The project MAGI aims to develop test and lab platforms for sensor technology and lightweight constructions.
On this page you will find news and information from Mid Sweden University, collected under the tag ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING. This page is created based on the tag you clicked to get here.
There are 20 English pages and 23 Swedish pages that are tagged with ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING. The content may vary depending on language.
The project MAGI aims to develop test and lab platforms for sensor technology and lightweight constructions.
Mid Sweden University and global engineering group Sandvik have signed the first partnership agreement between the parties. Within the agreement, an investment is made in an electron beam melting...
The next step is being taken in the development of physical models of a human head and neck in search for better safety against head injuries.
The AMSUSS Project, Additive Manufacturing of SUper-duplex Stainless Steels, is a business-driven initiative focusing on process development, specifically for powder bed fusion methods.
Sports Tech Research Centre collaborates and cooperates with universities all over the world. The latest is a research project together with three universities in Colombia on metal additive...
The project aims to develop a stable working methodology in the long term in order to be able to use the EBM process to repair details.
During August 16-18 Andrey Koptyug from the Additive Manufacturing Group at Sports Tech Research Centre was representing Sweden at the International Forum "3D Printing and Intelligent Manufacturing...
With the help of a constructed surrogate head with many sensors, the researchers hope to gain knowledge of what is happening in the brain during trauma to the head. In this way, even better safety...
På hösten 2015 bestämde sig Sven Forsberg för att satsa helhjärtat på utveckling av sitt företag 2D fab som producerar och säljer grafén. Det har varit en krokig men framgångsrik resa hittills.
The project aims to establish the region of Jämtland / Härjedalen, Västernorrland and Tröndelag as one of Northern Europe's centers for additive manufacturing and strengthening companies in the...
Meet Dmitriy Khrapov from Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia, with a master degree as a nuclear physicist who then changed field of interest to do his PhD in additive manufacturing of materials,...
Ten years ago, Mid Sweden University acquired a 3D-printer for SEK 7 million. It provided researchers with unique opportunities and an advantage over the rest of the world that continues to this day.
Treatment of skeletal cancer is today an extensive procedure, both in terms of the procedure itself, but also regarding the patient's recovery time after surgery. In the project, a new method of...
Being able to keep high speed at steep downhill slopes when running outdoors is an important factor for performance in undulating terrain. However, to date research is sparse regarding the most...
The project "Production efficiency of Additive manufacturing in metal, Pro-A" aims to increase the productivity of additive manufacturing in metal with a new type of heating technology of the powde...
The project INNOKOMP, Innovative powder-based component technology, focuses on powder, a green technology, as raw material for further processing. Part of the project focuses on additive...
The page was updated 10/2/2019