Studymotivation in upper secondary school
This research project is about understanding how high school students and teachers look upon study motivation. The overall aim is to develop methods to avoid the problem of incomplete grades and lack of motivation.
In recent years, the upper secondary school has reported low throughput, a high proportion of students with incomplete grades and a lack of motivation. 53 percent of high school students state that they feel low study motivation. Measures are needed to change the negative trend.
The project Motivation in upper secondary school, has been going on for three years and is based on an extensive student survey and interviews with both students in four upper secondary school programs. The results have shown both differences and similarities in teachers' and students' views on study motivation. It has also resulted in didactic implications for teachers' and work teams' work in the classroom to increase students' study motivation. In addition, three scientific articles have been published about the results, and a book on study motivation will be published in Student Literature 2021.
The project has now been expanded to include three new high school programs but also classes in primary school. It is financed by the collaboration agreement between Mid Sweden University and the municipality of Sundsvall.
Project period
Research groups
Municipal cooperation
Project leader

Project members