Ralf Hendrik Menk
Adjungerad Professor |Visiting professor
- Tjänstetitel: Adjungerad Professor
- E-postadress: ralfhendrik.menk@miun.se
- Ort: Sundsvall
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Elektronik
- Elektroteknik
- Forskningscentra:
- Sensible Things that Communicate, STC
In 1993 Ralf Hendrik Menk received his PhD (Dr. rer. nat) in physics at the University Siegen and at HASYLAB at DESY, Germany. After postdoctoral stays at HASYLAB (1993 - 1995) and at the NSLS at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, USA (1995 - 1997) he was rewarded with an individual European Marie Curie Grant (1997 – 1999 CT 961694), which brought him to Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste in Italy. Ralf has been a senior researcher at Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste since 2001 and since 2016 member of the medium level management. Starting from 2013 he has been a permanent lecturer at the University of Trieste, Italy. Occasionally he also served as visiting lecturer at the University Siegen, Germany, at the Politecnico Milano, Italy, at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, and at the ICTP, Trieste. Between 2016 to 2021 Ralf was an adjunct professor at College of Medical Imaging, University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada. From 2022 he is an adjunct professor at Mid Sweden University.
Ralf Hendrik Menk is active in the development of the next generation synchrotron systems and is actively working to upgrade detector technology at Elettra Sincrotrone. He estimates that most synchrotron plants will need new types of imaging detector systems within 5 years. Ralf has the opportunity to involve Mid Sweden University in the development of detectors for synchrotron installations based on multi-channel fixed state detectors with CVP-deposed monocrystalline diamond, or detectors based on III/V elements. He also works with imaging in the soft X-ray area with a backside-lit sCMOS sensor.
Mer information om Ralf Hendrik Menk, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Perion, P. , Brombal, L. , Delogu, P. , di Trapani, V. , Menk, R. H. , Oliva, P. & Arfelli, F. (2024). A high sensitivity wide bandwidth spectral system for multiple K-edge imaging. Journal of Physics D, vol. 57: 35
De Angelis, D. , Longetti, L. , Bonano, G. , Cresi, J. S. P. , Foglia, L. , Pancaldi, M. , Capotondi, F. , Pedersoli, E. & et al. (2024). A sub-100 nm thickness flat jet for extreme ultraviolet to soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, vol. 31: 3 Pt, ss. 605-612.
Rodrigo Perez Vargas, J. , Javier Talavera, R. , Bostel, R. , Rigon, L. , Arfelli, F. , Menk, R. H. , Rocio Foerster, M. , Amilton Foerster, L. & et al. (2024). Autofinding egg parasitoids in moth eggs by using machine learning methods in synchrotron-coherent X-ray imaging. Measurement, vol. 236
Brombal, L. , Arfelli, F. , Brun, F. , Di Trapani, V. , Endrizzi, M. , Menk, R. H. , Perion, P. , Rigon, L. & et al. (2024). Edge-illumination spectral phase-contrast tomography. Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 69: 7
Perion, P. , Arfelli, F. , Menk, R. H. & Brombal, L. (2024). Spectral micro-CT for simultaneous gold and iodine detection, and multi-material identification. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 19: 4
Peiffer, C. , Brombal, L. , Maughan Jones, C. J. , Arfelli, F. , Astolfo, A. , Dreossi, D. , Endrizzi, M. , Hagen, C. K. & et al. (2023). On the equivalence of the X-ray scattering retrieval with beam tracking and analyser-based imaging using a synchrotron source. Journal of Physics D, vol. 56: 45
Norlin, B. , Rahman, H. & Menk, R. H. (2023). Sulfur homogeneity mapping in 2D and 3D can improve packaging paper strength. Paper presented at the Treesearch Insight 2023- Materials Characterization and Processing, Lund University and MAXIV, 24-25 May, Lund, Sweden.