The labs at STC
The labs at STC
At STC there is a well developed research environment. Besides a clean room measuring 250 square metres there is a 3D-lab, optic labs, RF-lab, an x-ray lab and a lab for printed electronics.
Wireless sensor system lab
The laboratory contains instruments, tools, and software for design, prototyping, characterization, and evaluation of embedded systems with a...
Realistic 3D Laboratories
The Realistic 3D laboratories consists of two different labs. In the two labs we have advanced equipment and technology.
Lab for power electronics
The power electronics research group are working with development of power converters, electrical motors, drives and technology for...
X-Ray lab
The X-ray lab is divided in a control room and a fully lead shielded room with X-ray sources and an optical table for experiments.
Lab for printed electronics
The printed electronics lab has facilities for ink-jet printing, screen printing and coating. The main equipment is a Dimatix materials printer...
Communication Systems and Networks lab
The communication systems and networks lab enable research and experiments on wireless technologies, network protocols, distributed systems,...
Vision lab
The Vision lab has facilities for machine vision and optical measurement system. The lab has 8 flexible lab board equipped for prototyping...
IoT testbäddar
Mittuniversitetet erbjuder företag och organisationer möjligheten att utveckla nya produkter, tjänster och koncept i universitetets...
5G testnät
Mittuniversitetet erbjuder företag och organisationer möjligheten att utveckla nya produkter, tjänster och koncept i universitetets...