Presents metal 3D printing in China

Tue 27 Aug 2019 08:55

During August 16-18 Andrey Koptyug from the Additive Manufacturing Group at Sports Tech Research Centre was representing Sweden at the International Forum "3D Printing and Intelligent Manufacturing" held by Shanghai Additive Manufacturing Society (SAMA) in Shanghai, China.

Andrey Koptyug

The three-day Forum included presentations of regional dignitaries, SAMA representatives, AM manufacturing leaders from China and international companies represented in China, researchers from across the world, discussion panels, and exhibition of the AM-related machines, materials and products from China. 

Andrey presented the advanced developments in the so-called "Microstructure Engineering" allowing to speak of introducing additional  4th dimension-"material properties"- into 3D printing. Modern technology of metal 3D printing already allows for changing material properties such as hardness, elasticity, heat and sound transfer properties, electrical conductivity, and material composition in each point inside the manufactured components in a single manufacturing process. For example, drills and cutting tools with hard working tips, cooling inner channels and vibration dumping cores can be manufactured without joining different sections made from different materials.


The page was updated 8/27/2019