare team. European Journal of Cancer Care, vol. 19: 2, ss. 243-250.  

Melin Johansson, T. , Axelson, B. , Ödling, G. & Danielson, E. (2008). The meaning of quality of life: narrations by patients with incurable cancer in palliative home care. Palliative & Supportive Care, vol. 6: 3, ss. 231-238.

Melin Johansson, T. , Axelsson, B. & Danielson, E. (2007). Caregivers' perceptions about terminally ill family members' quality of life. European Journal of Cancer Care, vol. 16: 4, ss. 338-345.  

Melin Johansson, T. , Axelsson, B. & Danielson, E. (2006). Living with incurable cancer at the end of life - patients perceptions on quality of life. Cancer Nursing, vol. 29: 5, ss. 391-399.

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

Melin-Johansson, C. (2021). Närståendes livssituation vid vård av personer i palliativ vård - inriktning demens. I Distriktssköterskans specialistområden. Studentlitteratur AB. S. 475-486.

Melin-Johansson, C. & Udo, C. (2020). Mening. I Palliativ vård : Begrepp och perspektiv i teori och praktik. Studentlitteratur AB. S. 353-367.

Melin-Johansson, C. (2019). Om frihet att göra egna val och frihetens baksidor. I Utsatthet och ansvar : Flickan med svavelstickorna i vår tid. Appell förlag.

Melin-Johansson, C. (2010). Kvalificerad hemsjukvård . I Hemsjukvård. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB.

Melin-Johansson, C. (2010). Vård i livets slutskede. I Hemsjukvård. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB.


Österlind, J. , Östensson, A. , Bisholt, B. , Pusa, S. , Melin-Johansson, C. & Lundh Hagelin, C. (2023). 6 S-modellen för personcentrerad palliativ vård : En undersökning av personalens uppfattningar på vård-och omsorgsboende och i hemtjänst. Paper presented at the 8:e nationella konferensen i palliativ vård, Malmö, 2-4 oktober 2023

Melin-Johansson, C. , Österlind, J. , Bisholt, B. , Pusa, S. & Lundh Hagelin, C. (2023). Palliativ vård vid vård-och omsorgsboenden innan COVID-19 pandemin. Paper presented at the 8:e nationella konferensen i palliativ vård, Malmö, 2-4 oktober 2023

Melin-Johansson, C. , Olsson, C. , Larsson, M. , Tillfors, M. , Granrud, M. , Gröndahl, V. , Helgesen, A. , Sandsdalen, T. & et al. (2023). Palliative care in Sweden and Norway during the Covid-19 pandemic – a combination of a inductive and deductive content analysis. Paper presented at the 5th Nordic Conference in Nursing Research, Reykjavík, Iceland, 2-4 october, 2023

Bååth, C. , Olsson, C. , Tillfors, M. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Granrud, M. , Gröndahl, V. , Helgesen, A. , Sandsdalen, T. & et al. (2023). Personal protective equipment and perceived discomfort among healthcare personnel in Sweden and Norway during the Covid-19 pandemic. Paper presented at the 5th Nordic Conference in Nursing Research, Reykjavík, Iceland, 2-4 october, 2023

Larsson, M. , Olsson, C. , Appelgren, J. , Bååth, C. , Granrud, M. , Gröndahl, V. , Helgesen, A. , Melin-Johansson, C. & et al. (2023). Predictors for Stress of conscience in Swedish and Norwegian healthcare personnel caring for patients in the end of life during the Covid-19-pandemic - A cross-sectional study. Paper presented at the 5th Nordic Conference in Nursing Research, Reykjavík, Iceland, 2-4 october, 2023

Melin-Johansson, C. , Brännström, M. , Wallin, F. & Andersson, S. (2023). The research network for palliative care in the Northern Healthcare Region in Sweden. Paper presented at the 5th Nordic Conference in Nursing Research, Reykjavík, Iceland, 2-4 october, 2023

Stenman, T. , Rönngren, Y. , Näppä, U. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2022). Förtroliga samtal i palliativ vård - Personalens och patienters erfarenheter. Paper presented at the 7:e nationella konferensen i palliativ vård, Göteborg, 5-7 september, 2022

Sundelöf, J. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Holmberg, B. , Thurfjäll, D. & DeMarinis, V. (2022). H.O.P.E : Ett frågeformulär på svenska för att identifiera religiösa, andliga och existentiella behov. Paper presented at the 7:e nationella konferensen i palliativ vård, Göteborg 5-7 september 2022

Larsson, M. , Olsson, C. , Appelgren, J. , Bååth, C. , Granrud, M. , Gröndahl, V. , Helgesen, A. , Melin-Johansson, C. & et al. (2022). Palliativ vård under Covid-19 pandemin – Arbetsmiljön, vårdkvalitet och vårdpersonalens hälsa. Paper presented at the Forum Värmland, Karlstad, 14 februari, 20222

Lundh Hagelin, C. , Melin-Johansson, C. , Ek, K. , Henoch, I. , Österlind, J. & Browall, M. (2022). Undervisning om döende och död : En nationell kartläggning av palliativ vård i svenska sjuksköterskeprogram. Paper presented at the 7:e nationella konferensen i palliativ vård, Göteborg 5-7 september 2022

Ozanne, A. , Henoch, I. , Öhlén, J. , Jakobsson Larsson, B. & Johansson Melin, C. (2021). Impact of an education program to facilitate nurses' discussions of existential issues in neurological care. Paper presented at the EAPC 17th World Congress Online, 2021

Melin-Johansson, C. (2020). Närståendes livsfrågor när en familjemedlem med demens flyttar till särskilt boende. Paper presented at the 19:e utbildningsdagen i Palliativ vård, Östersund

Melin-Johansson, C. , Lövgren, M. , Steen, J. & Udo, C. (2019). End of life conversations from a life cycle perspective. Paper presented at the 16th World congress of the European Association of Palliative Care, Berlin, Germany, May 20-22, 2019

Melin-Johansson, C. , Lindström, L. , Uski, R. & Björkman- Randström, K. (2017). The elephant on the table : spirituality at the workplace in healthcare. Paper presented at the 15th World congress of the European Association of Palliative Care, Madrid, Spain, May 18-20, 2017

Melin-Johansson, C. , Browall, M. & Lundh Hagelin, C. (2017). Undergraduate nursing students’ transformational growth towards a professional nurse during clinical training – A combination of deductive and inductive qualitative content analysis. Paper presented at the 15th World congress of the European Association of Palliative Care, Madrid, Spain, May 18-20, 2017

Melin-Johansson, C. , Öhlén, J. , Koinberg, I. , Berg, L. & Jenholt Nolbris, M. (2016). Cancer Support and Rehabilitation Programs – Characterization of Programs and Experiential Outcomes of Participation. Paper presented at the 9th World research congress of the European Association of Palliative Care in Dublin, Ireland, June 9-11, 2016

Melin-Johansson, C. , Henoch, I. , Lundh Hagelin, C. , Österlind, J. & Browall, M. (2016). Vård i livets slutskede : specialistsjuksköterskors attityder - en longitudinell multicenterstudie. Paper presented at the 4:e nationella konferensen i palliativ vård, Malmö, 15-16 mars 2016

Melin-Johansson, C. (2015). Parents' experiences of palliative care and support when their child is dying. Paper presented at the 6th International Carer conference, Gothenburg.

Høgsnes, L. , Norberg, K. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2015). The existential lifesituation of spouses and adult children to persons with dementia. Paper presented at the 6th International Carer Conference, Gothenburg, 3-6 september, 2015

Melin-Johansson, C. (2013). A Randomised Controlled Study Including Health Care Staff Caring for Patients in Cancer at the End of Life : Results from an Educational Intervention on Existential Support. Paper presented at the 13th World congress of the European Association of Palliative Care in Prague, Czech Republic, May 30-June 2, 2013.

Melin-Johansson, C. (2013). Changed Attitudes among Surgical Nurses Caring for Dying Patients in Cancer - A Pilot Study of an Educational Intervention on Existential Issues. Paper presented at the 13th World congress of the European Association or Palliative Care, Prague, Czech Republic, May 30-June 2, 2013.

Melin-Johansson, C. (2012). Patienters, närståendes och vårdpersonals uppfattningar om existentiella frågor som en bas för ett pedagogiskt projekt. Paper presented at the 2:a Nationella konferensen i Palliativ vård, Stockholm, 13-14 mars, 2012

Melin-Johansson, C. (2011). Patients’, family members’ and healthcare staffs’ opinions about existential issues as a base for an educational intervention. Paper presented at the Presentation vid 2:a konferensen anordnad av International Society of Advance Care Planning and End of Life care, 22-24 June 2011 London, UK

Melin-Johansson, C. & Högsnäs, L. (2010). Dokumentation vid vård av patienter med demenssjukdom i palliativt skede på särskilda boenden – en retrospektiv studie. Paper presented at the 1:a Nationella palliativa konferensen, Stockholm, 12–13 april, 2010

Udo, C. , Melin Johansson, C. & Danielson, E. (2010). Health care staff’s discussions of existential issues in cancer care. I Changing Health. 6th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health. 28th June - 2nd July 2010, Dublin, Ireland..

Melin-Johansson, C. (2010). Vårdpersonalens uppfattningar om existentiella frågor hos patienter med cancer.. Paper presented at the 1:a Nationella konferensen i Palliativ vård i Stockholm

Melin-Johansson, C. (2009). Significant improvement in cancer after designation to a palliative homecare team. Paper presented at the European Association for Palliative care (EAPC). Trondheim

Melin-Johansson, C. (2006). Cancer patients perceptions on quality of life : Cancer patients perceptions on quality of life. Paper presented at the Venedig, Italien. Arrangör European Association for Palliative care (EAPC), 25-27 May, 2006

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-09-13