Bengt Söderbergh


2021 - 2023. Energy Analyst and District Heating Key Account. Absolicon Solar Collector AB, Sundsvall.
2017 - 2021. Market and Business Analyst. Stockholm Exergi, Analys och Utveckling, Stockholm.
2014 - 2016. Senior Consultant. Ramboll Oil and Gas Financial Studies Department, Ramboll Copenhagen, Denmark.
2010 - 2013. Senior Oil and Gas Markets Analyst. Fortum Trading and Industrial Intelligence, Fortum Generation, Stockholm.


Energi- och naturresursekonomi.
Min forskning har främst fokuserat på:
Rysk och norsk naturgasproduktion och dess inverkan på europeisk energisäkerhet.
Global olje- och naturgasproduktion
Oljeproduktion från oljesand i Kanada
Kort- och långtidsprognoser för global oljeproduktion.


“Bottom-up modeling of oil production: A review of approaches” Jakobsson, K., Söderbergh, B., Snowden, S., Aleklett, K., Energy Policy Volume 64, (2014), Pages 113-123.

“The end of cheap oil: Bottom-up economic and geologic modeling of aggregate oil production curves” Jakobsson, K., Bentley, R., Söderbergh, B., Energy Policy, Volume 41, (2012), Pages 860-870.

“Oil exploration and perceptions of scarcity: The fallacy of early success” Jakobsson, K., Söderbergh, B., Snowden, S., Li, C., Z., Aleklett, K., Energy Economics, Issue 4, (2012), Pages 1226-1233.

“European energy security: An analysis of future Russian natural gas production and exports” Söderbergh, B., Jakobsson, K., Aleklett, K., Energy Policy, Volume 38, (2012), Pages 7827-7843.

"The peak of the oil age – reviewing the reference scenario World Oil Outlook, in IEA World Energy Outlook 2008." Aleklett, K., Höök, M., Jakobsson, K., Lardelli, M., Snowden, S., Söderbergh, B., Energy Policy, Volume 38, (2010), Pages 1398-1414.

Energy Policy, Volume 38, (2010), Pages 1398-1414."European energy security: The future of Norwegian natural gas production" Söderbergh, B., Jakobsson, Aleklett, K., Energy Policy, Volume 37, (2009), Pages 5037–5055.

“Future Danish oil and gas exports” Höök, M., Söderbergh, B., Aleklett, K. (2009) Energy, 34 (2009): 1826–1834.

"How reasonable are oil production scenarios from public agencies?" Jakobsson, K., Söderbergh, B., Höök, M., Aleklett, K., Energy Policy, Volume 37 (2009), Pages. 4809-4818.

"The evolution of giant oil field production behaviour" Höök, M., Söderbergh, B., Jakobsson, K., Aleklett, K. Natural Resources Research, Volume 18, Number 1, March 2009, Pages 39-56.

"A crash programme scenario for the Canadian oil sands industry." Söderbergh, B., Robelius, F., Aleklett, K. Energy Policy, Volume 35, (2007), Pages 1931-1947.

PhD thesis
“Production from Giant Gas Fields in Norway and Russia and Subsequent Implications for European Energy Security.” Bengt Söderbergh (2010). Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 705. 61 pp. Uppsala. ISBN 978-91-554-7698-4.


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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-12-13