Dr. Christine Guillemot
Guest professor in image modelling, processing, 2D and 3D video compression and communication from Irisa - Research Institute Computer And Systems Aléatoires, France.
Christine Guillemot is a Research Director att Irisa – Research Instittute And Systems Aléatoreis. She holds a PhD degree from ENST (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications) Paris. From November 1985 to October 1997, she has been with FRANCE TELECOM, where she has been involved in various projects in the area of coding for TV, HDTV and multimedia. From Jan.90 to mid 91, she has worked at Bellcore, NJ, USA, as a visiting scientist. Since November 1997, she is 'Director of Research' at Inria, head of a research team with 20 researchers, PhD students and Postdocs. The areas of research of the group are modelling, representation, compression and processing of visual data (2D and 3D images and video signals, light fields, 360° videos) for various applications.
She has served as Associate Editor for several IEEE journals (IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, …). She is currently Senior Area Editor of IEEE Trans on Image Processing. She is a regular member of program committees of major conferences (SPIE-VCIP, IEEE-ICIP, PCS,EUSIPCO etc.)
Christine Guillemot is a guest professor streangthen the research in image processing and computer vision within the research group Realistic 3D at STC Research Centre.