Diabetes in school (DIS): a qualitative multiperspective study of the school situation for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes
The school situation for children and young people with diabetes is a matter for the family, school, health care and society at large, as previous research results have shown that these children and young people are at risk of poorer health and shorter life expectancy.
Rising Holmström, M. & Söderberg, S. (2023). Experiences of transitions in daily life for parents of children with type 1 diabetes : An interpretive description. Research in Nursing & Health,
Rising Holmström, M. & Söderberg, S. (2022). The lived experiences of young people living with type 1 diabetes : A hermeneutic study. Nursing Open, vol. 9: 6, ss. 2878-2886.
Rising Holmström, M. , Häggström, M. & Söderberg, S. (2021). Supporting young people with type 1 diabetes : experiences from healthcare professionals in Sweden. British Journal of Child Health, vol. 2: 3, ss. 117-124.
Rising Holmström, M. , Häggström, M. & Söderberg, S. (2018). Being Facilitators in a Challenging Context-school Personnel's Experiences of Caring for Youth with Diabetes Type 1. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, vol. 43, ss. e114-e119.
Rising Holmström, M. , Häggström, M. & Söderberg, S. (2018). Experiences from Parents to Children with Diabetes Type 1.. JSM Health Education Primary Health Care, vol. 3: 2
Rising Holmström, M. , Häggström, M. , Audulv, Å. , Junehag, L. , Coyne, I. & Söderberg, S. (2017). To integrate and manage diabetes in school: Youth's expereinces of living with Type 1 diabetes in relation to school- a qualitative study. International Diabetes Nursing, vol. 14: 2-3
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